Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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by kikiscamps_mom

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Great stories!


A Hand to Guide You: Part Three
While traveling through the purplish-blackness, I was again grabbed by the hands and whisked away, this time through a small rip in the fabric of time. I landed with a thud on a green, grassy hill, tumbling head over heels down the rolling slope...

by spunkyclaire


Cross Word Puzzles
13 got me Down, and 27 got me VERY uh, Cross...

Art by x_b0b0_x

by patjade


Shades of Grey: Part One
Her cloak had so many holes in it that it provided only a little warmth, but Telera grasped it tightly for sentimental reasons, as it was her only remaining possession. Everything else that mattered to her had been stripped from her...

by cloudybliss


Teed Off
It was horrible!

by plaquenil

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