Apoc vs. the Morphing Potions by mystery_island111223
"Apoc, come downstairs, breakfast is ready!" Apoc the Christmas
Bori put down hs Darigan Kougra plushie and went downstairs.
"Morning, Apoc, did you sleep well?" his owner
MI asked, ruffling Apoc's fur.
"Don't do that!" cried Apoc. "I'm an evil dictator
and I don't want my fur ruffled!"
"Sure," his owner replied. "You just focus your
evil energy on this Neocrunch."
"What!? Evil dictators don't eat neocrunch!
Did Sloth eat neocrunch? What about Captain Scarblade? 'Aar, gimme my neocrunch'?
I don't think so!"
At that point MI shoved a spoonful of neocrunch
into Apoc's mouth. Enraged, Apoc spat it out across the table onto his Kougra
brother Junglecat, who was polishing his newly purchased Kougra claws.
"MI! Get him out of here!!!" cried Junglecat,
who was trying to jump at Apoc, but slipping in neocrunch.
"Okay, school's about to start. Both of you
get going. Bye cutie!" said MI.
"Cutie?" asked Junglecat.
"I was talking to Apoc," said their owner. With
that the two left, Apoc spitting bits of cereal and Junglecat muttering something
about favouritism, leaving their owner to throw out the neocrunch, deciding
from now on to serve his pets toast.
As Apoc sat down in class a strange looking
Hissi walked up to him.
"Hi Apoc, do you mind if I sit here?" she asked.
"Yes," Apoc said darkly.
"You're funny. Here, want me to show you my
new ball?" She then proceeded to open her backpack. Apoc was about to offer
to do it for her given that she had no arms when it slipped and her school supplies
fell out on him. He was about to open his mouth when the Hissi spoke first.
"Aaaw, you're so cute. Would you like a lollipop?"
she asked.
At that point Apoc lost it.
"I'm not cute!" he screamed. "I'm an evil genius!
What part aren't you people getting? What part of me screames adorable little
neopet!? Can't you look past that!? Don't you care about the evil things I've
done? What's wrong with you!?" To prove his point (which was likely that he
was temporarily insane) Apoc jumped out the classroom window, which was really
quite a bad idea, as it was closed.
After a quick trip to the hospital Apoc returned
home. He hid in the yard until his owner went to the market. At that point he
crept inside and up to his brother's bedroom. His brother, who was named MinionForApoc
(or Min) had been sick with Neomonia for a week.
Min's bedroom looked identical to Apoc's - Sloth
posters everywhere, a few mutant plushies, weapons scattered across the floor,
and a big pile of files on evil crimes they had committed. Apoc called out to
his brother.
"Hey Min," said Apoc. The yellow Tonu turned
to face Apoc.
"Apoc!" Min cried. "Shouldn't you be at school?"
"No, I need your help. See, everyone thinks
I'm really cute. They treat me like a baby. How can I enslave Neopia if I can't
strike fear into the hearts of everyone?"
"Well duh," said Min. "You're a Christmas Bori.
What do you think, your tail will scare them? You've got little berries attached
to it. You should get painted mutant or something."
"Aw, but I can't afford it. Plus, Bori don't
come in mutant!"
"So?" said Min. "We'll go out and get you a
nice Transmorgifi- Transmogirf- those things Sloth sells, and you'll be terrorizing
the public in no time!"
"Thanks Min!" cried Apoc as he hugged his brother.
"No sweat," said Min. "Hey, you do know neomonia's
contagious, right?" Apoc's eyes widened.
"Greetings kind sage. We have heard that you
know much of these shops. We request a minimally priced elixir which if drunk,
will transform the drinker into an object of immense fear and preferable strength!"
Apoc turned to the JubJub expectantly. "Come now, while we're still young!"
The shop wizard blinked.
"He wants a cheap transmogrification potion!"
said Min.
"Oh," replied the shop wizard. "Do you care
which kind? Because we've got a good bargain on a mutant Krawk one. Only 250
000. Bargain of a lifetime!"
"Excellent!" said Apoc.
"Bleaugh!" Apoc cried as he drank the potion.
"What's in that!?" Before Min could answer Apoc grew a tail, then another eye.
As his fur turned to scales, and his mouth became a snout, he began to laugh.
"This is it!" Apoc roared, flexing his new body.
"Neopia will be mine!"
"So what should we dominate first?" asked Min,
as they travelled along past a stream. "Cause I always liked Terror Mountain,
and it's a good strategic location!"
"Yes, but the space station could let us gain
access to Sloth technology." argued Apoc. Suddenly their debate was cut short
by an Aisha running towards them.
"Isn't that Loretta Fontaine from the Golden
Dubloon?" asked Apoc.
"Don't move!" cried Loretta, taking out a tranquilizer.
"The chef needs new ingredients for the krawk pie!"
Min and Apoc dived into the stream. As Loretta
looked about, then walked off, Apoc gave Min a look, and they began to head
back towards the shop wizard.
"Hello again," the friendly JubJub said. "The
potion not work out? Ah well, we've got a nice Jetsam one at just 180 000. What
about it? No, don't you answer, just the Tonu!"
"That'll be great. You'll scare the public,
and be limited edition too!" Apoc nodded in agreement.
One hideous DNA altering process later, Apoc
shook the liquid off his scales. He whipped his tentacles around and ground
his teeth happily. The shop wizard was looking more and more delicious. Oh yes.
This was a Jetsam.
"So how is it?" asked Min. Apoc opened his mouth
to respond and choked. He tried to speak but no words came out. He felt around
on his neck and to his horror found gills. Oops.
Apoc crawled to a stream and dove in. He sucked
the water in through his mouth and swam around for a bit. He sighed. There couldn't
be a more perfect form for world domination, but how could he enslave the planet
while underwater? Reluctantly he swam up to the surface. Min handed him another
potion. Apoc chugged it without a second thought.
He instantly felt the change. Firstly he shrunk.
Then his teeth jutted out. His ears pointed and he could suddenly hear Min telling
the shop wizard how ugly he looked. He smiled. He was a mutant Cybunny.
"This is great!" Apoc cried. "And I don't think
I could jinx us by saying nothing could possibly go wrong!" He hopped off, with
Min right behind him.
Apoc decided to inform the public of his world
domination. Now most world dominators use a signal to display their message
worldwide, but Apoc didn't have any of that so he quite simply walked into the
grooming parlour and screamed it to everyone there.
"Greeting world!" Apoc cried. "Within a few
hours I will dominate the earth. I sincerely hope you enjoy your last hours
of freedom!" He suddenly stopped. All the pets in the shop were staring at him.
"Look at the Cybunny!" one cried.
"I think it has Bloaty Feet!" said another.
"Get it!" cried a third. Apoc turned around
to find it was Min who said the last one. He glared at the Tonu and began running.
A few hours later Apoc and Min collapsed near
a field.
"Please Apoc, this isn't working. Just buy a
Bori morphing potion, a paint brush, and we'll go home!" Min stared at Apoc
"No way!" cried Apoc. "But you may have something.
Maybe we're going about this all wrong. Maybe mutant isn't the ideal colour
for world domination!"
"I think you're right!" said Min. "What about
"Good thinking," replied Apoc. "Maybe a Halloween
"Yeah!" cried Min. "They look odd, but not scary
enough to make a vicious mob of hairstylists and tavern waitresses come after
you. It'll be great!"
So Apoc went back to the shop wizard. He bought
a Blue Aisha Morphing Potion and Halloween Paint Brush and sprinted off to the
Rainbow Pool. Ten minutes later he returned.
"This is great," Apoc said. "Why didn't I try
this years ago?"
"Because you're only nine months old!" said
"Shut up!"
At that moment a Lupe came up.
"Hello ma'am," he said. "Nice costume!"
Apoc promptly grabbed the Lupe by his collar
and hung him at the top of the Mystery Island volcano.
"Don't say a word, just change me," Apoc said.
"I"ve got it! The key to world domination is the element of surprise. And nobody
would suspect someone like a baby to dominate Neopia. Maybe I should become
a baby!"
Min moaned, feeling sure that both MI would
notice the 1 600 000NP they had taken, and that Apoc's infant lifestyle would
end wretchedly. But nevertheless he bought first a Yellow Chia Morphing Potion,
then a baby paint brush. Apoc was soon a drooling yellow chia, who immediately
began to cry.
"Ssshhh don't worry, mommy's here!" said Min.
The baby's face darkened.
"What did you say?" asked Apoc.
"What? But you were crying!"
"Are you implying that you are my mother?"
"No I-"
"Cause you really shouldn't say that. It's creeping
me out!"
"Hey what were you crying over in the first
At that Apoc went red.
"I, uh, kinda made an accident!"
Min stepped back.
"Well? This was your idea, change me!"
Min was about to point out that this whole mess
was Apoc's idea, but the process of changing him was much too distracting. Min
stepped back and tripped over a log.
"Fine!" cried Apoc, picking up the brush. "Then
let's see how you like it!" With a swift movement the startled Tonu had become
a giggling infant who was eating his bib.
"You widdle! Aaah! Wook at this! Change me!
"No bite! Waaaa!"
This continued until a passerby tossed them
Christmas and yellow paint brushes. They got up, relieved not to be in diapers
When they headed back home MI greeted them.
"Hurry in," he said. "It's not safe out there!
They say there's a crazed mutant Cybunny with big feet outside!" Apoc rolled
his eyes. Everything was back to normal.
As Apoc sat on his bed and listened to his owner
find his bank now had 1 600 000NP less than that morning he turned to Min.
"That was a huge waste of time," Apoc said,
listening to his owner's screams. "We wasted over a million neopoints for absolutely
"Well you learned appearances aren't important,"
replied Min.
"What? That's completely untrue! Loretta tried
to cook me as a Krawk, they attacked me as a Cybunny, and I suffered gender
confusion as an Aisha. Where have you been?" Apoc got up. "I'm going for a walk."
As Apoc walked down the hall Junglecat passed
"Hey Apoc!" he called. "Comb that hair. Your
haircut makes you look just like Sloth. Ha!"
Apoc stared at the mirror. Junglecat was right.
He did look like Sloth!
Apoc smiled. He would take over Neopia yet.
The End