Blessing: Part Three by numbertwelve
They had not travelled far from her mother's house, on the
Meri Acres Farm, when Allara stopped abruptly and turned her gaze towards her
travelling companion, the tiny, mysterious Mi Toria.
"What did you say to my mother?" Allara inquired,
knowing that something important had to have transpired for her mother's mood
to shift so abruptly from anger and denial to complete acceptance of the strange
She eyed the little Miamouse, her expression
demanding an answer, and finally Mi Toria reluctantly explained what she had
said. "I told your mother that you have a gift. A power that you do not understand.
A power that will help Fyora battle Bayoragan. Then I explained that I would
show you how to use your gift at will and lead you to Faerieland to speak to
the Queen of the Faeries."
"You will teach me how to use my gift?" Allara
asked and her incredulous tone betrayed her overwhelming sense of doubt. "How
do you know anything about my gift?"
Mi Toria could not really claim to know much
at all about Allara's abilities. She knew about as much of Allara's gift as
Allara did herself, with one exception. "I understand the source of your power,"
the Miamouse began slowly. "It comes from a single overwhelming emotion. All
you need to do is figure out what you felt at the exact second your power was
released. Then you will be able to call upon that innate magical ability whenever
you need it, simply by feeling that emotion."
Allara stared at the tiny Miamouse, her expression
shifting between awe and disbelief. "You are telling me that all I need to do
is channel a specific emotion to use my ability?"
They walked on for a long while without saying
anything to one another. Mi Toria decided it was best that Allara think long
and hard about her power without being interrupted, while Allara didn't have
a clue what to say.
Finally the tiny Miamouse broke the silence.
"What was it you said when Bayoragan was rushing towards you?"
Allara stopped walking for a brief moment as
she wrestled back through the traumatic experience, trying to remember what
the Miamouse could possibly be referring to. Then she recalled something she
hadn't remembered before. Turning to face Mi Toria, she spoke the words again.
"Mom, I need you."
Mi Toria's eyes lit up. "And what emotion were
you feeling when you said that!" she exclaimed excitedly.
"Sadness," Allara replied, wondering if sorrow
could truly be the source of her power. What a strange and dark twist of fate
it would be if she could only call upon her powers by being sad.
"How strange," Mi Toria mused, echoing Allara's
doubt. "Then perhaps it wasn't what you felt as you uttered those words, but
what you felt afterwards..."
"Courage!" Allara suddenly shouted. "When the
creature was charging towards me, I stood up and faced the beast. Yailwin said
it too! It was courage."
"Truly?" Mi Toria asked, skepticism edging her
tone. "Courage is not really an emotion at all, more a state of mind."
"Perhaps you don't understand my abilities as
well as you claim?" Allara replied dryly, shooting the Miamouse a look that
betrayed humorous undertones. She knew without a doubt that what she had felt
was an overwhelming feeling of courage. She had wanted to best the creature
and return to her mother and so she had banished all the fear from her heart.
She had stood up and faced Bayoragan without any feelings of trepidation.
She was intent on proving herself to Mi Toria
and so she stood silently, concentrating until her mind was focussed on one
thing and one thing alone.
Mi Toria watched the child, an expression of
awe clearly etched across her countenance. For someone as young as Allara, the
Acara was showing an incredible amount of discipline and determination.
Allara continued to channel the feeling that
welled within her body. Clapping her hands together before her she willed herself
to feel courageous once more. She could feel the awesome power as it grew within
her being, rapidly reaching its boiling point.
When she opened her eyes again she realized that
she was several inches from the ground, her hands clamped so tightly together
that they looked like a single entity before her. Then it happened just as it
had before, an explosion of light burst forth from her body, blasting out across
the land, eradicating any shadows in the area and leaving Mi Toria dazed and
Her body began to shake as she exerted herself
to her fullest and when she could not continue for another second, she collapsed
to the ground.
Mi Toria was by her side in an instant, blinking
away the momentary blindness caused by the brilliance of Allara's magical display.
The tiny Miamouse gently brushed up against her, not knowing if she would fade
into unconsciousness again. "Don't sleep," Mi Toria pleaded, "we have a long
way to travel and time is short."
Allara's eyes suddenly blinked open and she shot
up to a sitting position. "Beautiful..." she gasped breathlessly, sucking air
into her deprived lungs. "Now I just need to control the power."
Once again Mi Toria found herself taken aback
by the determination of this whelp of an Acara.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Allara
asked and it was then that the Miamouse realized she had been staring at her
for some time without saying a word.
"My apologies," she replied. "You just continue
to amaze me."
Allara's smile was so wide it nearly took in
her ears. Her expression quickly faded, however, as a feeling of responsibility
welled within her. "We need to get going though," she said determinedly. "We
need to get to Fyora before Bayoragan does."
Mi Toria knew that the young Acara was right
again and so she helped Allara to her feet and the two quickly set off across
the land once more, making their way towards Brightvale. Apparently, Mi Toria
knew a way to get to Faerieland and that route would take them straight through
the countryside of the land ruled by King Hagan the Wise. Allara had never been
anywhere outside of Meridell before; she only wished that she could have visited
Brightvale under more leisurely circumstances.
The night sky began to glow brightly once more
as the sun threatened to reclaim its dominance of the heavens. Mi Toria turned
her eyes to the stars, staring for a long while and whispering a prayer for
Allara stood back, understanding the importance
of this moment to the tiny Miamouse; she waited patiently until Mi Toria joined
her once more.
It had been a full day since Allara had set out
to the market and, had it not been for her collapse, it would have been a full
day since she had slept. She shook her head more than once, fighting off the
bleariness in her eyes as they trekked across the open countryside of Brightvale.
Mi Toria, on the other hand, seemed full of energy as she led the way through
hills and dales, meadows and densely wooded forests.
The sun was dipping low on the horizon once more
when, at long last, the two companions came to a large clearing surrounded by
nearly impenetrable twisting tree limbs. Allara knew without a doubt that she
would not have been able to find this place alone. But, she mused, that was
probably the point.
Mi Toria turned her head up, indicating for Allara
to do the same. The Acara leaned back, looking straight up into the sky above
her and there, floating thousands of feet in the air, was a single enormous
cloud surrounded by dozens of others. It could only be Faerieland.
"It is magnificent," Allara breathed, "but how
do we get up there?"
As if in answer to her question, a large cloud
came in to view just above the top of the trees, and then, slowly, and to Allara's
complete surprise, settled in the centre of the clearing.
"That's how!" Mi Toria shouted, smiling triumphantly.
The two made their way quickly across the clearing
where Mi Toria proceeded to leap up on to the cloud. Allara took a more delicate
approach patting the cloud to ensure that it was sturdy. Then she slowly climbed
up on to the cloud and was still surprised to find that she did not pass through...
As soon as she was sitting comfortably on the
cloud, it exploded into motion, shooting straight up into the sky and heading
rapidly towards Faerieland.
Allara was scared at first, but soon came to
enjoy the ride, even crawling to the edge of the cloud to look over at the world
far below. What a site that was! She could see all of Meridell, Brightvale,
and the surrounding countries as the cloud whizzed higher and higher into the
sky. Never had she thought such a thing possible.
The stars were much more intense as they came
out, signalling the coming once more of the night and the great moon Kreludor
rose up like a giant waxy orb of dim light, paling in comparison to the brilliance
of the Neopian sun.
When at long last the cloud came to rest upon
the borders of Faerieland, Allara had slept for several hours, her excitement
leading to exhaustion and then to a peaceful slumber. Mi Toria had watched over
her friend while she slept, knowing that soon trying times would befall the
young Acara. She only hoped that Allara had what it would take to defeat Bayoragan.
Far below the cloud kingdom of Faerieland, another
form crept into the hidden clearing. Bayoragan herself, having recovered from
her initial encounter with Allara, had returned. Fires burned deep within her
hollow, sunken eyes. Her flesh continued to writhe about her form, fighting
to hold her evil tainted being together.
She spread her fetid wings wide, waiting for
a strong breeze to carry her up into the sky. She knew that no cloud would come
to her call, for she was not welcome in the lands ruled by Fyora.
That thought only fuelled her anger.
As she at last caught a strong gust of wind and
swooped up into the night, there was only room for one emotion burning within
Bayoragan's empty soul.
To be continued...