Tyrannian Pets... Are They Stupid, or Merely Simple? by sarahreye
TYRANNIA - Tyrannian Pets…are they really less intelligent than normal neopets?
There have been many stories of Tyrannian pets that are less intelligent than
a normal one. Now, even if this is most likely to be true, from the way they
live, behave and get along socially, you have to investigate it from every angle.
Many people paint their pets Tyrannian for various reasons. They want a rare
pet, they want it to match their neopet’s design, or they simply want it to
look cool. Now, you may think these people are taking a real risk by painting
their pets Tyrannian, but the truth behind it, is that paintbrushes don’t adjust
your pet's intelligence.
For example, you may think that if you paint your pet baby, it will adopt the
brain of one. This is not so. If anything, many baby pets are actually more
intellectual than an average one due to the owner having many neopoints to buy
neggs and such. In truth, the only way to change your pet’s intelligence is
by making it higher using Coltzan's shrine, or zapping it higher or lower ways
using the secret lab ray.
So, we have established the point that your pet’s intelligence cannot be altered
using a paintbrush.
But what about the natives? Or rather, the original Tyrannian pets, such as
the Tyrannian council, and the mascots of Kacheekers and the other games in
the plateau? Are they less intelligent? Well, that is what must be investigated,
by looking at these points.
You often see the natives around Tyrannia using unusual language. The shopkeepers
show such examples. The Chia shopkeeper from the Tyrannian Food Store uses words
such as, “Ugga.” Other shopkeepers use similar speech, and other weird words
such as, “Aka’ and “Gal”. Other examples are in the names of things, such as
the game, “Tyranu and Evavu”. This shows some sign of Tyrannian neopets being
dim-witted, although you can never tell if it is the speech of the native people
living there.
Life Style
Most of the plateau and the jungle of Tyrannia is covered with large grey stones,
giant round boulders and rocks with gaping holes in the middle. This just goes
to show that either the Tyrannians are excellent in the art of stone crafting,
or they just have a lot of spare time. But then you venture towards the houses
and shops, and see they too are made of stone. There are also small huts built
from simple materials, such as straw. This could leave some trace of dumb behaviour,
or it could simply mean that the Tyrannian pets have limited resources.
The Strong Factor
Many of the Tyrannian pets are strong, and stupid, such as the Tyrannian Scorchio
in “Volcano Run” who stupidly enters a volcano and stays in there too long,
and, instead of going back the way he came, ventures further inward. This is
a definite flaw in the intellect of the Tyrannian people, but is it just this
one Scorchio? Many of the pets' strength leads them to be aggressive, such as
many of the Grarrls, including the battle master in the council.
The Tyrannian people have had a reputation of being dim-witted for many centuries.
In the ancient textbooks, it states that the Tyrannian people were one of the
first cultures of neopets on the surface of Neopia. As the other civilisations
kept going forth, inventing new things, and learning from their mistakes, the
Tyrannian neopets kept their simple life, building little shelter, making simple
games that even the smallest of brains could finish, and never inventing things
other than those necessary.
The Tyrannian neopets often have features that make them look stupid, such
as an overlapping brow or scruffy fur. They dress in old animal skins, and carry
clubs around, showing that they are proud of being great hunters. But there
are no office buildings. No hotdog stands, shopping centres, modern houses,
clothing stores, lodges or toyshops. The only thing they have that is close
to modern is the Concert Hall located in the Plateau.
The Obsession with Giant Blocks
A new game, “Destruct – o – Match 2” proves the fact that Tyrannians are obsessed
with giant blocks of different styles, shapes and colours. There are blocks
around the Battledome, blocks around the Concert Hall, rectangular blocks around
the whole civilisation and blocks used for booths and stalls. This has been
debated about much, as to whether it is a simple obsession, or the Tyrannian
pets are so dumb, they play with things that would make a baby interested. This
is yet to be decided, as you never know what they think. Then again, try asking
them, and they will simply grunt and give you a block, so this point may be
leading somewhere in the direction of them being stupid.
Keeping track of time
You can see from the Wheel of Monotony located in the centre of the Plateau
that Tyrannian people aren’t very good with handling time. Point A is that the
Quiggle has a sundial strapped to his arm, a primitive invention created years
ago that it is hardly ever accurate. Point B is that they have timed the wheel
so badly that it goes for ages and ages and ages and ages and…. You get the
Tyrannian Hygiene
Most pets in the Tyrannian section seem to look very non-hygienic. This is
a large question as to whether they are smart enough to have found a way to
keep themselves well kept. Is it a trend to be untidy and smelly, or is that
a clue as to their IQ?
Tyrannian Food
Most Tyrannian food consists of something chopped up. An arm, a piece of meat,
meat on twigs, bones, wood, anything they can find. It’s odd to think that you
could be eating the arm of something that hasn't been cooked thoroughly. A lot
of their food is stuff they have found in the jungle around them. Prehistoric
animals, unusual fruits and plants, or even small sea creatures and insects.
We come to the conclusion that most of the population of the Tyrannian people
are simple folk, making furniture out of stone, living peacefully but never
doing anything that makes them look out of the ordinary or smart. But is this
defined as stupid?
These could be vital points as to the intelligence of the Tyrannian neopets.
Were they stupid from the beginning? Or are they just intellectual in the way
that they can survive with little resources?
You be the judge.