Growing Up by elegantemperess
"All A's again, Pinky?" my owner asked. Ella had straight
black hair and kind hazel eyes that always greeted me when I came home from Neoschool.
"I didn't look at it yet, but probably yes!"
I replied. I happily pulled her report card out of my Air Faerie Backpack and
waved the envelope frantically around Ella's face.
"Calm down, Pinky!" Ella told me. She was busy
counting the small pile of Neopoints on the table. She frowned, putting the
last coin down on the table. Times were hard nowadays, and with Christmas coming,
I was starting to wonder if we were getting any presents. Inside, I certainly
didn't care, but my bossy sister, PrincessSapphire100, aka Sapphire, would but
outraged. I made a mental note to give her a talking to about what would probably
happen this Christmas.
"Okay, my precious little red Uni," she said
finally. "Let me see it!"
She gently took the envelope out of my red hooves
and opened it. "An A in reading," she read. "An A+ in math, and A in geography
and an A- in gym. Excellent!" she exclaimed, hugging me.
"I would've gotten an A+ in gym if Sally the
Lenny hadn't tossed the ball at me when I wasn't looking!" I complained tossing
my furry arms in the air. "She was just jealous of me."
"I know," Ella said understandingly. "But wait!
We didn't read the comments!" She looked at the bottom of the paper and read,
"Pinky is such a delight to have in my class, but she has grades high enough
to be promoted to the sixth grade! I understand that jumping two grades seems
highly unrealistic, but Pinky has proven herself to the smartest Neopet in the
whole school! Please send me a Neomail before the weekend is over to verify
is she would like to take the challenge. Sincerely, Mrs. Williams." Ella looked
at me with a smile on her face. "Well?" she asked.
At first I couldn't believe it. Skip two whole
grades? It would be a great opportunity for my education! I'd finish Neoschool
much faster than everyone else and would have the rest of my young life to spend
at home reading and other things. How could I resist?
"I'll take the challenge!" I said with enthusiasm.
Ella gave me a huge hug, with a tear dropping down her check. "I'm so proud
of you," she whispered to me. "Keep on doing your best."
As soon as Blake (PrinceBlake100) came home from
the Training School and Sapphire came home from a Gourmet Club Meeting, I told
them all the good news.
"That's awesome!" said Blake. Blake, the blue
Lupe was a good brother on all aspects. He was always proud of my accomplishments
in school. He attended school too and had average grades, but today was his
monthly trip to the Training Academy. I was surprised to see that Ella scraped
up enough Neopoints.
"Um... that's great!" Sapphire said while looking
at her nails. I could tell she wasn't happy for me. She never was. Sapphire
was a red Usul with plenty of attitude. She was completely focused on eating
gourmet food and buying items from the Grooming Parlor. She never got any good
grades and didn't really care. She now spun around and sighed. "Good luck,"
she said and stalked off to her room. Sapphire had been in a bad mood ever since
Ella started making less Neopoints.
"Don't pay attention to her!" Blake said, patting
me on the back. "I think this is a great opportunity for you! Don't give up,
no matter what!" Then he left, leaving me alone in the Family Room.
As soon as they left, I Neomailed my friend from
school, PrincessKiara056, who everyone called Kiara. She was a green Zafara
who was just like me. She loved school and always did her best. She also had
a petpet, a Magaral named Little Kiara. In the Neomail I put:
Dear Kiara,
Guess what? On Monday, I will be in the sixth
grade! Yup, my teacher, Mrs. Williams said that I can skip not one, but two
grades! This is so exciting, but I guess this means I won't be in your class
anymore. I hope we can still keep in touch!
Your Friend,
I then sent off the Neomail. A couple of minutes
later I got this is response:
Dear Pinky,
Congrats! I knew you were just too smart to stay
in fourth grade forever! I hope you won't be too lonely in your new class.
No matter what we will always be best friends!
Your Friend,
I closed up the letter after reading it three
times. "What did Kiara mean when she said 'I hope you won't be too lonely in
your new class.' Of course I won't be lonely! I'll make plenty of new friends!
She'll see."
But the back of my mind I knew Kiara might be
I spent the whole weekend cuddled up in my room
reading my favorite book Illusen's Novel. How could everything go so
wrong? Ever since I Neomailed Kiara, my head kept buzzing around with how my
first day in sixth grade would go. Would I make tons of new friends or would
people pick on me and isolate me? I'm used to everyone looking up to me for
being smart, but now . . . How would sixth graders feel about it? I almost broke
down and asked Ella to Neomail Mrs. Williams and tell her I didn't want to go
to sixth grade, but I couldn't. I remembered how Ella was so proud of me when
I told her I got promoted. She told me to 'Keep doing my best." "Doing my best
doesn't mean backing out of a great opportunity," I told myself. I slowly drifted
off to sleep.
"Who's the new kid?"
"Is she a transfer student?"
"I wonder how she got here?"
Whispers surrounded me as I walked down the hallways
of Mystery Island Elementary. I looked at the numbers for each of the doors,
trying to find room sixty-six, my new room.
A tall Island Techo noticed me wandering around
and looked down at me with a smile. "Are you Pinky?" he asked me.
"Yes," I stammered.
"Well you must be the little genius who is assigned
to my class!" he exclaimed. "Come on in!"
She took me inside and showed me my seat. I looked
around the classroom, searching for a friendly face. A threesome of Acaras looked
over to me and waved. They were all chewing Bubble Gum. Chewing gum isn't allowed
in school. Kiara knew that and she never broke the rules, that's why she was
such a good friend, but I didn't want to be an outcast so I waved over to them.
"Alright class, settle down," the Techo said.
When the class quieted down the Techo said, "As you all know, my name is Mr.
Morris, and the only reason I said that is because we have a new student in
our class today. Her name is Pinky and she's a red Uni who has been able to
skip two grades! I hope you all give her a warm welcome!"
Whispers surrounded me again. I wanted to sink
into my seat and slip away from the world and be back in my old class with Kiara.
Mr. Morris slapped a ruler onto the chalkboard,
signaling for everyone to be quiet. He then said, "We have a history report
due on Friday," he said. "Research King Coltzan III and write a report in your
notebooks about him. I want this to be at least two pages. You can work in partners
if you like. But Sammy," Mr. Morris pointed to a red Acara, the same Acara that
waved to me. "I don't want this report written in your Tatty Notebook again."
Lilly sighed and sank down in her seat. Her Acara
friends giggled around her.
"I'm giving you until lunch to get some of your
work done. You can get the rest done on your own time. You can go down to the
library downstairs. I trust you guys, now go write that report!"
As soon as his speech was over I took out my
Starry Poogle Pencil Case. Out of it I took out my Air Faerie Pen and began
to write. I already knew tons about King Coltzan III since Blake's always blabbing
about how awesome he is.
The three Acaras who waved to me earlier came
over to my desk. "Hey there, Pinky. Getting started on your report already?"
It was Sammy, whose owner obviously didn't care what kind of notebook she bought
to school.
"Yeah," I said without looking up. "It's due
Friday and I want the rest of the week to do whatever I want."
The Acaras giggled as if I told a joke so funny
King Skarl laughed at it.
"You must be really smart to skip two whole grades!"
another Acara said. She was purple, but her mouth looked pink from all the Bubble
Gum. "Do you think you could help us out with our report?"
I almost broke my Air Faerie Pen in astonishment.
I could tell just by looking at all of their faces that they hadn't even started
yet. It would be a waste of time.
When I didn't respond Sammy said, "Oh please,
Pinky! We've never gotten an A in our whole lives! You're so smart, it would
be easier than chewing Bubble Gum! Plus," she added with a sly smile. "If you
help us out, you'll be one of us! Glitter here will teach you all the fashion
tricks," she said pointing to the purple Acara. "And Sweets here will teach
you all the latest gossip around Neopia! For instance, did you know that Princess
Fernypoo has mysteriously vanished? She hasn't been seen since this whole Lost
Desert ordeal."
Glitter and Sweets gasped, but Sammy motioned
for them to be quiet.
"I would love to help guys," I lied. "But I…"
"We'll let you sit at our lunch table!" Sammy
blurted out. "You don't want to be seen at lunch all by yourself. Then everyone
will know you don't have any friends in this class."
I sighed. The fourth graders had an earlier lunch
than the sixth graders. That meant Kiara wouldn't be there to sit with me. I
didn't want to be seen sitting alone all by myself.
"Well . . ." I started.
"Great!" said Lilly, not giving me time to finish.
"We'll start out at the library."
The two Acaras giggled when she said this, as
if the library was as funny as reading the Caption Contest winners. Down the
stairs and though the hallway Sammy skilfully lead us. I was a bit glad she
was leading, since I didn't go down to the school's library often. Their books
are often tattered and unreadable.
When Sammy opened the door, I peered inside.
No one was inside. It was cold and dark. There weren't even any shelves inside
or bookcases to hold books on. In fact, there weren't ANY books at all!
"What going on?" I asked. That's when they pushed
me inside and locked the door. Glitter and Sweets laughed maniacally while Sammy
motioned for them to be quiet.
"Did you actually think I'd let you hang out
with us?" Sammy asked though the glass door. I yelled and screamed for someone
to hear me, but the door must've been soundproof. The Acaras ran away laughing,
while I silently let tears run down my cheek.
Suddenly, a miracle named Kiara arrived. She
quickly saw the situation and said to the three Acaras, "Leave her alone!"
"What are you going to do about it?' Glitter
"This!" Kiara cried. She hurled a huge pile of
dung at the Acaras and kept flinging it until the Acaras ran away in flee. "I'll
get you for this!" Sammy screamed while her friends quickly followed.
Kiara opened the door of the library. "What happened?"
she asked.
"It's a long story, but I guess I'm not ready
for sixth grade, and I'm not going back into another sixth grade class unless
you're right there beside me!"
Kiara gave me a huge hug, but she smelled kind
of funny. "Where have you been, and why did you have piles of dung with you?"
I questioned.
"The class just came back from a field trip to
Meri Acres Farm! I knew that dung would be good for something!"
We both laughed, and I thought of how great it
was to be back with my best friend.
Dear Mrs. Williams,
Pinky decided that even though she is smart enough
to be in sixth grade, she would rather be with her friends and with you. Tomorrow
she wishes to be back in your classroom with her friends.
I watched as Ella sent the Neomail off to Mrs.
Williams. "Are you sure you're not mad?" I asked her.
"Mad? Oh for King Hagan's sake! Of course not!
All I ever want, Pinky, is for you to be happy," Ella reassured me.
"Thanks," I said gratefully. I gave her a hug
and ran up to my room. My unfinished report of King Coltzan III was sitting
on my bed. I picked up my Air Faerie Pen and started to write. I'd hand it in
to Mr. Morris tomorrow. Not because I had to do it or anything. I was out of
his class forever. I decided I would to it to show them that I was smart, but
what I really needed were my friends right beside me.
The End!