Undercover Stories: Is Sloth the Happiness Faerie? by accidence
These are the recordings of a brave soul who went to discover the truth and
never returned. May her thoughts always rest in peace, for her mission was never
9th Day in the Month of Storing, around 5-6 o’clock
A new hero has been found, and many questions have arisen about her. They call
her “The Happiness Faerie” and she has wings of cardboard and a smiley-face
pin that screams ‘happy’. However, she strangely resembles a villain we all
know as the evil Dr. Sloth. It is my duty as a reporter to find the truth!
10th Day in the Month of Storing
Today my task was simple, find everything similar between the two.
Things the Same:
-Chicken head
-Green skin
-Black cloak
-Happy-face pin
-Neck covering
To some, it means nothing, but to me, even one similarity is worth looking
into. I need to research some more.
12th Day in the Month of Storing 12:00NST
I have spent the last day finding as much as I could about this ‘Happiness
Faerie’. Apparently she hasn’t been spotted anywhere yet, nor has she been heard
of before the article appeared. I, however, have devised a trap so I can snare
her and force her to do an interview. I have placed large smiley face balloons
full of a stench so merry, that she’ll have to come.
-hour later-
I captured her, believe it or not, but it was only after I shouted that Number
6 lost his asparagus. This is very suspicious, because if that happened, Neopia
would be open to attack.
HF: Well, what do you want?
Me: I wanted to ask you a few questions, ma’am.
HF: Never! You can’t take me, coppers!
Me: Just a few questions! Sheesh. Okay, my first question is, why don’t you
zap yourself out of the trap?
HF: Uh.. um…. –nervous look- Because that would be rude! Yes... rude.
Me: Okay then! Have you ever be in contact with a Dr. Sloth?
HF: OF COURSE NOT! Why would you ask such a thing! -shifty eyes-
Me: Oh, nothing… Why don’t you have real wings?
HF: I uh… donated them to the poor.
Crowd: Awww!
Me: Yeah, whatever. My last one is why do you look so much like Dr. Sloth?
HF: -in unusual deep voice- Why you little-!
Me: Eek! –releases ‘her’-
That was a close one! I think she knows I’m onto her though…
1st Day in The Month of Celebrating
Since my last post, I have been kicked off the case by my employer, who was
informed (more like, sued) by the Happiness Faerie about our last meeting.
That will not stop me from completing my mission though, Neopia deserves to
know the truth! Of course, now that I have to keep it hidden, there may be some
difficulties now that I have to keep my research secret.
What I do know, though, is I have never spotted the Happiness Faerie and Sloth
in the same place, so that will obviously be my next experiment.
If they prove to be in the same room together, then I will drop my investigation
once and for all; if they can’t be, then I will investigate Dr. Sloth’s own
4th Day in The Month of Celebrating
My plan is going into progress. I have invited the Happiness Faerie and Dr.
Sloth to a Gallery of Evil/Hero mixes gala. I’m going to hope that only one
is there at the same time.. I have undercover spies there as well. Fyora was
glad to help, and believe it or not, so was Jhudora!
(Later in the day)
I am undercover as Lisha, who couldn’t make it today because of... some sort
of injury. (Hehe –nervous look-) I’m pretty convincing, since Jeran’s even fooled.
Oh! Shh… Sloth’s here...!
Me: Fyora, any sign of the Happiness Faerie?
FY: No... wait... here she is!
However, I couldn't find Sloth afterwards...
Me: Jhudora, where’d Dr. Sloth go?
JH: He went to the bathroom, I think.
Ah-hah! I’m onto you, Sloth!
31st Day in The Month of Celebration
Ah, New Year’s eve, a time to rejoice and start with a clean slate. Too bad
that’s not what I’m doing this year! I’m meeting with a team of secret agents
who can get me into Dr. Frank Sloth’s lair. I need dirt, and I need to find
the mole-hole to get it!
Necko the Techo: I can climb up the outer wall, and disable the security system.
Me: Brilliant! From then on, I think Robbi-o the Scorchio can burn the door
Robbi-o: Sure thing!
Cyconni the Cybunny: I can move into the main chamber and disable all of the
alarms, which will get you in the home stretch.
Me: Great! And from there I move into his idea lab, and can view all of his
plans, from costume to how he got into The Gallery of Heroes… provided of course,
that he really is the Happiness Faerie.. When can we start?
Cyconni: In a month.
ME: -jaw drop- That long?!
Necko: We need to train and get our equipment.
Me: Oh. Right.
The meeting went well, and I shall only continue investigation until then if
something urgent happens.
14th Day in The Month of Sleeping (Sloth Appreciation Day)
Something very strange happened today!
Happiness Faerie plushies were released on Sloth’s holiday. I can’t get a straight
answer as to why, except for some slightly brainwashed people who say it is
his favorite faerie.
I bought myself one of these dolls, and it came with a strange string on its
back. Once pulled, it said, “You will OBEY –cough- I mean –high pitched- may
all of your dreams come true!”
Something’s going on..
31st Day in The Month of Sleeping
I'm preparing to embark on my journey, and hopefully I'll make it in without
turning into sludge. The Happiness Faerie has gone missing from the Gallery
of Heroes, and I need to know more! Updates will come later.. if I'm still alive.
Operation: Get into Lair went perfectly, and I’m currently looking around Sloth’s
laboratory… I seem to have come across… a box with a giant smiley face on it.
Is this what I’m looking for?
-rattling noises-
Darn! It’s locked. But I can guess the combination.
Duh! Yes. I see... cardboard wings... and a paper that’s says ‘Dr. Sloth i-’
-background voice- I hope you weren’t expecting to get past me.. Muhahaha!
Those were the last known records of Accidence, one of our top reporters. Her
task, unfortunately will never be fulfilled, and we will always be left with
an unanswered question.
Is Dr. Frank Sloth the Happiness Faerie? Many of us will never know, and those
that do won’t live to tell the tale.
Yay... one of my articles finally got in! -bows- Feel free to send me fan/hate