LUPE-X9 by dan4884
Greetings, my title is LUPE-X9; I am a Robot
Lupe serving under the glorious reign of Dr. Sloth. My main function is to find
Grundos and recruit them for employment beneath our wonderful leader. It is
a very easy job, really. I am required to find a Grundo, and persuade them by
any means necessary to join the work force. Most of the time the Grundo comes
easily, and not very much persuading is needed.
Many people wonder how I can record these feelings,
such as "easy" and "wonderful." Well, this is because my magnificent master
gave me the ability to think. I can keep information on these feelings to make
my job even easier. If I have a problem, I can look back into my memories and
feelings to see what would solve the problem. It's very simple, really.
My first Grundo recruit is a great story. It's
stored in my memory banks. I can call it up at any time.
Ah, here it is.
I stepped out of the rocket transporting us to
Kreludor and looked around. There wasn't much to see besides rock. There were
peaks rising into the nothingness of space to the left of me, but to the right
was where I was headed: the Moon Base on Kreludor. I was sure to hire a Grundo.
I began the short walk towards the base and reached it after exactly seventeen
minutes. I looked around and decided my first place to look was at the Café
My eyes adjusted to the dingy café's lighting
the minute I stepped inside. I glanced around the room and my target zoomed
in on an Orange Grundo at a booth in the corner. I headed over to him and sat
down with him.
"Greetings, Grundo. My title is LUPE-X9, and
I'm here to recruit you for work with my glorious master." The Grundo gave me
a startled look, and then asked me a question.
"Who's your master?" he asked, curious.
"The incredible Doctor Sloth, of course. He is
planning an event of momentous proportions and he requires your help."
"Hmm. I've never heard of this Doctor Sloth,"
the Grundo told me.
"Oh, but you will eventually. He is grand and
The Grundo laughed. "Sounds like this Sloth character's
a pretty cool guy."
I nodded. "Oh, yes, he is. So you will come with
me?" I asked.
"Sure, sounds cool. Are we going now?" he asked.
"Yes, we must leave immediately. Please follow
me." We stood up and left the building. I was as ecstatic as a robot could feel,
but I kept that under wraps. I didn't think my master would want me looking
unprofessional. We entered the rocket, and soon after, we entered the newly
created Virtupets Space Station. I smiled when I saw the Grundo looking around,
"We need to head to the Grundo employment area
for your work assignment," I told him. He nodded and we walked across the Station
to a desk where a Robot Aisha was waiting.
"Yes?" it asked expectantly.
"LUPE-X9 reporting, with a recruit," I told the
"Excellent. I'll need your name, please," she
asked the Grundo.
"It's Grimilix," he said. The Aisha recorded
it, and they walked through a hallway behind the desk.
Well, that was very exciting. He looked so happy!
And since then, I've recruited thousands of Grundos as happy as he is. But now
that I think about it, I haven't seen or heard of him since that day. I have
decided to search for him. I'm sure I can find the area he is located at.
That's weird. I've never seen that before. Let
me try again.
Ok, this is strange. I have decided to search
for him on my own.
I'll try this room. Nope, not there. Why can't
I find any room with Grundos? This is starting to worry me. I've tried almost
every room in the Space Station. I think I'll go speak to someone about this.
Whoa! A Grundo just popped out of the air vent!
"Who are you, Grundo? Identify yourself!" I ask
He looks at me and gasps. "You! You're the one
who started this whole thing!"
Why, he's right! It's my first Grundo, Grimilix!
But he looks so grungy and tired!
"Hey, Grimilix! I was just searching for you!
How are you? What's been your job assignment?"
Grimilix stares at me with a stupefied look on
his face. "You mean you don't know what they do to us back there?"
"Er…no, I guess I don't." It was true. I don't
know what happens to all of the Grundos behind the walls of the Space Station.
"We're their slaves!"
"Slaves? What is that?"
"We're made to do everything for them! Doctor
Sloth, your so-called glorious leader, has made the Grundo race a bunch of servants!"
he tells me angrily.
I cannot wrap my computer around this idea. "I…don't
understand. I cannot compute it." How can my leader lie to me?
"Yeah, well, while you're spending time trying
to think of an idea, I'm going to escape. I've gotten this far; I'm not stopping
now. Hopefully, I'll never see you again."
Suddenly, a voice appears. "You needn't worry
about that, my little Grundo, because you won't." I can't believe it! It's my
leader, Doctor Sloth!
"Oh, Doctor Sloth, I cannot tell you how amazed
I am to meet you! It's a real pleasure!" I tell him. He doesn't even look at
me. His eyes are transfixed on Grimilix. I look to Grimilix as well, and notice
his face has paled and he's shaking.
"Come with me, Grimilix," Doctor Sloth says.
He snaps his fingers and a mutated Grundo comes out from behind him and grabs
"Hey!" I shout suddenly. Doctor Sloth turns and
for the first time ever, looks at me.
"Yes, robot?" he asks coldly. I hate to think
it, but my master isn't very gracious-looking right about now.
"Y-you can't just take him! What do you do to
Grundos back there?" I was surprising even myself by saying this.
"I can do whatever I want. Don't tell me what
I can do. You are my inferior, and you will act like one!" he tells me angrily.
"Yes, master," I say, downtrodden.
"Now, get back to your duties, robot."
My computers kick in, and I turn to leave when
I hear Grimilix shout, "Help! Please!"
To resist your orders is an extremely hard feat.
It takes determination and complete concentration. I couldn't let Grimilix be
taken again, but to break free of my programming is impossible. But somehow,
I manage to break free of my orders. I run towards the Grundo holding Grimilix
and zap him with my energy ray. He howls in pain, and drops my friend.
"Run, Grimilix!" I say, and Grimilix starts scuttling
down the hallway. Doctor Sloth screams and pulls out his blaster. He shoots
a couple shots after Grimilix, but by now, he is too far away. Grimilix has
escaped, and I'm overjoyed.
Not for long, though, because the next thing
the evil Doctor Sloth does is reach over and deactivate me.
As I'm shutting down, all I hear is Sloth's horrible,
disgusting laugh.