The Buzzer Game - BUZZ! by littlej001
BUZZZZZZZ! ARG! That stupid sound that all Buzzer Game players and champions are
familiar with. This guide should give you the basics and all that other stuff
for you to become the buzzer game champ!
First, we will cover the guidelines that will get you up in the ranks for the
Buzzer Game. And to help get you that spiffy avatar. ;)
Ah, yes, most of us avatar collectors are familiar with the Buzzer Game avatar.
That annoying little pixel that will gnaw at your conscious until you get it.
*Ahem* Well, not really, but it does get annoying. I am here to help you with
all your buzzer game tips and tricks!
How to get the spiffy avatar is something I can’t give away, but have fun finding
it out. =P
First off, I suggest that you start the game in FULL SCREEN mode. Go to the
bottom left hand corner of the box where all the game info is located. Click
on the dropdown menu and choose 'Full Screen Mode'.
Before we start the game, I must tell you that you most likely won't get a
very good score on your first try. But after practice, you will get it. Get
situated in a comfy position, and click on the 'Click Here To Play' link.
Have your hand on the mouse? Chair poised at the right elevation for comfort?
Head staring straight at the screen? You are ready to begin your journey of
keeping your sanity on the Buzzer Game!
DON’T WORRY ABOUT TIME!!! Many people think that the time bonus is important.
IT IS NOT! It will give you a small bonus, but I have tested it, and you can
get a decent score without ANY bonus. Just a helpful tip. xD
What makes this game hardest for people is either keeping their hands from
shaking so much, or keeping their mouse from getting stuck. A regular ball mouse
will get stuck quite often without a mouse pad, but when you do put the mousepad
on there, you tend to run out of room. That is why I prefer an optical mouse
(the ones that don't require anything under them). But I am not saying that
you can’t get the avatar on a regular ball mouse, because I did! When you run
out of room on the mousepad, just GENTLY pick up the mouse and GENTLY set it
down on the other side, giving you more room to complete the level.
Now, go open up the game and GET STARTED!
You might be wondering 'How do these people keep the the Metal Hoop so perfectly
aligned?' Well, if it tough, but with practice in full screen mode, you will
get it.
Focus completely on the center of the hoop and make sure you can see two sides
of the hoop. If you are going across, make sure you are on the top and bottom.
Make sure that if you keep the top of the hoop closer than the bottom, because
there is a point on the hoop that you get too close to the bottom. But don’t
worry, it gets easier! In full screen mode, this is incredibly easy. Practice
on level one a few times until you are comfortable with proceeding (purposely
lose if you want to keep trying on level one). Soon you should be getting twenty
and Twenty-three point bonuses. You get a bonus for the amount of time it takes
you to complete the level. You start with 30 seconds, or 30 points. The shorter
time it takes you, the bigger your score. But don't try to rush. This is what
makes you lose lives.
Don't expect to get many bonuses your first few times playing; as I said, it
takes practice! But it IS possible to get the avatar, and is possible to get
one of those high scores!
Now, in this section, I will explain all the parts of each level. Easy, Medium,
Tricky, and EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. Some levels are easy, some hard, but if I can
get through them, so can you!!
Level 1- Simple.
Trouble parts- Turning up the peak, going in the Zig Zag, turning on the end.
Notes-Good bonus point level.
Level 2-Simple.
Trouble parts- VERY steep incline and decline in the middle. Going up and down
is quite tricky if you are going fast. End.. There is a quick turn at the VERY
end. Watch out and keep the hand on the wire.
Notes- Easy if careful.
Level 3- Medium.
Trouble parts- Going into the little 'valleys' between the inclines. The end
isn't that bad, considering it is a gentle slope.
Notes-Another good bonus point scorer.
Level 4- Medium
Trouble parts- Steep hills, lots of them. Just slow down on this one. You don't
need the bonus points that bad.
Notes- Not the hardest, but still kinda tricky.
Level 5- Tricky
Trouble parts- Heading towards the middle, direct middle. Other than that,
this level can be a snap.
Notes- Slow down near the middle and you will be fine.
Level 6- Tricky.
Trouble parts-Turning and staying straight on the middle.
Notes- Take it slow. No hurry, no worry.
Level 7- Simple
Trouble parts-Turning around the head of the little figure.
Notes- Not very hard for a later level.
Level 8- Tricky
Trouble parts- Tracing around the head.. Keep it steady.
Notes- I don't tend to rush on this level, but going around the corners is
easier than the other levels.
Level 9- Difficult
Trouble parts- Keeping straight.
Notes- This is a life wasting level, but you will eventually get it
Level 10- Looks Difficult, but is easy
Trouble spots- Keeping up with the level.
Notes- Once you get in the level and keep it steady, it is a piece of cake!
Level 11- Simple
Trouble parts- None really.
Notes- Just stay straight... Not too hard.
Level 12- Simple
Trouble parts- None really.
Notes- Like level 11, just stay straight.
Level 13- Difficult
Trouble parts- Turning in the intersecting wire.
Notes- I still have trouble on this level, but I have gotten past it.
Level 14- Difficult
Trouble parts- Everywhere. Keep your hand tight on the mouse and try it.
Notes- I can't help you much here. I am not the master at this far in the game.
Level 15- EXTREMELY Difficult
Trouble parts- Everywhere
Notes- Well, this is where my help ends. I personally have much trouble getting
through this level, but it is totally possible. Just try and don’t give up.
Well, you have reached the end of my guide. Go on, young grasshopper, and 'Master
the Wire and Hoop' as the ever-famous Techo has stated.
Happy gaming! ~Littlej001