Evil Death by dragoncatcher_sammy
A small, wimpy Gelert shuffled into the room with great
pride in himself. Today he knew he would be able to outsmart the great Eliv Thade,
but the Gelert was wrong.
He halted once he was a foot away from Thade's
desk, where Eliv was found poring over a book of anagrams. Thade seemed calm
today. Nothing wrong with himself. Well, except for the fact that Thade was
half-insane, nothing else was wrong with him.
"Mr. Thade, sir?" the Gelert squeaked. "I have
a riddle for you, Mr. Thade." Eliv seemed to not be paying attention. "Mr. Thade?"
the Gelert repeated.
"Yes, yes, I'll do your riddle," Eliv said, looking
up from his book. "Well? What are you waiting for? Out with it." The Gelert
smiled and took a deep breath before saying the riddle.
"There was a man who-"
"He was dreaming," Thade said without any sense
of difficulty in his voice. The poor Gelert lowered his head and sulked. "Well,
clever of me. But since I solved your riddle-"
"Oh, please, sir!" the Gelert yelled. "Please,
don't make me pay your fine!" Eliv leaned back on his chair. He was enjoying
"Worthless Neopet, you know the rules. If I solve
your riddle, you must pay me. If I don't, I must pay you all my money. Now fork
over the 1,000 neopoints." The Gelert went down on his knees.
"Please! I cannot give you my neopoints! My family
is poor, and we must spend all the neopoints we have just for things we need!
I cannot pay you! I'll do anything!" Thade held back a laugh.
"You'll do anything? Either be my servant or
pay the fine!" The Gelert was crying now.
"Oh, Mr. Thade, I cannot do either! What if I
pay you later? Let's say I have a week or take me from my family and keep me
here as a servant?" Thade looked interested.
"Alright, pay my fine by Sunday, one week from
now, or you'll be arrested and made my servant." The Gelert nodded, wiped his
eyes, and ran out of the door. Thade gave in and burst into laughter. It was
too funny. Seeing the helpless beg on bended knees. Thade straightened himself
up again as an Acara maiden entered Eliv's Library.
"Eliv? Can I trouble you for a riddle?" she asked
in her sweetest voice ever.
"Yes, yes. Just don't get any on the carpet.
Go ahead." The maiden smiled.
"I love your jokes, Mr. Eliv. Here's my riddle:
Two Nimmos are playing a game of Kacheekers. They play five games and they both
win 3 games. How is this possible?" Thade rolled his eyes and sighed.
"They were playing other people, not each other."
Eliv Thade held out his hand for the money. The Acara made an annoyed face,
took out a bag of 1,000 neopoints, handed them to Eliv, and stormed out of the
room. Thade put his money under his desk along with many other sacks of neopoints.
"How much have I made today?" Thade wondered out loud. He crawled under his
desk and started counting.
Two teenage Shoyru boys peeked into the Library.
"Mr. Thade, sir? Are you there?" Eliv didn't answer; he was too busy counting
his money. One of the boys shrugged. They mumbled and left the room.
When Eliv was done counting, he got up and yawned.
It had been a long day. He headed upstairs to his bedroom and decided to get
some sleep.
The next morning was the same. Neopets came to
try their luck against Eliv Thade. But, as usual, they all failed. The only
lucky person that morning was Eliv, as he was many neopoints richer.
The laughter of Thade was heard throughout his
castle all day long. Of course, there was one thing, one tiny thing, that got
Thade steamed. Two teenagers had robbed him.
It all started when Thade was in his Library,
like usual. There was a knock on his door. "Come in!" Thade yelled with a hint
of glee in his voice. The door opened and one of the two Shoyru boys walked
in and up to Thade. The boy seemed to be shaking.
"Calm down, boy," Eliv said. He disliked seeing
young Neopets sad. Now, older Neopets made him laugh, but little children seemed
to win Eliv over. "Now, I suppose you're here to tell me a riddle." The Shoyru
nodded. He looked up at the ceiling and secretly winked at his brother. The
other Shoyru boy had flown into the tall room, flying with the blue ceiling.
The Shoyru was the same shade of blue, so he could hardly be seen.
"Right then," Thade said, leaning back on his
chair. "Give it a go. But first, you have the money, right?"
"Yes, sir," the Shoyru said weakly. "Er, alright…
Let's say you are in a room with no windows, doors, or fireplace…"
Meanwhile, the other Shoyru was creeping down
the wall behind Thade. Eliv had no awareness of the other Shoyru. The boy snuck
up behind Thade and under his chair, grabbing four bags of 1,000 neopoints.
He smiled, crawled back from under the desk and chair moving back and gave his
brother a wink.
"…so what do you light first?" the Shoyru concluded.
Thade gave a nod.
"Well, I'm afraid I know the answer to your riddle.
You light the match first. Everyone knows- what are you doing?" The Shoyru had
stepped back several feet, his arms in the air.
"Mr. Thade, I bid you a good day." Thade gave
a confused look as four bags of neopoints flew through the air and a Shoyru
soared over his head. The two caught two bags each and flew out the door. After
that, Thade was really, really annoyed.
Not a lot of people visited Thade to tell their
riddles anymore. He had outsmarted every single villager so far. All his servants
had had goes at him, but no one could stump the great Eliv Thade. Until that
day. That rainy day.
Like usual, Thade was sitting in his Library
at his desk. He was still annoyed about being robbed, and no one had told their
riddles to him lately, so he actually smiled when there was a knock on his door.
"Come in!" Thade said gleefully. His servant, Majia the Ixi opened the door
and walked in. The happiness inside Thade faded. "Oh, it's just you."
"Thade, I have a riddle for you." Thade smiled
again. Without telling him to, Majia started the riddle. "Many years ago, a
Kacheek was born into the world. His name was too horrible to be said, so his
parents, friends, and people around him always called him by an anagram of his
name. Who is this Kacheek and what was his name? His real name, not his anagram
Thade smirked and said, "That's easy, it's…"
Thade stopped in mid-air. His first expression was confusion, but he shook it
off and smiled again. "The answer is clear. It's…" He paused again. "The answer…"
What was the answer?
Majia smiled sweetly, but also in a mockingly
way. "Ah, the answer is…?" Thade glared at Majia. His mind raced.
"I'm getting to it!"
"What's your answer, Thade?" asked Majia in one
last sing-song voice. Eliv narrowed his eyes at the Ixi. He stood up out of
his seat, knocking the chair backwards.
"I do not have the answer now," Eliv roared,
"but I will find it. You mark my words, I will. Now, get out! Majia, get out!
I have studying to do…" Thade walked around his table and starting pushing Majia
towards the door. Majia let Thade push her out and slam the door behind her.
She knew Thade would never come up with the answer.
And he never did.
He worked day in and day out researching for
the answer. He literally worked to death. One night, he went completely insane
and died. After a while, all his servants and maids left. Before Majia left,
she took 20,000 neopoints as her "reward" from Eliv's piles of money.
Decades passed. Spring became summer, summer
became autumn, autumn became winter, and winter became spring. The abandoned
castle was left abandoned, and the puzzle was never solved. And because no one
solved it, Eliv would never know that he was the Kacheek, and his name was Evil
The End