Green Genies and H.A.M.S.: Part Two by buddy33774
Slowly, Hawkins the Kyrii came to. He let out a low groan,
slowly shaking his throbbing head to try and clear it. Then, gingerly, he opened
his eyes and looked around; his eyesight was blurry and he winced a little from
the pulsing headache.
As his head cleared, he began to notice some
things. First, he was tied down to a chair with a thick rope that wrapped around
his midsection and the chair back and pinned his arms down to his sides. Glancing
over to his right, he saw Lennert tied to a chair in a similar fashion, sound
asleep and snoring.
The room that they were in was almost entirely
pitch black, save for the small area around the two kidnapped pets which was
illuminated by a spotlight of moonlight that streamed in through a broken skylight
above. Just outside the area of the light, Hawkins could make out the outlines
of wooden boxes, crates and other storage containers stacked up all around,
with some columns nearly reaching the roof.
They were in a warehouse. One which Hawkins
found to be eerily familiar…
"Well, well, well - look what we have here!"
From just beyond the shadows, a figure moved forward. "It would appear two little
kiddies have fallen into our trap!"
Out of the darkness stepped an all-two familiar
pet - a certain red Yurble by the name of Rover.
Hawkins groaned. He had met this pet a few times
before, and none of them under happy conditions. "You again? Man, you guys are
so lame, you know that? Using the same exact trap, then taking us to the same
exact place as last time? How unoriginal!"
Rover blinked. "…Yeah, well, the plan worked,
didn't it? If it's such a stupid trap, then why did you fall for it twice?"
"I didn't fall for it!" Hawkins retorted. "I
said I knew you were standing right around that corner! You didn't trick me
at all!"
"Pssh! I don't remember that!" Rover denied.
"And besides, your friend fell for it!"
"My friend has the IQ of a child!"
"Whatever!" The red Yurble waved his paw in
a pooh-pooh motion. "The point is, I have you in my clutches - for you, there
is no esca--"
Suddenly, Hawkins let out a long, loud yawn.
"…Oh, I'm sorry!" the Kyrii apologized immediately. "Please, keep going!"
Rover scowled at him. "Like I saw saying," he
continued. "You'll never escape from here! I have you in my clu--"
Just then, Lennert awoke with a loud scream.
"Ahh! Huh?! What?! Where?!" The red-feathered
Lenny looked around anxiously, startled and confused. "What's going on?! Where
am I?! Hawkins? Hawkins!" Lennert glanced over to his left and noticed Hawkins
tied up to the chair beside him. "Oh, hey Hawkins! What's up?" Looking around,
it began to dawn on Lennert just where he was. "Oh, cookie… you have betrayed
me again!"
"Okay, you know what? Never mind!" Rover shouted,
annoyed at continually being interrupted and ignored. With a sigh, he continued.
"Anyways, before I go on, allow me to introduce you to someone I'm sure you've
met before--"
"If we've met him before, how can you introduce
us to him?" Hawkins called out.
"..Hush, you! Now, as I was saying - allow me
to present my partner!"
At that, a blue Yurble stepped out from the
shadows behind Rover. He wore a large, proud smile as he strode up happily and
stood beside his partner, bouncing on the balls of his feet slightly, apparently
very honoured at having been "presented".
"I'm sure you both remember Lu."
Lennert shook his head. "No, not really."
Lu's pride instantly deflated in much the same
way a balloon deflates when the air is let out of it. "…What?"
The Lenny shrugged. "Well, I'm sorry, but I
just don't remember you."
"What do you mean you don't remember me?!" the
blue Yurble shouted, his eyes wide in disbelief. He turned to Hawkins. "Well,
you remember me, right?"
Hawkins thought for a few seconds before replying.
"Well… I recognize you, yes, but I don't really remember who you are."
"But, how can you not remember me?!" The Yurble
was in complete disbelief.
Hawkins paused, trying to find the right words.
"…Ummm, well, you are kind of a cliché and unoriginal character…"
Lu's face slowly turned from a look of disbelief
to a stunned hurt. "'Cliché and 'unoriginal'…?"
Hawkins did his best to give the Yurble a sympathetic
look. "Sorry, but it's true! You are cliché! I mean, you basically play the
goofy, stupid sidekick bad guy who screws up everything. Sorry to tell you,
but that's pretty well overdone."
Lu, completely destroyed and bearing a blank,
expression-less look on his face, simply sat down where he was and stared at
the floor. "I can't believe it…" he muttered to himself. "I'm cliché and unoriginal…"
"Enough!" Rover, who had been temporarily forgotten,
was starting to flush red in the only area of his face not covered in fur. "I'm
tired of you all getting off track and ruining my soliloquies!" He paused, taking
a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. During this intermission, Hawkins
and Lennert exchanged a weird look, but remained quiet.
"Now," Rover continued, trying to keep his newly-found
composure, "the last time you two were here, I told you about our new organization,
Yurble Armed Militia Soap--"
"You mean Y.A.M.S.?" Hawkins called out.
Rover cringed at the acronym. "Yes, Y.A.M.S….
Anyways, Lu and I created this organization because we're tired of the biased,
anti-Yurble culture. Think about it - you never see Yurbles in any plots or
games! Why is that? I'll tell you why - it's because we Yurbles are being discriminated
against by the rest of Neopia! Everyone thinks that just because we Yurbles
haven't been around as long, they can treat us like a second-class species!
That's why we created this group; to fight back against this injustice!"
Rover, fired up and starting to pant a little,
paused, letting a small smile slip across his face. "Of course, Yurbles aren't
the only species that are discriminated against. So, you see, we've created
some spin-off organizations for all the other species that are so terribly misunderstood…"
"Oh no…" Hawkins muttered. "I don't like where
this is going…"
Rover's smile widened, showing off some of his
pearly white teeth. "Oh yes! Perhaps you all should meet Mister Bob…"
At this, a brown Hissi slithered out of the shadows
and into the circle of light. He wore a calm, almost bored expression on his
face. His eyes were half-closed, as if he could lie down and go to sleep any
minute; he looked as though he had no worries or urgency in the world.
"Howdy, boys," he greeted the two captives in
a cool, bored voice to match the look on his face. "How's it going?"
Hawkins looked at the three pets that were standing
(or, in Lu's case, sitting) around him and his roommate. "…Oh, I don't think
I'm going to like the sound of this…"
"Ah, I see we've finally begun to scare you!"
Rover announced proudly, his voice rising triumphantly. "Yes, Mister Bob here
is the President and founding member of our new sister organization - Hissi
Armed Militia Soap!"
"…H.A.M.S.?" Lennert called out, confused.
Rover paused, his smile faltering slightly. "What?"
Hawkins sighed, shaking his head pathetically.
"Hissi Armed Militia Soap… the acronym spells 'H.A.M.S.'."
It was amazing how quickly Rover's face fell
from sly smile to disheartened dismay. "…Crap!" he shouted. "We really need
to start being more careful about the names we pick!"
Hawkins turned to the Hissi. "Are you really
working with these clowns?" he asked.
Bob the Hissi shrugged, apparently not very concerned
one way or another with what his organization was called (or, for that matter,
with anything else that was going on). "Meh. They offered me free cake and pie
if I agreed to join - I wasn't gonna argue!"
"Hey, wait!" Lennert shouted, seemingly out of
nowhere. Everyone (except for Lu, who continued staring at the floor, lost in
his own world of self-pity) turned to Lennert, surprised at hearing him speak
up so suddenly; he'd been quiet for so long, everyone else had completely forgotten
he was there. "Where's my magic lamp?"
Rover blinked. "Your what?"
"My lamp!" Lennert exclaimed. "My magic lamp!
The one I had with me before the cookie knocked me out!" (Hawkins rolled his
eyes at this.)
"Oh… that?" Rover shrugged, a little taken aback
by the sudden mentioning of something so inconsequential. "It's over there somewhere."
The Yurble pointed towards a spot right outside the spotlight where the outline
of Lennert's lamp sitting on a stack of boxes could be made out.
Lennert breathed a sigh of relief. "Whew! That's
good! That magic lamp is really important! Did I mention it was magic?"
"Lennert!" Hawkins shouted, turning as much as
he could while still tied up to the chair. "For the millionth time - there's
nothing magical about that old, dirty lamp! The only magical thing about it
is that it'll be magic that Mister Rowland doesn't throw us out for you having
taken it like you did!"
"Of course it's magic, Hawkins!" Lennert replied
cheerily. "Watch!" He looked over towards where the lamp sat perched on a stack
of boxes. "Hey, magic genie! I'm ready to make my wishes now!"
For a second, nothing happened. Then, the lamp
jumped off of the box and hopped across the floor - literally hopping,
as if it had a spring attached to the bottom - over towards Lennert, coming
to a rest right at the red Lenny's feet.
Then, in a fashion similar to last time, a green
mist started to rise from the top of the lamp. The mist kept rising up into
the air, forming a head, torso, arms, paws, and stomach, before finally fully
taking the shape of a green, glowing, floating Wocky. Like last time, only the
upper-half of his body was there, and he wore - as he had before - an open vest
across his chest and a fez and tassel on his head.
The Wocky lazily opened his eyes, yawning loudly
as he stretched out his arms. Looking over at Lennert, he asked with a languid
look on his face, "You called?"
"Hiya!" Lennert made to wave at the genie, only
to be reminded that his wings were tied down to his side by the rope. "Hey,
none of these people believe you're a genie! So, go on - tell them! Tell them
the truth!"
Surprised, the genie looked around and noticed
for the first time the four other pets around him: a green Kyrii tied to a chair
beside Lennert (his mouth gaping and his eyes wide with disbelief), a red Yurble
standing just off to the side (whose mouth and eyes were, if possible, actually
wider than the Kyrii's), a blue Yurble who was sitting on the ground near the
red Yurble (his eyes focused on the ground, shoulders slumped in a defeated,
disheartened sort of way; he didn't even look up at the genie's presence), and
a brown Hissi who appeared just as cool and as calm as could be, apparently
not very affected one way or another at the genie's appearance.
"Ummm… hi…" He gave a small wave to the pets.
None of them made any moves in return.
The Wocky turned back to Lennert. "So, do you
actually have a wish now?"
Lennert thought about it for a second, then shrugged.
"Well, that cookie… it keeps avoiding me! Twice already that thing got away!
I sure wish I had that darn cookie…"
The genie gave a simple, swift wave of his paw
and in an odd, useless cliché puff of green smoke, the chocolate chip cookie
appeared out of nowhere on Lennert's lap.
"Oh wow! Now that is just too cool! That
is just some really great stuff! Isn't that awesome, Hawkins?" Lennert looked
over at his partner, who could only utter a barely audible squeak in response.
Lennert tried to bend down to reach the cookie on his lap, only to realize the
ropes across his chest just barely held him back. He looked up at the genie.
"Umm, if you could…?"
The genie sighed, then, with a roll of his eyes,
picked up the cookie and placed it in Lenny's beak, feeding him like a little
Lennert smiled. "Sweet!" he muttered, Angling
his neck up straight and gobbling down as much of the cookie as he could without
using his wings.
"Wait… you…you really are a genie, aren't you?"
The Wocky looked back at Rover, who seemed to have come to from his momentary
shock and loss of words.
"Yes, I really am," the genie replied. He turned
back to Lennert. "So, any other wishes?"
"I… uhhh, I…" Rover stuttered, searching for
the words. "Well, if you're a genie… can I have some wishes, too?"
The genie turned in mid-air to face the red Yurble
again. "Sorry, but no can-do. He's the one who rubbed the lamp, so he's the
one who gets the wishes."
Rover looked at the ground, disappointed. "Awww…
I wanted a giant pool of boiling lava…"
Lennert gave the red Yurble a sympathetic look,
forgetting that he was the one who had tied him to the chair. "Awww! Don't get
down like that! I think I could spare a wish for you!"
At this, Hawkins seemed to come out his own daze.
"…What? Lennert, wait… what?"
Not hearing him, Lennert turned to the genie.
"Mister Genie, I have another wish! I wish for a giant pool of boiling lava!"
"No!" Hawkins shouted. "Lennert, don't!"
The genie smiled. "So it shall be done!" And
with a wave of his paw and a puff of green smoke, a giant tub, filled to the
brim with boiling red, molten lava appeared off to Lennert's right, just outside
of the area of light. The lava inside the pool steamed and bubbled, giving off
its own bright red-orange glow.
Lennert smiled. "Sweet!"
It took Rover a moment to realize what had just
happened. First, he just stared at the pool of magma, unsure if it was a mirage
or not. Then, he looked over at Lennert curiously. His eyes moved from Lennert
to Hawkins, then from Hawkins to the genie. Then, a sly, creepy smile crept
across his face.
"Heh… you idiot! Now that I've got a pool of
lava, I can finally finish the two of you off once and for all!"
"Why did you need a pool of boiling lava to destroy
us?" Hawkins asked. "Couldn't you have just, I dunno, thrown us off the roof
or something the whole time? I don't really see why you needed a pool of lava…"
Rover shrugged. "I dunno… I just sort of figured
that that was how I had to do it - throw you both into a pool of lava and watch
with glee while the two of you burned to your fiery ends. I guess it just never
occurred to me to do anything else…"
Hawkins sighed, shaking his head sadly and turning
to Lennert. "And you - you really don't think things through before you do them,
do you?"
Lennert shrugged. "Not generally, no."
"Now!" Rover shouted, once more becoming the
center of attention. "Now I will finish the two of you off once and for all!
I'll drop you in the lava and no one will ever, ever see the two of you again!"
Hawkins rolled his eyes. "Lennert, just wish
for him to get hit by a meteor or something so we can get out of here, okay?"
The genie turned back to Hawkins. "Oh, no, you
can't do that!"
"What?" Hawkins asked, confused. "Why not?"
"That would be breaking the 'no harming others'
rule of making wishes," the genie explained simply.
"Yeah, but you're not really wishing for him
to be hurt - you're just wishing for something to happen to him that'll cause
him to be hurt."
The Wocky shook his head. "Nope, it doesn't work
that way. You're still wishing for him to be hurt, so it would be breaking the
Hawkins thought about that for a second. "Okay…
well, what if we just wished for him to be teleported right above the pool of
lava? And then, what if he just happened to fall in on his own? Would that be
The Wocky gave another quick shake of his head.
"Nope - it's the same thing. You're wishing for something to happen to him that
would hurt him."
"Yeah, but we're not actually hurting
him - we're just wishing for him to be teleported somewhere!" the Kyrii argued
adamantly. "And if it just happens to hurt him…"
"No, but you're still wishing for him to be hurt!"
the genie rebutted. "You're just doing it in a round-about way!"
"Well that doesn't seem very fair," Hawkins pointed
out. "After all, you only said we can't wish for him to be hurt - you never
said we can't wish for something that, coincidentally, might hurt him."
"But you're still hurting him!"
"No, I'm wishing for him to teleported over a
giant pool of lava! If he happens to fall in, well, that's just a coincidence,
isn't it?"
"Now you're just mincing words!" the genie shouted.
"Yeah, well, it's not my fault you can't explain
things correctly!" Hawkins shouted back. "It's your laws - it's not my fault
you leave the loopholes there!"
Immediately, everyone in the room went silent
(which wasn't hard, since only the genie and Hawkins had been talking). All
the pets turned to look at the one who had given the order - Lennert.
"Boy," the Lenny spoke aloud, "this is pretty
complicated! I really don't understand these rules and stuff. I wish I had a
lawyer here."
"Lennert! No!"
But Hawkins' cry was in vain. Wish a satisfied
grin, the genie spread his arms wide and, in a third and final puff of green
smoke, a short, pudgy Bruce appeared in the middle of everyone. He was blue
and wore a fancy suit and tie, with thick glasses resting on the bridge his
long beak. He blinked and looked around, appearing very surprised at his sudden
The genie gave a wide, almost evil smile. With
satisfaction, he looked down and noticed that his "tail" was no longer connected
to the lamp. Grinning, he gave a quick flick of it. Sure enough, it was free
and loose; he was no longer tethered to the lamp. The curse had been broken.
"YES! Freedom!" He did a quick back-flip in the
air, pumping his fist-paws high. "Free! Free at last! Finally, after all these
years of serving stupid, ungrateful, greedy, selfish, self-indulgent pets, I'm
finally free of that horrid, faerie-forsaken lamp!" He did a quick 360 spin,
laughing loudly.
"Well, that's all for me!" the genie shouted.
"I'll see you suckers later! Next stop: beautiful beaches! Ya-HOO!" And with
that, he turned and flew up and out through the roof, disappearing into the
The lawyer Bruce looked around at the other pets
still in the room, apparently very lost and confused. "Umm… where am I? And
what's going on?" he asked. "One minute, I'm sitting in my office, trying to
think of more lies I could tell to people tomorrow. Next thing I know, I'm in
here surrounded by you all and really, really confused…" He pushed his glasses,
which had been sliding down the bridge of his beak, back up in place.
Rover narrowed his eyes at the Bruce. "I don't
like you - you're a geek. I think I'm gonna throw you in the lava first." He
strode forward and reached out to grab the Bruce's arm-
-only to have the Bruce grab his first and twist
it away.
"Big mistake, pal," the Bruce warned, smiling.
"I may be a lawyer, but I'm also an expertly trained martial artist!" And in
one swift move, he jumped up into the air and round-house kicked the Yurble
in the chest, knocking him to the ground.
Spinning back around to face Hawkins and Lennert,
he gave two quick karate chops, swiftly cutting their ropes loose. Then, smiling
mischievously, he slowly turned back to a stunned and wide-eyed Rover who was
just starting to realize he had been kicked to the floor by a "geek" of a Bruce.
"…Well, this sucks..."
The Bruce made his way over to Rover, grabbed
the fearful Yurble by his neck, and threw him down on his stomach and commenced
to put him what looked like a very painful lock. Rover wailed loudly; the Bruce
only twisted his arms and legs into even more painful positions.
Still sitting in his chair, a stunned and confused
Hawkins tried to remember just how this plot got so off track. He sighed, watching
blankly as the short, nerdy Bruce put Rover into a headlock and made him cry
for his mommy.
Lu remained sitting on the floor where he been
the whole time, staring sadly at the ground and muttering to himself, "Cliché?
Am I really cliché? But, my mommy always told me I was special…"
Bob the brown Hissi had curled up in a coil on
the floor and fallen asleep.
And Lennert, unlike Hawkins, didn't seem concerned
one way or another how they had gotten to this point - looking up, Hawkins could
see the Lenny next to him, munching on a cookie.
"…Where'd you get that?" Hawkins asked.
"Fwom ober on da table!" Lennert mumbled through
a mouth of chocolate chip cookie, crumbs flying everywhere as he jabbed a wing
back somewhere in a corner. "Want one?" He held out a wing full of five or six
more cookies.
Hawkins shook his head, turning back to watch
the fight (the Bruce still had Rover pinned on his stomach and was now twisting
his ankle in a direction it obviously wasn't supposed to go), a blank, distant
expression on his face.
"Boy," Lennert said finally, having swallowed
the rest of his cookie. "It's pretty lucky the genie sent us a lawyer who knows
martial arts, isn't it?"
Hawkins just shook his head slowly. "It never
really bothers you how close to death we seem to come, does it? Or the fact
that we're usually saved only by a simple, almost-unbelievable stroke of luck?"
"Meh," Lennert replied with a shrug, taking a
bite out of another cookie. "I don't usually sit around and think about it."
…This story made more sense on paper. Or… you
know what I mean.
The End