Baratie's Bedtime Stories: "The Two Mortogs" by sanjisangel
The cookie dough was falling off Baratie's paw even as he
tried to lick it off.
"Saaanjiii, it won't stay still for meh to eat
it!" the little Yurble growled and tried to eat faster, but the dough constantly
kept sliding off and plopping onto the table. He pouted a little.
Sanji chuckled from where he was cutting the
cookie dough into little fish shapes.
"Go easy, kid," he murmured, glancing back at
the little red Yurble. "You've got more on your face than inside it." Baratie
giggled and then blinked sleepily. It was late, and Oddendale was already in
bed. He had worked hard today at the Restaurant, though, and his folks were
letting him stay up a bit later than usual.
"Come on, Barrie," Angel called. He turned to
see the other older neopet he lived with, a Maraquan buzz. She waved a pretty-patterned
claw at him and he stood, yawning. "No, don't try and hide it. It's bed time."
She grinned. "We let you stay up later than Oddy, so come on."
"Awww. Yeh. Awright." He tugged his Aisha headband
to make sure it was in place and followed after her up the stairs to their living
"Don't be too long," Sanji's warm voice called
up after them. "I need help with these cookies, Angel-san." They could almost
hear the wink in his voice. Family and friends, so close during the holidays
- even though Giving Day was past. It was the way it should be.
They trudged up those stairs for a bit, then
walked through the jelly living room, past the brightly decorated tree and wrapping
paper scraps still crumpled about on the floor. Baratie made a face when he
heard Oddy snoring from inside their room.
"Angel, he's gonna do that all night... I won't
be able teh sleep!" He scrunched his face up, staring at the blue buzz in the
jinjah bed opposite him. The horrific sounds were tuned down a bit, however,
when Oddy rolled over and began chewing on his pillows. Baratie blinked. "He's
gonna eat his pillows again. I told you you shouldn't have gotten him those
jinjah things."
"He'll be fine, Barrie." Angel smiled at him
as she patted his head. "And so will you - I'll tell you a story!" Baratie brightened.
Angel's stories were his favorite. He leaped into his clown bed and dragged
the covers up about his chin, wriggling with excitement.
"What would you like to hear?" She pulled up
a clown chair from the other side of the room and sat it quietly next to his
"I want one wif mortogs in it." Baratie's eyes
grew round. "I luff mortogs!"
"All right then... this one will be about mortogs."
The Maraquan buzz pondered, her face thoughtful as she gathered her ideas together.
"I've got a good one," she finally grinned. "You'll really like it!"
"Hush, Barrie... close your eyes and listen...
Once upon a time in Meridell there lived two
mortogs, one of whom made his home in a little ditch near the Turmaculus himself,
and one that dwelt in a clear little stream which ran through the town of Brightvale.
Of course, at such a far distance apart they'd never even heard of one another,
but things happen in funny ways sometimes. The idea came into their heads both
at the same time that they would like to see more of Neopia. The mortog that
lived in Brightvale wanted to see Meridell proper, and the Meridell mortog wanted
to see Brightvale.
So, one fine morning they both started out along
the long road that leads to the respective places they wished to see, one from
one end and another the other. The journey was more tiring than they expected
- of course being mortogs they had to hop the whole way -- and they were quite
exhausted when they reached a little mountain halfway between the two towns.
It took many a flip-flop and a hop for each to finally reach the top, but each
did. And what was their surprise at seeing another mortog in front of them!
They blinked, and they stared - but yep. It was true: there was another little
fellow right beside them. Naturally they started talking.
They soon explained why each were there and the
purpose of their journey. One mortog exclaimed as the other scratched its little
green head when they realized they had the same purpose in mind. They lay down
together in a damp, cool place to rest for awhile and chat before they began
'What a shame,' one Mortog spoke at last. 'If
we were only bigger we could see both towns from here, you know.'
'Ahhh, then we'd be able to tell if it's worthwhile
to keep going,' the other croaked. He was tired and cranky, and didn't want
the journey to last much longer anyway. The notion appealed to him greatly.
'Say,' he finally said, 'I have an idea!'
The concept was this: each mortog would stand
up on its hind legs and hold on to one another. Then they'd be able to see the
town they wanted to go to. Well, the Brightvale mortog was so delighted at the
idea he jumped up and immediately put his front paws on the shoulders of his
friend, who had risen also. They both stood, stretching themselves as high as
they could to see the better - and holding on for dear life to each other lest
they fall. The Brightvale mortog turned his nose towards Meridell, and his friend
the other way...
The silly mortogs forgot that when they stood
up their eyes were in the backs of their heads! Their noses pointed towards
the spots they wished to go, but their eyes saw their homeland.
'If I'd only known Brightvale was a copy of Meridell
I wouldn't have wasted my energy,' the one grumbled.
'I wish I hadn't hopped all this way just to
find Meridell a copy of Brightvale!' the other snapped. He was so upset he exploded
on the spot. His friend followed not long after, considering he would have to
hop aaaaallll the way back home."
Baratie, who had been listening the whole time
with half-lidded eyes, began to giggle uncontrollably.
"They asploded," he chuckled sleepily. Angel
nodded and drew the covers up to his chin.
"You have to be careful all the time, Barrie,"
she told the little Yurble. "Always keep a good eye in your head. What you think
you see isn't necessarily right all the time."
"Yesh..." But his voice faded into snores. He
was already fast asleep. Angel turned to leave the room only to find Sanjisuki
standing at the doorway, apron on and a towel slung over his shoulder. He was
clapping silently.
"Sanji," she chided. "If he'd seen you - he wouldn't
have slept for hours."
"I know," the island Zafara murmured. His long
tail had slipped around the doorknob and he motioned her out. "I was quiet... you
ready to help me with the cookies?" He pushed with his tail and the door slipped
shut on the peaceful little sleeping Yurble and his brother.
"If you help me think up another story for the
next time he can't sleep," Angel said, laughing. "Like... tomorrow night?"
The End