Meeting the Ogrin by bunni287
I dashed through the forest, howling with laughter. "You
can't catch me!" I called to my Lupe, who was chasing me in our game of Tag.
"Oh yeah?!" came a cocky voice. "I'll catch you
I laughed louder and picked up speed; my Lupe
was fast, but I was faster (she desperately needed agility training) and I stumbled
through brambles and branches as I got away.
Just as I turned to look I ran into something
very solid but very furry. I was thrown off my feet and landed flat on my back.
"Stupid tree!" I muttered angrily as my head started to throb.
Then I looked up and caught sight of a very strange
but marvellous creature. It had the feet of a Lupe but the head of a Ruki. It
had a yellow Uni's body with a Usul's fluffy neck, Kougra stripes and a Moehog's
tail. The creature looked like bits of other Neopets had been brought together
to create this large and beautiful thing.
It looked as surprised as I did, its head lowered
to the ground as if it had been inspecting the flowers before it. "H-hello,"
I stammered breathlessly, "W-who are you?"
The creature's cheeks burned red as if it was
embarrassed and it muttered something very quietly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," I said softly,
not wanting to scare the creature away.
"I'm an Ogrin," mumbled the creature a little
more loudly.
It looked at me, as if seeing me for the first
time and then quickly looked away again. "Excuse me, but what species are you?"
said the Ogrin shyly.
"Well, I'm a human," I said as I stood up shakily,
dusting myself down.
"Hyoo-man…" said the Ogrin, playing with the
word on its tongue and quickly scribbled the word down on its notepad which,
at a glance, contained pictures of flowers and other plants.
"Y-yes," I stammered as I felt very dizzy after
standing up. "What's your name?"
"Oh, my name's Orin, yes, Orin the Ogrin," said
the Ogrin, pausing its scribbling for a moment before resuming it once more.
"Oh," I said, watching the pencil fly across
the paper. "What are you doing in the forest, Orin?"
"I'm studying the wildlife in here; I'm ever
so curious about this new world, it's so...so…BIG," said Orin, almost excitedly,
"But I haven't seen a species like you before in the forest!"
His auburn eyes surveyed me for a moment.
"I don't live in the forest; I just came in here
to play with my Lupe!"
"Loop?" Playing the new word on its tongue again.
"What's a Loop?"
"It's another species in Neopia!" I told it,
pleased that I was able to help Orin.
Orin smiled widely, "There's more species than
just you?!"
He sounded like a giddy toddler being taken to
the sweet store and finding there are different types of sweets to try.
"Yep; why don't you come to my Neohome and meet
my Lupe, Byliss?" I said invitingly, hoping that we could have another addition
to the family.
"Oh no, I couldn't, I'm just…" Orin's voice trailed
"You're just what?" I said a little fear in my
voice at the fear it could turn into a monster.
"…Too shy…" Orin mumbled, his cheeks burnt red
"Well, being shy is nothing to be embarrassed
about," I said cheerily. "Why don't we stay here for a while; I'm sure
Byliss will find me eventually!"
"Okay," the Ogrin reluctantly agreed even though
he sounded as though he wasn't entirely pleased at the idea.
I sat down on a springy patch of grass and invited
Orin to do so. Then I asked Orin what he liked to do and what he thought of
"I don't know what to think of it yet; I've only
just found this forest. It's quiet and secluded; almost no people come here
and, as you can probably tell, I'm a little bit shy.
"As for what I like to do, well, I like
studying nature, well, I think that's the right word," (I nodded encouragingly)
"taking long walks outdoors because we Ogrins need to be outside, not cooped
up inside with nothing new to inspect and the whole detective or explorer business
seems too dangerous and too involved in bad things for me. I need to be outside,
free to go where I please, to observe and draw and learn new things …"
At that point I'd learnt a new thing about Ogrins…once
they get going they don't stop talking and I have a VERY short attention span!
After a series of nods and 'Uh-huh's Orin asked
me something.
"Huh, what?!" I said snapping back to reality,
"Could you say that again please, Orin? I was a million miles away…"
"I said, what do you think of Dr. Sloth; he sure
doesn't seem a nice character. I've heard frightful stories about him," Orin
said with a slight huff, obviously knowing that I hadn't paid attention to what
he had said.
"I don't like him myself," I said, giving a suspicious
glance around where we sat in case someone (or something) was listening, "Whoever
could do that to a poor, innocent Grundo is certainly a horrible, horrible person!"
"Yes, yes, of course…what did he do?" Orin said
curiously, scribbling down notes in his notebook again.
"He turned most of them into mutants!" I cried,
flinging my arms up into the air without realising.
"Oh my!" gasped Orin, scribbling down: 'Note
to self: Avoid Dr. Sloth, turn you into mutant!' into his notebook.
"So, erm, what do you think of the Battledome?"
I asked, thinking quickly of something to change the conversation.
"The Battledome, you say? I don't really reckon
much to it myself; we Ogrins are peaceful beings, not rough and tumble like
most other Neopets. Why, just the other day a couple of Neopets came crashing
through the tree, screaming and shouting, scared me out of my wits but it's
a good job I can hear well; I certainly wouldn't have liked to meet them…"
'Then have you got a surprise waiting for
you when you meet Byliss,' I thought to myself, thinking of how boisterous
Byliss can be.
His voice rambled on and on and I lost attention
By the time he finished the sun was setting and
dusk hung heavily in the air. "Oh my, look at the sun, I must get home!" cried
Orin, looking surprised. "How time flies, eh?"
"Yes…how it does…" I said, my brain slowly awakening
from mind-numbing, non-stop talking.
"Shall I…?" Orin started but then a yellow furry
thing came flying out of the bushes and landed on top of me.
"TAG! Thought I wouldn't catch you, huh?" said
Byliss' voice, breathless but obviously pleased with herself.
"Byliss…you're crushing me…" I said in shock
and gasping for breath under Byliss' weight (as she is a very heavy Lupe).
"Oops, sorry!" she said and leapt off my back.
"Who were you talking to?"
"I was talking to…" I said, indicating where
the Ogrin had once stood, "Orin?"
I was very confused why Orin had fled, then I
remembered that he was very shy.
"Who's Orin?" asked Byliss, curiously.
"Never you mind," I said, "come on, let's go
And I led Byliss back through the forest to our
home as the sun sank below the hills, knowing that somewhere in the bushes hid
my special friend that I had made that day.
The End