Warf Rescue Team - Let 'Em Fly!!! by buddy__blankies
GAMES ROOM - So, there you are, minding your own business when suddenly you see
a furry, errr - nope, a flurry of Warfs race past you with parachutes in hand.
You wonder, where are they going, and what could they possibly be doing? Well
here's the answer - rescuing wailing Kadoaties. And no, we are not talking about
those ones in the cages, begging for food. We are talking about the ones who continually
climb those amazingly high trees without worrying about how to get down. The ones
who get stuck day after day, tree limb after tree limb, to then get stuck, sit
and wait ... And wait for what, you ask?
The Warf Rescue Team, of course! Who else could save those pesky, err, frisky
furballs but the heroic team of Warfs. They have dedicated themselves to saving
these felines from the perils of their tree climbing. Casting aside the hazards
that come with the job, these Warfs join forces to save as many Kadoaties as
they can in a limited amount of time.
You scoff - hazards? What possible hazards could there be? They're just climbing
trees, saving kitties, what could possibly be dangerous in that? Well, plenty,
I tell you. Nevermind the flinging and balancing acts, the creatures hiding
in and around those trees could be enough to turn any rescuer away. Things throwing
acorns at these Warfs from stumps on branches, Airaxes pecking their paws and
parachutes when they come too close to their nests. Throw in the occasional
Buzzer flying by to pierce their parachutes to the mix, and it is truly a wonder
they volunteer for this job at all!
I can't imagine how they drag themselves out of their petpet beds to pull on
their chutes, day after day, and face these horrible conditions. To be sent
after these Kadoaties, perform balancing acts, tipping side to side, fight off
aerial assaults to save these petpets ... it's truly a wonder. I cannot say
I would do any of it for those wailing fuzzballs. But these pups with heart
of gold endure these challenges every day without a complaint.
Now, to be serious, I love this game, honestly I do. Even my lookup is a tribute
to these courageous pups. But I hear so many people complaining how they can't
get those darn Kadoaties, the Warfs just do not co-operate, and so on - it makes
me shake my head in wonder. You people just do not have the appreciation needed
for this Rescue Team. So I am here to help you understand and appreciate the
'Ways of the Warf '.
For starters, make a note of your mouse. Yep, that mouse is your best friend,
or your Warf's worst nightmare. Notice that little green square moving back
and forth across your screen? That is your guide on how to fling - yep, fling
- those Warfs towards those Kadoaties. Oh sure, you can fling them hard every
time, make them sail down really nicely in their parachutes but it will not
get you anywhere in the game. And the point is to rescue the Kadoaties, not
admire the fine stitching in those chutes. So you need to master your mouse
and how much is too much when flinging your Warf.
Always, always have that green square 'underneath' the Kadoatie that you are
trying to save. That is your target, so to speak, where you are sending your
Warf. When you press your left mouse button, it will release a Warf flying towards
that wailing Kadoatie. Remember, a gust of wind won't take him there - you need
to send him there, so pay close attention to that square and aim well. Also,
it's not just a matter of just clicking the left mouse button - you need to
hold the left mouse button down to gain enough momentum to fling that Warf.
Too much momentum, he goes flying into the air and takes forever to land, wasting
valuable time. Too little power and well, he just won't make it, sad to say.
Your tower of Warfs will not be built and no Kadoaties will be saved today.
It is a skill you need to master - I generally tend to hold the mouse down
until the bar is about 1/2 to 3/4 filled in the space and away he goes. If you
have aimed well, you will begin to form a tower of brave Warfs below the Kadoatie
in need of rescue. You will need to keep piling these Warfs on top of one another
until they reach the Kadoatie. Once they do, the Kadoatie will gracefully dig
their claws into the poor Warfs and make their way down to the ground. Then
you continue your tower to the next Kadoatie to rescue.
Another strategy is to make as many perfect landings as possible. That means
learning how to fling that Warf just right so he lands perfectly on the Warf
below. This can earn you up to 64 points a landing, if you keep building your
Warf Tower properly. Each time they land perfectly, you get a bonus. The bonus
accumulates from 2 to 4 to 8 and so on until it reaches the maximum of 64 points
for a perfect landing. But if you miss or don't land right, you lose the accumulated
bonus and start over building it up.
It's also best to try and stay as much in the middle as possible so when you
need to get to the extreme left or right, you can reach it fairly quickly. If
you find you are at one side of the game, and the Kadoatie is way over on the
other side, you can skip it. Just keep building up your pup tower to save the
next one. Make sure that you have enough time to do this, though - if you are
low on time, you cannot afford to miss any Kadoaties. In that case, you might
as well make the effort to reach it. But if you have been mastering the perfect
landing, your time should reflect this and you can easily skip one without losing
your game.
It's a dangerous world out there for these rescue heroes. So please, just take
a moment and think about locking up your Kadoaties - yep, those cages aren't
so horrible after all. Save a Warf some effort, and perhaps a dizzy spell or
two. And if they per chance bring back your Kadoatie, a little tattered and
worn, be sure to thank these little acrobats for their heroic unsung deeds.
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