The Art of Swabbing - a Deckswabber Guide by feelingthedisco
Avast! So ye lilly livered scallywags found me treasure !
Just playing; but if you came here to learn how to play the game of Deckswabber
better, then you're in luck. This game may be very challenging for some people;
for others, it comes naturally. But either way, I hope I can help :).
Basics About The Game:
Game breakdown: You play the deckswabbing Blumaroo, (who we will name Swabber)
and your objective is to get all the spaces corresponding with the colour of the
square located at the bottom of your screen. However, it is not that easy. There
are also enemies who can pop out of the ground at any time they please. Starting
off, there are only cannons and the Myncies for you to fear. But these are easily
avoided. Later on come the pirate Techos. They are a bit of a problem as they
follow you around. Then last but not least, the pirate Kikos show up. They move
much faster than any other enemy on the board, so watch out for them. If they
hit you, it's game over. You have 3 retries at the game, but each time you lose
30 points, which is about the same as completing a level.
Supplies: Along with the enemies come some helpful supplies that may be of
interest to you. These are the healing flag, dubloons/treasure chests, and sword.
However, a box may appear (no it's not a treasure chest), it's an annoying box
:P If it breaks open, it can potentially ruin that perfect score (30 without
treasure points) on that level. It clears spaces you have already jumped on
making them go back to normal brown starting colour.
Approximate Time It Takes To Get the Avatar: Many people ask, "Just how long
does it take to get the avatar?" For myself, it takes about 25-35 minutes, depending
on how many bonus points I get.
Setting Up For Game:
Many people don't think about this part, but it happens a lot. You're off playing
the game, and then all of a sudden, the phone rings. You look for a pause button
but there is none... how frustrating is that?! Well, my suggestions to you for
getting ready to play are: make sure you have a phone by your side if possible,
flush out your bladder so you don't get any urges for the bathroom while playing,
clean up any mess so your mom doesn't interfere with her nagging while you're
playing ;), and if you have any pets who will need to be taken out during your
play time period, put them out beforehand.
Now that you're ready to play on an outside level, you'll need to set up for
computer level.
Make sure that if you are using any instant messaging services you either set
it to 'away, busy', or which ever you like; my suggestion is sign off the messenger
entirely. There's nothing worse than a conversation popping up and ruining your
game. If you are on a rather slow computer, close any unneeded programs so it
doesn't decrease computer speed.
Playing The Game:
Now that you are all set to play, first thing you should know is how the squares
work. On each level, at the start, the squares will be all the same colour,
brown. At the bottom it will show the brown square, with an arrow pointing to
another square of a different colour. This means you have to jump on every square
until they are the last colour square that the arrow is pointing to. Once you
get a little further into the game, you will notice that if you jump onto a
square you previously jumped on, it will go back to the brown colour and at
the bottom there will be a two sided arrow. That just means that you are advancing
in level so they are getting harder. Just simply go back and forth a few times
until you cover them all, but do it as quickly as possible so you get the best
time bonus possible (10 points).
Things To Know For Playing:
Point Breakdowns:
Level Bonus - 10 points (max.)
Health Bonus - 10 points (max.)
Time Bonus - 10 points (max.)
Treasure Bonus - 10 points (max.)
Total = 40 points per level
Gold: for every 10 (ten) 'gold' you get, it equals 1 point for the end tally
up. If you end up with an uneven number (such as 15, it would round up to 2
Bronze 5 dubloon: 5 gold
Silver 10 dubloon: 10 gold
Gold 20 dubloon: 20 gold
Bronze chest: 25 gold
Silver chest: 50 gold
Semi-gold chest: 75 gold
All gold chest: 100 gold
Sword: Many people try and avoid the sword that hops around, but DON'T. The
sword actually won't hurt you if you jump on to the same square as it. It actually
helps you. If the enemies go onto the same square with the sword, they will
disappear into a puff of smoke. This is extremely useful, especially in the
harder levels of the game.
Healing Flag: The healing flag is very helpful if you are in dire need of some
health. If you look at the flag, it is at a certain height on the pole. That
is how much it will heal you :) Your health is located off to the left side
of the game.
Box: Ugh. The brown box that hops around is the worst. If you don't get to
it in time, it will explode. This makes all the squares around it change back
to the starting brown colour.
Cannon - slow, doesn't follow
Mynci - tends to follow a little bit, but moves slowly
Techo - Follows most of the time, faster than first two
Skull Kiko - Follows all the time, moves very fast, kills instantly
Extra Tips
If you find yourself at the end of a level and not able to turn the last few
squares to the right colour, DON'T QUIT. Just get yourself stationed near the
water with the one square you need changed as the one you're standing on. Then
only once, jump into the water then back out onto the square. Make sure you
do this quickly.