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14 Terrors of Typing Terror!

by crazyginger83


SPACE STATION - Have you ever ventured into the Space Station to try your fingers against hordes of malfunctioning Grundos? If you have, this article will give voice to all those pent up frustrations hiding in the back of your mind. If you haven’t played Typing Terror, then this article will be your warning of what to watch out for, or help you figure out if you even want to bother to test your hand at this devious game!

Since the Typing Terror avatar came out, more and more people have been playing, myself included. There are many things I have learned about the game, and so I have come to respect, yet at the same time, in some ways, hate the game. For starters, you would assume the avatar shouldn’t be THAT hard to achieve, especially if you type fairly well. That, however, was your first mistake: never ASSUME when it comes to Typing Terror, or TT for short. If you make too many assumptions, you may not even make it back alive! It turns out to be quite a hard score to achieve.

Many obstacles get in the way of achieving your goal, and the following terrors will help you be prepared for the harder aspects of the game.

Terror 1: Level 1. Level 1 is your first chance to get a good score. If you don’t get a good enough score on level one, you might as well just start over. The only way to get a good score on level one is to get at least 1 or 2 broken bots. One of the major things that makes TT so tricky is the fact that to get a high score you require bots that get you more points. Namely, the broken ones. If you’re looking to get that spiffy new avatar, from a score on level 1 of 125 or less there really is no coming back, without starting over.

Terror 2: Those darn broken bots. Why aren’t there more of them? And why don’t they show up when you want them to ? You’re at level 4, you have a score of 1900, which isn’t too bad, since you want a score of 2500 at the end of level 5 in order to reach the score for the av. Then, you get ALL yellow bots, and what is your score at the end of level 5? 2200, if you’re lucky! Darn broken bots… looks like it's back to square 1.

Terror 3: Speed. The bots can seem FAIRLY slow at level one. This is partly because the words are smaller. Also, they do actually go a bit slower. As you go higher into the levels, the bots get faster as the words get longer! On and on, the faster they go, the faster you go, until the tips of your fingers hurt. Then, as they start getting closer to the screen, your heart starts beating faster, and you may even start to shake. The stress is almost unbearable. A good way to calm yourself down and get ready for the next round is to take a 10 minute break once you finish the current round!

Terror 4: Accuracy! With those bots going so fast *pokes terror 3* your accuracy score gets lower! It’s almost impossible to get a perfect accuracy score, unless you are the world greatest typist, or at level 1.

Terror 5: Offscreen bots! Offscreen bots don’t happen too often but when they do it is very annoying. They walk in at so much of an angle that by the time it’s time to type their word, they have walked off the screen so much you can’t even see the first letter! You try to figure it out in time but before you know it, BANG! There goes a life!

Terror 6: 3 lives! Only 3 lives? Come on! It’s easy to get through levels 1-3 without losing a life, but when those long, hard, fast words come, 3 lives just isn’t enough! Make it more like 5, and it might be a little more fair!

Terror 7: Backward, upside down bots. These are by far the biggest terror of TT. The creator of this game didn’t think it was hard enough to type the words when the bots are coming at you in such high speeds. They had to mess with your head and make some words upside down and backwards. How cruel can you get? Not to mention they are only worth 20 points!

Terror 8: Window cracks! Okay so it’s not bad enough you lose a life? But the bots have to hit the window so hard it cracks? After this, you can barely see the rest of the bots, or the words that are on them. It sure is a great thing to happen, if you want to lose the game!

Terror 9: Sounds! In Typing Terror you are stressed out, trying to achieve your goal, but it’s hard when every time you clear a bot you hear, CRASH! BANG! BOOM! Or every time a bot hits the window you hear it crack. Or how about when a broken or upside down bot is coming and the only reason you know is because it has its own special robotic sound and all you can think about is finding it and getting the points! How can ANYONE concentrate with all that racket?

Terror 10: Any word with an X or a Z in it! X and Z are not popular letters in the English language. They are also in a VERY inconvenient spot on the keyboard for this reason. There aren’t many words that have an X or Z, but the creator of this game sure found a significant amount to throw us off with. Seeing an X or Z word coming can give you an immediate panic attack!

Terror 11: Time in between bots. Sometime you can wait 5-10 seconds before seeing a bot. As you sit there, waiting for it to come, your stress level increases. This can cause severe anxiety and even losing a life.

Terror 12: The word xerxes. This one is pretty self explanatory!

Terror 13: Misspelling! This can be one of your greatest TT downfalls. Not only does it take you longer to type the word, and lowers your accuracy, but say if you type an S, and there is another word you can’t see yet, behind all the bots, that begins with an S, you have to type that first. By the time you type that you probably have already lost a life!

Terror 14: Unknown words! As you play TT more and more, you realize you have never even seen some of these words! You’ve never even heard them used in a sentence. Why would you anyway? Where on earth did they come up with this stuff!?

Now don’t get the wrong idea. TT isn’t all bad. The avatar is pretty spiffy, and the game is also a good tool to become a better typist. So, no, it’s not all bad. It’s only MOSTLY bad.

They really meant it when they named the game Typing TERROR!

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