Jhudora: Naughty or Nice? by dan4884
JHUDORA’S CLOUD - Hello, readers! Dan4884 here, reporting from the edge of the
purple and green cloud of pure evil! That’s right, I’m at Jhudora’s home in Faerieland,
and I’m here to investigate the mystery that’s on everyone’s mind: is Jhudora
really evil?
Now, ever since our beloved purple and green faerie’s been introduced, she’s
been described as evil and malevolent. In fact, she recently earned her Gallery
of Evil spot that says this:
“Most villains earn their place in the Gallery of Evil through terrible, malicious
deeds. One faerie, however, has never done anything to directly harm Neopia...
and that's what has everyone so worried.
Ranking among Neopia's most feared residents, the dark faerie named Jhudora
is often regarded with suspicion (and always approached with caution). Her terrible
temper and tendency to deceive and manipulate are well known, but that is hardly
enough for the other faeries to condemn her.
Still, everyone has their suspicions, and as a result her faerie sisters watch
her very closely. It's rumored that, over the years, she's had ties to several
terrible things that have occurred in Neopia. However, until there is any proof,
this cunning faerie will remain free.”
That makes her sound really creepy, right? But if you read between the lines,
it seems to say something quite different: it makes Jhudora out to be scary,
but not evil. She’s never done anything to hurt anyone, and there hasn’t been
any proof to the things that she’s rumored to have been involved with. Maybe
there was never any proof in the first place?
After researching her Gallery of Evil entry, I set out to get opinions from
different Neopians. My first stop was at Illusen’s Glade, where Jhudora’s number
one enemy lives.
Dan: Illusen?
Illusen: Oh, hello there! Are you here to do a quest for me?
Dan: No, I’d actually like to hear what you have to say about Jhudora. Do you
think she’s evil?
(At this point in the interview, Illusen’s smile changed to a grimace.)
Illusen: Oh, so you want to know about her. Well, personally, anyone
who dresses in that horrible outfit is stupid, not evil. While I’ve done
things that are notable, has anyone ever heard of her doing anything worthwhile?
All she does is sit on her cloud and wait for stupid Neopians to come and do
her foolish quests. Hmph.
Dan: How is that different from your quests?
Illusen: I don’t waste my time on a cloud. I sit in a glade. They’re
I figured it wasn’t the best idea to argue with her on that topic, so I left
and went to speak with the Faerie Queen, Fyora.
Fyora: Hey, how’d you get in here? Guards!
Dan: Wait! I just want to interview you!
Fyora: Oh, that’s different. You know, I get so many interview requests because
I’m queen. Here, I’ve got my speech already written down. I was born on a warm,
summer day in the Month of—
Dan: Wait! I don’t want to talk about you! I just wanted to talk about whether
or not you think Jhudora is evil.
Fyora: What!? You don’t want to talk about me? Fine! Why you’d rather talk
about Jhudora than me is a mystery, but whatever. I think that Jhudora isn’t
as tough as she says she is. After all, she’s never caused any havoc or anything
like that.
Dan: Do you think that she could do something evil?
Fyora: No, not really. She’s too cuddly in my opinion.
Dan: Riiight. Thank you, Fyora.
Fyora: You’re welcome, but next time you want an interview, ask me questions
about me!
I left the Faerie Palace and continued in my investigation. I searched the
Neopedia and other sources of knowledge to find anything at all about the debate.
Most of the information I could find only led to Jhudora’s lighter side. I was
beginning to agree with what everyone had told me, but I knew I had to do one
last thing: speak with Jhudora herself.
So, I mustered as much strength as I could, grabbed my pen and paper, and ventured
to Jhudora’s cloud. As I entered the building, I passed a dazed Bori exiting.
Dan: How is she today?
Bori: Oh, man, she’s having a particularly bad day. Look! She singed my tail!
It looked like it hurt. The Bori walked away, muttering “Ow” every few seconds.
I watched him go, growing increasingly worried. Nevertheless, I stepped forward
and cautiously called the Dark Faerie’s name.
Dan: Jhudora?
Jhudora: Yes? What do you want?
Dan: I’d like to interview you for an article I’m writing. Would you mind answering
some questions?
Jhudora: Fine, whatever. Ask away.
Dan: Have you ever planned anything or done anything really evil? I’m
not sure if you know about it, but there’s a debate going around that you aren’t
Jhudora: Yes, of course I know about it! And yes, I am evil! Why, just a couple
days ago I stole everything from the Money Tree and lit it on fire! That’s evil!
Dan: No, not really. That’s actually kind of dumb, since it fills up so fast.
Jhudora: Hmm. You have a point. Well, how about this? Two months ago I went
to a villainy convention and won the Prettiest Villain competition. I beat out
Edna, Eithne, and Masila! How many villains can say they’re the prettiest
Dan: How many villains would want to say that?
Jhudora: A lot! …I think. Oh, maybe I’m not so evil.
Dan: Well, there you have it. Proof that Jhudora is just like a cuddly teddy
bear! I guess everyone else was right.
Jhudora: What?! I may not be evil, but I’m not like a disgusting teddy bear!
How could you say that about me? Take that!
I suddenly felt something hot. I yelped and realized she had set my pants on
fire. As I dropped onto the floor and rolled around in pain, Jhudora cackled.
Loudly. In fact, she was rolling on the floor as well, but she was laughing.
Maybe she was evil after all.