Cold Hands, Warm Heart by garden_bug9
A mischievous baby Blumaroo named Hippie was always up
to something it seemed. If she wasn't jumping in Mrs. Lupe's pool, our ever-patient
neighbour, then she could be seen climbing her favourite broccoli tree. Up and
down she would climb and would be seen hanging from the tallest branch shouting, "Hey,
I'm King Skarl, look at me!"
Mrs. Lupe never seemed to mind Hippie's interruptions
and always had a warm smile to greet her as she lived alone. Her children had
grown up and she desperately missed the voices of the busy children coming from
her home. One daughter moved to Terror Mountain, another to Mystery Island,
and her son to Kiko Lake. She loved to travel to the different areas of Neopia
but was very fond of her home in Neopia Central and enjoyed the company of all
her neighbours. Especially Hippie because she always made her laugh!
The long summer days passed quickly and turned
into the crisper days of fall. In the cool autumn afternoons Hippie could be
seen plowing through the many piles of leaves that she raked for Mrs. Lupe.
It seemed that Hippie would never tire of this game, and wished it would go
on for hours. Mrs. Lupe, on the other hand, delighted in simply sitting on a
well-worn wooden bench to watch Hippie play.
Although Hippie loved playing with her neighbor,
Mrs. Lupe was an older Neopet and tired easily. Eventually, Hippie found herself
very lonely for a friend her own age. And one day, late in the fall, she began
to pout, with nothing fun to do but her regular chores.
That very afternoon, as she was kicking rocks
around the front garden, she spotted two people moving into Mrs. Lupe's house
next door! To Hippie's surprise and delight Mrs. Lupe's daughter, who had moved
to Terror Mountain, and her daughter Morgan the baby Mynci had come to help
for a few weeks. It wasn't long before Hippie decided to pounce over the fence,
accidentally trampling the rowzez on her way to greet the youngest member of
the family.
While Mrs. Lupe got reacquainted with her daughter,
Hippie and Morgan took a plate of chocolate chip Cybunny cookies, vanilla milkshakes
(Hippie's favourite) and a green picnic blanket out to the garden to set up
under a Heart Fruit Tree. They played Kacheekers all afternoon stopping long
enough for refills of cookies and milkshakes. Hippie and Mrs. Lupe were both
very pleased, since they both finally had the company they had desired for so
As the days went by, Hippie and Morgan got to
know one another and became great friends. Morgan, you see, was a rather shy
and reserved baby Mynci, quite the opposite of the rambunctious baby Blumaroo
Hippie, but it took them no time at all to find things to do that interested
them both. They could be seen having picnics under the broccoli tree, feeding
the Maraquan Koi that lived in Mrs. Lupe's pond, playing Kacheekers, and Hippie
running with Morgan braced in the wheelbarrow all around the neighbourhood.
Once, Hippie took the time to set up an obstacle
course made from the mini pumpkins that Mrs. Lupe and her daughter had harvested
to make pumpkin pies. This was not a long-lived activity, as Mrs. Lupe, hands
on her hips and laughing, asked Hippie to return her garden gems so she could
bake some pies and cookies. Hippie raced and gathered the pumpkins as Morgan
tried to hold the wheelbarrow steady, all the time talking about what they could
do for their next adventure.
The cool fall days began to get shorter and colder,
and Hippie and Morgan waited anxiously for the first snow. Then one night while
everyone was sleeping, it happened. The first snowfall! By the time the morning
sun filtered through the falling crystals all the plants in the garden were
now covered with a fresh layer of fluffy snow.
Hippie jumped out of bed and ran outside, leaping
and catching as many snowflakes on her tongue as she could. She was so excited
and made enough noise that she woke a sleeping Morgan, who could be seen peering
from her frosted Tyrannian style bedroom window.
Moments later, the reserved Morgan appeared
before Hippie dressed for the weather, unlike Hippie who chose to wear only
a scarf in the mad rush. "What are you doing Hippie?" she inquired.
"Having breakfast," Hippie replied. "Gulp, gulp.
I love the snow and I want to use my new sled, but we don't have any big hills
Morgan thought for a moment, scratched her head
and suggested, "Why don't we build our very own ice slide, so we can slide all
winter?" Hippie agreed and filled with renewed excitement, bolted to gather
as many supplies as she could carry (and she never once thought about using
the wheelbarrow).
The two found a secluded spot in Mrs. Lupe's
backyard to begin the great task of building a slide. The project started out
small, but Mrs. Lupe gave them a wagonload of old boarded-up windows to use
as they saw fit and soon the plan for the slide grew bigger and bigger. Hammering,
banging and the occasional "ouch" were heard for days. They worked together
hauling many Feepit Bath buckets filled with water, pouring each bucketful carefully
down the ramp of the slide on the cold nights.
The slide grew and over the next few weeks, until
the next big snowfall. That morning, when they went out to the slide it jutted
out like the largest icicle around! It shimmered and glimmered in the morning
sun, and the girls stood in great amazement at what they had accomplished.
They played that day for hours. Neither one wanted
to venture inside for anything but meals and to warm by the fire, and the occasional
change of mittens. Then in the late afternoon as they were still sliding, a
very loud rumble and a "crack" were heard. This stopped the girls in their tracks.
Their eyes focused on the ice ramp as a crevice appeared making cracking sounds
the length of the slide.
"OH NO, our slide is ruined!" the two shocked
and dazed Neopets said in unison. Dismayed they sat with their boots in the
puddles of water formed from the drippings of the slide and the many tears they
shed. With their heads in their hands, they sat very still all afternoon pouting.
Suddenly, a bright glow appeared at the top of
the slide! They sat wide-eyed and watched as a female figure approached. With
a soft voice she said to them,
"What's the matter little ones?" she whispered.
"My name is Taelia, and I am the Faerie who lives atop Terror Mountain. I see
you need some help mending your ice slide." Her soft voice calmed them as she
wiped away their tears. She helped them to their feet and wrapped them in warm
Taelia styled coats. The girls smiled sweetly, as Taelia, the most famous of
all the faeries, was helping them! All the girls could do was nod in agreement
and utter "uh huh".
With that she breathed a long breath of cold
air along the slide. A cloud of vapour filled the air and as she touched the
slide it turned into crystal, preserving it forever! Not a blemish or imperfection
could be found!
After this she turned to them and said, "My darlings,
may you always know the joys of playing in the freshly fallen snow." The wind
picked up and it began to snow. Happily, the girls danced around. Turning to
thank Taelia, they stared in amazement, as they watched her float away on cloud
of snow. This left two bewildered creatures, with lovely new winter coats, to
contemplate what had just happened…
So, if you are out playing in the snow this winter
keep your eyes to the sky! For you never know when your favourite faerie might
lend you a hand!
The End