Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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The Neopian Hospital

by hypno_hawk

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Sweet Reunions
It was dinner time and, as usual, there were the petty arguments going on from none other than my fabulous four pets...

by jamice_muff_muff


Intellectual Twaddle
All your Neohome are belong to us.

by katu_fushigi


The Kougra Klan: Part Four
"Oka belongs to us," said another familiar voice behind her. It was a deep, rasping voice, and it sounded is if he were sneering at her...

by ikea_sale


Dear Crabby
Here is my first piece of advice: read my article now or suffer the consequences. This is for your own good. Do not deny it. You will not be able to. I have friends in high places.

by dan4884

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