Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 128,614,511 Issue: 257 | 15th day of Gathering, Y8
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It's a Bug's Life

by faeriekittie

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The Peophin Incident: Part Eight
"Kaerhas! Chaelian!" Teirryn called, suddenly recognizing his two companions. If they heard him, they didn't respond. Teirryn sped up, fear lending him strength...

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Raising Your Toddlers
So you've just become the proud owner of your very own Baby Neopet. You find yourself lost for words. So... now what?

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"Hello," she said breathlessly. "Welcome to Hidden Treasures, the shop that's got all the..." She trailed off miserably...

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What Were You Thinking...

by ggen8

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