Gallery Spotlight: A Step-to-Step Guide by pokemon_lunatic
Recently, my gallery won the Spotlight and since then, my inbox gets filled almost
every day by random people who want to congratulate me or ask me questions. If
you want to be in my shoes, keep reading!
Preparing your gallery for the Spotlight
First of all, you have to create a gallery. Just go on and click on the button
to create one. Add a name to your gallery, a shopkeeper and a welcoming message.
Don't worry about making it exactly as you want it, as that is just temporary.
These are necessary to go on and will be changed later.
Secondly, deciding on your gallery theme is on the to-do list. My suggestion
on this is to choose something that you like. Otherwise, you might get impatient
and decide to give up halfway. Personally, I chose chocolate covered stuff,
as my main theme, because I am one of those people with a sweet tooth.
Furthermore, it's time you bought your exhibits. This will keep you
busy most of the time, as it's one of the most important parts.
The number of items is a subject which has been discussed many a time and many
different views have been expressed. Several people believe that any number
of items can be acceptable by the Neopets team. Indeed, some of the galleries
which have won the Spotlight had very few items. Once, I saw one with only
six items!
On the contrary, the majority of gallery owners tend to consider the item amount
a very big priority. If someone ventures into the "Spotlights and Galleries"
board, they will find a big number of galleries that display hundreds
of items. I'm saying this literally.
Let me tell you my opinion. I searched all around the site for chocolate
covered items for my gallery. Fortunately, that kind of items did not come
to great numbers and I was able to buy most of them. If you take a look at my
gallery, you will notice that only a couple of items are missing. These ones
were too expensive for me to buy (about 700,000 Neopoints each!). Fortunately,
the Neopets team did not have a problem with that.
An important factor to be considered, at this point, is the number of Neopoints
that you are willing to spend. Upgrading your gallery to hold new items requires
Neopoints, while the sum increases every time you do so. One might reach the
point where one will spend 10,000 Neopoints just to add four items!
Moreover, if you want to win the gallery spotlight, the layout plays a really
significant role. As a rule, galleries with premade graphics won't be accepted,
so you'll have to make them yourself. Now, if your art skills are not that good,
you can have one of your friends help you with this part.
The gallery layout consists of the following:
a) Gallery title: Here you have to decide what your final gallery title
would be. Just remember that it should match your theme. Think of something
witty, as that will increase the possibility of being chosen for the spotlight!
b) Gallery Shopkeeper: This works the same way as above. As usual, your
shopkeeper should go along with your gallery idea.
c) Background: A background is definitely needed for a good gallery.
Avoid making fuzzy pictures with too much detail. That will draw the attention
of visitors and they won't be able to concentrate on the items. A well-drawn,
non-tiled background, usually, works perfectly.
d) Sidebar: That's a tricky part. Sidebars are not easily-made and they
call for good CSS knowledge. There are some good guides made by friendly Neopians
that you can follow, but remember: If you think you can't do it yourself, you
can always ask for help from one of the graphic makers that lurk on the boards.
To cut the long story short, your sidebar must have the same buttons as the
official Neopets ones: Create a Neopet, Pet Central, Explore, Games, Neomail,
Shops, Boards, News, Stuff, Help, Login and Logout.
e) Blog: Here's where you'll put your welcoming text. You might also
want to say why you chose this kind of gallery, or list those who helped you,
in the process. Nevertheless, a shop blog consists, mainly, of a picture that
is faded where the text is positioned. This way, it is readable.
f) Table: The table is where your items will stand. There are many options
to pick here: transparent tables, tables with a custom background, glowing tables
These are the main elements of a gallery layout. In fact, these must
be included in every gallery. You may add some more things, such as a cursor
or a counter, but that is entirely up to you. Just try to make colors match.
None would appreciate a gallery if they came down with sore eyes from improper
color combinations.
At last! Your gallery is complete! Submitting is what comes next. Think of
a speech about your gallery and write a short text. The winning galleries are
always accompanied by a short text, which, generally, acts as a prologue to
it. So, that's what you should do as well! When you have finished with that,
go on and click the submit button.
Great! Now your gallery has arrived at the judges. Good luck on winning the
spotlight! Patience is a virtue, as you might be selected four months after
your submission. The only advice I can give you here is not to submit again
and again. That doesn't help at all. On the contrary, it puts your gallery at
the end of the list, harshly reducing the possibility of winning. Just wait
tolerantly. Besides, if you have a special gallery (i.e. a Mutant gallery),
you'll have better chances of winning on its special day (i.e. on Mutant
Still, a rejection should not put you down. Keep working over your gallery
again and again, adding new items and improving your layout. Eventually, you
will find a neomail from the Neopets team in your inbox and a trophy in your
user lookup. Good luck and remember: Winning the Gallery Spotlight is a tough
goal, but the satisfaction is rewarding.