Hidden Tower Items: Battledome Use Only? by wackedpoptart
I'm sure everyone has made a trip to visit Fyora in the Hidden Tower at some point
or another. Whether you're a Battledomer or just browsing her collection, the
finest items in Neopia come at a hefty price (usually in the high thousands, low
millions), which most Neopians can't afford. But are her items only for use against
opponents in the Battledome, or do they have everyday purposes? While browsing,
I've come up with the top thirteen most useful Hidden Tower items outside of the
13. Rancid Battle Dung
Are you one of the many who have neighbors that you could just do without?
Or do you and your pets just love wreaking havoc? If so, then this is the perfect
solution to your annoying neighbors or boredom (or, quite possibly, both). =)
Just grab a nearby cannon (because everyone has one holed up *somewhere* in
their SDB) and fire away! (WARNING: May cause angry mobs carrying pitchforks
and flaming torches to chase the user.) This is also great for keeping away
Dr. Sloth and Meepits (unless their sense of smell have been permanently destroyed).
12. Werelupe Claw Necklace
This item is pretty cool for all the guys or pets out there that want something
to make them look those motorcycle guys that girls always seem to like. Or the
Werelupe's lunch when it finds who has its two missing claws.
11. Portable Kiln
The Portable Kiln is great for bakers or for if your oven decides to break
in the middle of baking cookies (or it could be the neighbors getting you back
for the Rancid Battle Dung incident). Just pop your cookies inside and you have
fresh baked cookies instantly! Well, they'll be a little burned... (offers me
a cookie) No, no thanks... I don't eat toxic waste.
10. Everlasting Apple
This is a pretty cool find, because not only does it provide excellent assistance
in the Battledome, but it also keeps you from having to constantly buy food
for your pets! Like the description says, no matter how many times you eat from
this apple, it will never get smaller. This item is ideal for all you Skeith
and Grarrl owners out there, along with any other Neopet that has a black hole
for a stomach.
9. Faerie Fog
Faerie Fog is the perfect item for famous Neopians such as Hoban, Chef Bonju,
and Queen Fyora herself to move about in public without being seen by others.
This is also helpful for Neopets who have been flinging Rancid Battle Dung at
their neighbor's Neohomes and wish not to be recognized. :) It's also great
for playing hide-and-seek with, as no one will be able to find you if you are
hidden in it!
8. Hubrid's Puzzle Box
This is a great gift for a Neofriend or a Neopet who loves puzzles! You can
sit there for hours pushing buttons and flicking switches to see what happens.
Just a quick word of advice: Don't push the red button, flick the blue switch,
and turn the Puzzle Box 90 degrees to the right... my cousin did and well, the
Starry Battle Dung still hasn't come off. O.o;
7. Asparachucks
AAAAIIIIEEEEE *pow!* This is great for Neopets who are involved in karate or
spy thrillers. Or for those who run around thinking they are...*whistles*
6. Meuka's Snot Trail
Although this is a truly gross and disgusting item, it can be used to help
cave explorers or Neopets who are easily lost. If you and your Neopet went out
on a camping trip and discovered a cave with lots of different paths to choose
from, you could simply trail Meuka's Snot Trail on the ground behind you to
mark where you've been (and the way back out of the cave!).
5. Rainbow Swirly Thing
This is a great gift idea for the easily distra--whoa... look at all the colors.
4. U-Bend Of Great Justice
I think we've all been there when a pipe springs a leak in the sink in our
Neohome and we don't happen to have a spare one laying around. With the U-Bend
Of Great Justice, you could easily replace the leaky one and also prevent your
house from flooding (or becoming that indoor pool you were always contemplating
3. Slumberberry Potion
If you or your pets can't seem to get to sleep at night, this is the perfect
item for the job. While they're on their crazy sugar run, casually slip some
into their Neocola and they'll be out like a light before you know it! This
also works great on Dr. Sloth if he's found out that you've invaded his castle
again. :)
2. Snowball Machine
Who *doesn't* love a great snowball fight? With the assistance of the Snowball
Machine, you're guaranteed to win every snowball fight that you participate
in. Just be careful, I used it once and it put a nice, round hole through a
tree in my backyard. O.o; This could also be used to repeatedly pelt Chef Bonju
with snowballs until he tells us how to obtain his elusive avatar!
1. Rainbow Clockwork Grundo
This is extremely useful for sneaking around in places you aren't supposed
to be (cough*dr.sloth'slair*cough*). If anyone comes, just send this little
guy in the opposite direction from you, take cover, and wait for the poor follower
to explode with the Rainbow Clockwork Grundo. Example:
Isis6545: Uh oh! Someone is coming!
Kiwilicious48: Don't worry, we'll just send the Rainbow Clockwork Grundo out!
(The Grundo is sent out to the hall opposite of Isis6545 and Kiwilicious48;
the guard confronts them.)
Kiwilicious48: Oh look! A distraction! (points to the Grundo moving in the
opposite direction and then runs)
(The guard stupidly follows the Rainbow Clockwork Grundo.)
....KABOOM! Problem solved. :)
After spending many nights (a.k.a. 1) of carefully picking these thirteen Hidden
Tower items, I'm very confident that life in your Neohome will be easier with
items like the U-Bend of Great Justice and the Everlasting Apple. I can also
predict that the rate of Rancid Battle Dung-covered houses and angry mobs will
also increase, but I can't imagine why...*shifty eyes*