Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Two by rainbow_lover852
Also by jeanaet
The two Neopian families sat around the table in the
Spring Garden, eating a dessert of Cocoa Juppies. All eight of the petpets were
wrestling and sleeping in the playpen that Oreh had brought. Isaerios and Lindsey
were in deep conversation with each other, the proud Lindsey obviously being
charmed by Isaerios' lovely sapphire eyes. Oreh was telling Lailani about the
wonderful days she'd had as a Flotsam, Jeanie and Rain were laughing through
tears at jokes that the other was telling, and Nexy and Kiara were rolling around
on the ground, giggling. They had eaten their supper of Baby Food before anyone
else could begin on their Turkey Dinners.
Ailemea and Jenna were having an intense staring
contest across the table. Jenna's paw was clutched tight on her sword Faith,
which lay unsheathed on her lap. Ailemea's Ditsy stared unblinkingly at it.
After a while, everyone else's conversation faded away and they all watched
the two Xweetoks.
"So, Ailemea, have you written any stories lately?"
Rain asked uneasily.
"No," the Xweetok replied curtly.
Jenna's paws clenched, as a single phrase she'd
learned ran through her mind. If you can't say something nice, don't say
anything at all...
Aile noticed her tense rival. "What?" she snapped.
Jenna was tempted to repeat the phrase, but all
that came out was, "You don't have to be so rude."
"I wasn't being rude - I answered her question,
didn't I?" Aile snapped back, flaring up.
"Just loosen up, ok?!" Jenna barked in frustration.
"We invited you to dinner after all!"
"Well, SORRY! Not MY fault I got dragged to this
STUPID dinner party in the first place! Pardon me for having a HORRIBLE day,
and a WORSE night!" Ailemea screeched.
"It always has to be about you, doesn't it?"
Jenna said in disgust. "You know what I think you are?!"
"Say it," Aile replied in a deadly voice.
"Jenna_Leanna!" Rain cried in distress. "Please,
stop, the both of you!"
"Now, now, girls," Jeanie said quietly. "I'm
sure there are better ways of settling this than yelling."
Jenna's eyes gleamed as she stood up and lifted
Faith to point threateningly at Ailemea. "You're right; let us take this to
the Battledome - that is, unless you're afraid of mussing your perfect fur?"
she taunted.
Ailemea leaped to her feet. Her eyes were shining
with absolute fury. "You're on."
Rain and Jeanie were nervous. No - they were
panicked. They prepared their pets for battle with an air of unease. The other
six pets were sitting in the stands, chattering aimlessly. Kiara and Nexy spoke
in length in their baby talk. The playpen that contained their petpets was situated
so that the petpets could watch the match.
Jenna smiled, already feeling triumphant. There
was no chance for Ailemea in this match. Her hit points were only 10/10 - Jenna's
were 35/35. She would take her in the first move. She shot a confident smirk
at Ailemea, and got one in return. You just wait, she thought. Now was
the time when she would show Ailemea that she wasn't just dealing with a pretty
striped Xweetok. No. She was much more than that.
The match began.
Jenna made a smooth dash at Ailemea with Faith,
but the sword bounced off and out of her paws. Ailemea grinned at her from within
her Bubble Shield. And then, dropping the shield, she threw a Battlecard at
Jenna. Jenna was bounced back painfully. Angrily, Jenna threw a Caustic Potion
back at her opponent. Ailemea was thrown backwards as well.
Furious, the two Xweetoks healed. They became
more wary. They circled around, glaring at each other. Then, without warning,
Jenna threw an expensive yet strong potion at Ailemea. There was a huge cloud
and Aile screamed, but a moment later she had dashed out, gulping down an elixir.
She glanced at Jenna tentatively then placed an odd looking hat on her head.
Jenna gasped as her opponent vanished.
She was suddenly slammed from behind by what
she was sure was Xweetok Swish, and then blasted with another Battlecard. She
stumbled and looked wildly around for Ailemea. She saw paw prints in the Mystery
Island dirt and smiled. Gathering her energy, she Thunder-tailed Ailemea. The
hat was blown off the other Xweetok's head and Ailemea hissed.
Then, as one, the two Xweetoks threw deadly potions
at each other. There was a blast and they flew apart.
"The match is a draw," the referee declared.
"No one has won the fight."
Rain and Jeanie rushed onto the field and stuffed
Healing Potions into their Xweetoks' mouths. Instantly Aile and Jenna leaped
to their feet. They looked at their scoreboards and realized what had happened.
Jenna blinked in surprise and confusion. Ailemea angrily stalked out of the
The rest of the group followed Ailemea, Jenna
fuming within. She knew this wasn't over yet.
In fact, it had barely begun.
Jeanie and her pets were just about to whistle
for transport Eyries, when without warning, a Weewoo swooped by and dropped
a copy of the Neopian Times upon Rain's head. "Ow! What the?" She picked up
the paper, and watched as its deliverer flew off into the distance. "I didn't
know Weewoos could fly."
Jeanie shrugged and came over to inspect the
paper. "Must be a random event. This could be just a book or some--!!" The girl's
eyes widened and she nearly dropped the Times. "OH NO! RAIN!"
"What!" Rain grabbed the paper and gawked at
it in astonishment. "Terror Mountain overthrown!" she gasped in disbelief, and
then read aloud in a trembling voice, "Armies of Dr. Sloth swarming over the
mountain, already spilling out into Tyrannia. Space ships from the skies can
be seen soaring over the lands, homes being burned, citizens trapped..." Rain's
face grew paler with every word. "All Neopians must evacuate to Maraqua within
the next few hours. No exceptions."
Many Neopians stopped to listen, thunderstruck.
"What about Faerieland?" Jeanie asked, not understanding.
"Why isn't Fyora here? She should be in control!"
"It says that Faerieland has lost contact; only
a few faeries have been seen in the pillaging, doing their best to save the
town centers," Rain answered weakly.
The two owners looked at each other and then
everyone began to run. The skies grew black as some unknown shadow shaded the
entire island. The two families reached Rain's Neohome very quickly. Then there
was a great tumult of action. So much to be done, so much to be left behind!
Oreh handed the petpets to all of their owners and then collapsed the playpen
and hid it in a closet. Rain and her family ran around the Neohome, collecting
everything important and hiding it under the floor. Rain snatched up her savings
and then they all ran outside once more.
Ailemea screamed, and several other shrieks and
wails joined in chorus. They all turned to see what was wrong and then they
saw it as well. They knew what the shadow was now.
Great fleets of ships soared over the island,
and from the skies came hundreds of parachutes bearing blank-eyed Grundos of
all colors. Spotlights penetrated the jungle, revealing numerous citizens hiding
in terror. Then there was a ear-splitting explosion, and flames shot up from
Mystery Island Central, spreading rapidly from Neohome to Neohome. Grundos emerged
from the smoke, zapping the confused Neopians with stun guns, cornering families
in their homes. And in all this chaos, two owners and their pets remained standing
by the seaside neighborhood, watching the jungle being swallowed up in fire.
Ailemea fainted and Jeanie scooped her up, Rain
taking Nexy.
Jenna could only stare in horror and anger. Her
grip tightened on her sword, her eyes blazed with a passionate hate! Before
her very eyes, her homeland was being thrown over. All in one night, her world
had been completely turned upside down.
"Oreh, what are you doing! Stop!" Lailani yelled.
They all turned to see a blank-eyed Oreh walking towards the ranks of Grundos.
"Oreh, get back here this second!" Jeanie screamed.
The Island Grundo did not reply, and when she reached the ranks, she turned
around and began to march with them. She was gone.
"Hurry," Rain urged breathlessly. "Into the sea,
I have an old residence down by Maraqua." She indicated the beach but a few
yards from her now quiet and abandoned Neohome.
The two owners, Rain carrying the babies, Jeanie
carrying Ailemea and Haelee, ran and leaped into the sea. Lindsey grabbed Isaerios'
paw and the two leaped after them, their petpets on their heads.
Lailani was looking tearfully after her new friend.
Jenna took her hoof and gently pulled her to the water.
"Come on, sis, we can't do anything for her now,"
the Xweetok said gently. Lailani pulled away and Jenna thought she was going
back for Oreh, but the Peophin only reached down and picked up the confused
Snarkie, Oreh's petpet. The yellow Scarabug whimpered, not understanding.
"It's okay, little one," Lailani whispered. "Pearl
and I will take care of you until Oreh is sane again." The Scarabug settled
and Lailani dashed into the sea, Pearl sailing in after her.
Jenna took one last look at her home, trees burning,
people screaming. She could do nothing to save it. Clenching Faith, Jenna promised
herself that she'd see the island again, revive it. But now, she had to go.
"Good bye," she breathed as she slipped sadly
into the sea, following the only treasure she had left; her family.
To be continued...