Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 265 | 10th day of Storing, Y8
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Restocking in Real-World Neopia?

by ipod509

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A Break in Memory: Part Four
A green Alien Aisha sat next to him. XP turned to say hi, as he knew C2 would, and the Alien Aisha shoved a blaster against XP's chest...

by appaloosa500


Lila and the Pillow Problem
A pink Kacheek sprinted into the living room where her owner, Darlene, was sitting on a Blue Bean Bag Chair, a book held in her hands. "It's happened again," the Kacheek said...

by ch0c0lat3kik0


Your Check, Gentlemen?
I'll just have a Phear Juice Tonic.

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by gliderames


Look Where We Are
A Darigan Lupe trots down the main street of Meridell which is littered with debris and broken shards of glass. Leaves rustle as they race across the once happy lane...

by cyborg8000

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