Roomies 2: Part One by vanessa1357924680
Thank you to everyone who neomailed me their comments for "Roomies"
and wanted more. This is for you!
"SUMMER IS HERE!" The same three words were repeated
so many times that Jesc found it hard not to smile. The sun was shining, the
air was warm, a crisp breeze was blowing through her hair; she couldn't ask
for anything more. Summer was here and that meant only one thing to the air
faerie: summer vacation.
During the school year, Jesc lived in the famous
Faerie Academy, a school in Faerieland that prepared faeries like her for normal
faerie life in Neopia. Jesc was just finishing up her second year and loved
the school to death, but she still was homesick. She couldn't wait to get back
home and see her sister.
The sun was shining through her window in her
dorm in the air faerie tower. As she looked out, she saw a bunch of faeries
hugging their friends on the pristine green lawn in farewell for the summer.
They all carried swollen suitcases which held their belongings and then reluctantly
kicked off the ground in flight, ready for a visit home.
Jesc, however, was still packing. She didn't
have a roommate up there in Room 458 so the entire room was her own. Thus, she
had to do all of the packing.
So far, the room was almost bare. Her bed had
been stripped of its many plushies, the desk under the window had been cleared
of papers, pens, and books, and the wind chimes that had hung on the ceiling
were packed away. All that was left was for her to check for anything that she
might have missed.
As she scoured the floor for items, there was
a knock on her door.
"Come in!" Jesc shouted brightly.
The door swung open revealing an air faerie
with short, light, blond hair in a light blue dress with long sleeves. Jan.
She and Jesc weren't the best of friends, but they weren't enemies either. They
were just acquaintances. In fact, Jan never really talked to Jesc unless it
was to remind her that they weren't allowed to use magic on the spiral staircases
in the towers. Right now, she was standing on one of the steps, a suitcase in
her hand. "Hey, Jesc."
"Hi." Jesc had just noticed an Ixi plushie under
her bed and carefully picked it up. "Can I help you?"
"Um..." Jan apparently was uncomfortable talking
to her, but after a moment's hesitation said, "Listen. I just came to tell you
that Mrs. Pierce has come back."
Jesc froze at the name. "I thought she was fired."
Jan shook her head. "She was 'temporarily suspended'
because she wrecked her classroom, but she's back and is coming to the school
today. There's a rumor that she's looking for you after the incident in the
"Oh," Jesc said, packing the Ixi in her bag,
suddenly at lost for words (and that had never happened before).
"I just wanted to warn you," Jan said, fiddling
with her sleeve. "She could be here any minute and..." She trailed off.
Jesc smiled. "Thanks. I'm almost done packing.
I'll be outside in a second."
Jan nodded. "Well, then have a good summer."
She then closed the door.
With her suitcase finally packed, Jesc tied
up her long blond hair in a ribbon and jumped on top of her bag. It was overfilling
with stuff, but with some effort, it closed. Pausing, she remembered Mrs. Pierce.
Mrs. Pierce was an old, fire faerie teacher
who had taught Proper Uses of Magical Abilities. Jesc had excelled in all academic
areas except for that one class, but it wasn't because of the work. Instead,
it was because Mrs. Pierce would always find ways to make Jesc fail, either
by locking her out of class or giving her detention. Mrs. Pierce hated her and
Jesc hated her back.
But that winter, Jesc had signed up for a program
through her elective class, Help Out Neopia, that allowed her to share her dorm
with a poor faerie who needed a home. That "poor faerie" had ended up being
Jhudora, the infamous dark faerie whose own lair had been burned down by no
other than Mrs. Pierce, Jhudora's previous teacher.
Even though Jesc and Jhudora hadn't always seen
eye to eye, they both shared a dislike for Mrs. Pierce that bonded them together
and allowed them to craft a plan to finish off Mrs. Pierce once and for all.
Their challenge was for Mrs. Pierce to douse a single flame of fire that was
on a candle, but the flame was only an illusion, and their clever trick had
led Mrs. Pierce to cover her entire classroom with water out of desperation.
The water had caused so much damage to the classroom and she was "temporarily
suspended" while it was being fixed, but now she was coming back.
But Jesc wasn't that worried. She would be leaving
the academy for summer vacation and once she was home, she wouldn't have to
deal with Mrs. Pierce for two months. All she had to do now was leave. Jesc
sighed. "Goodbye, room. See you in the fall."
Carefully lifting her bag, she was about to
leave when the door to her room burst open.
In stormed a tall, fire faerie. She had auburn
hair streaked with grey that was pulled into a tight bun and on her nose were
black, pointy glasses. She was wearing a horrid red dress that blinded Jesc
as she looked at it and her eyes were vermilion.
Mrs. Pierce.
"Hello, Mrs. Pierce!" Jesc tried saying brightly.
Mrs. Pierce glared at her coldly and barked,
"Sit down."
Jesc sat on the bed and glared at her least
favorite teacher.
Mrs. Pierce paced the room, her heels clicking
on the stone floor, and whispered coldly, "You must have thought it was funny,
putting that illusion on the candle, making me look insane in front of everyone
and getting me suspended."
Jesc answered, "I don't know what you're talking
"Don't lie to me!" the fire faerie spat. "I
know that you and Jhudora were in on that little scheme together."
"How do you know for sure?" Jesc retorted. "Whoever
lit the candle was invisible at the time. I was in your class while it happened
and Jhudora was in my dorm packing." Her statement was half true. She had been
sitting in the classroom, but Jhudora had not been packing. "Besides, did anyone
specifically say that it was Jhudora and me?"
Jesc knew that she had trapped Mrs. Pierce right
there. First of all, no one besides her and Jhudora truly knew the entire story,
and secondly, no one would ever tell Mrs. Pierce even if they did know. She
was too notorious.
Mrs. Pierce took a deep breath. "Listen to me,"
she whispered. "All you have to do is admit that Jhudora was behind the prank
and you can leave. You won't be punished for what she did except for maybe a
detention, but for you, that is nothing to be worried about. So all you have
to do is admit it..."
Mrs. Pierce's red eyes glared with an evil sparkle.
"I thought you might say that, however, if you don't admit it, you'll be trapped
in this school for the entire summer..."
"WHAT?" Jesc exclaimed. "That's not fair! You
can't keep me here all summer!"
"I can and I will! No one comes into these towers
in the summer, but since I was away, I have permission to come here throughout
the entire vacation. The building will be completely empty except for you and
"My sister will know I'm still here!" Jesc responded.
"I already sent Mirasol a letter telling her that I was coming home!"
Mrs. Pierce smiled evilly. "But a little letter
from me explaining all about your 'failing' grades and about how, unfortunately,
you needed to go to summer school will give her all the reason to know that
you aren't coming home." She paused and then said sweetly, "Of course, all of
this could be avoided if you just admit that Jhudora did it. Jhudora is a bad
influence to Faerieland and she should be banished from it. I'm only trying
to make Faerieland a safer place and you can help, just by telling me what really
happened and admitting the truth."
Jesc wanted to snort. She knew that Mrs. Pierce
didn't care about the well-being of Faerieland. She just wanted revenge. And
as much as she wanted to go home, Jesc could never backstab Jhudora. "I'll never
answer to you."
Mrs. Pierce was outraged. Her face turned red
in anger. "Then unpack your things! You have two more months to spend here!"
With that, she left the dorm, slamming the door
behind her.
Once the door was shut, Jesc got off the bed
and tried the doorknob. It was locked. Pulling out her wand from her pockets,
she tried to mutter unlocking spells, but they didn't work. She was stuck.
Defeated, she lay down on her bed. She didn't
want to unpack. She didn't want to believe that she was stuck there for another
two months. Instead, she closed her eyes, feeling the breeze that blew in from
the window...
"The window!" she realized with a start. She
had learned from Jhudora that although the doors locked, the giant window was
permanently unlocked. Rushing, she stood on top of her empty desk and opened
the large window. Grabbing her suitcase, she then kicked off into the afternoon
The weather was glorious. The sky was bright
blue with big, puffy, white clouds, and the sun was shining. It was a bit hard
for Jesc to fly since she was carrying the suitcase, but she managed.
Once she was far enough away from the castle
that she couldn't see it anymore she suddenly realized her dilemma. Where would
she go? Mrs. Pierce had sent her sister, Mirasol, a letter so she wouldn't be
able to return home and she wouldn't be able to fly all the way to Neopia Central
in one day to rent a room in the Neolodge.
As she scanned below her, a mound of purple
cloud caught her eye and she knew where she could stay.
"I want you to bring me a Meat Feast Omelette!
You have twelve minutes starting now and NO shop wizard! GO!"
Jhudora was sitting in her throne in front of
the fireplace giving out her quests to the passing Neopets. The one she had
just commanded, a little blue Uni, was sniveling in fear in front of her and
at the word "go" had run out of her cloud.
Jhudora sighed. It was so hard to find good
help those days. "NEXT!" she called out, closing her eyes.
"Hi, Jhudora!" The voice was bright and airy
and Jhudora flinched at the sound. She didn't open her eyes. She couldn't believe
it. Jesc couldn't be there right now. "I must be dreaming!" she thought.
"No," she corrected herself. "I must be having a nightmare!" Cautiously,
she opened her violet eyes and sighed. She hadn't been dreaming. Jesc was there,
right in front of her. "What do you want and what are you doing here?" she barked.
It was then that she noticed that Jesc wasn't
smiling. Jesc never stopped smiling so she instantly knew that something was
"I'm not a counselor, you know!" Jhudora said
quickly. "Your problems are your problems, not mine."
"But that's the problem," Jesc replied. "My
problem IS your problem. Mrs. Pierce was released from her suspension today.
She'll be teaching again in the fall."
"Oh," Jhudora said, but she was only a bit disappointed.
She hated Mrs. Pierce and had expected her to still be in suspension for a few
more months, but she knew that she would be released eventually. "And?"
"She wanted you. At least, she wants you to
admit to the whole incident last winter. She wants you banned from Faerieland."
Jhudora shook her head, rustling her purple
hair. "She can't do that. There are certain rules and one of them states that
this cloud in Faerieland is MINE! She isn't in charge of housing and such. Only
the Neohome Planning Committee is and believe, me, I know! My house was burnt
down, remember?"
Jesc looked down. "That didn't stop her from
trying to keep me trapped in the school and stop me from going home."
Jhudora looked at her. "She seriously trapped
you? And you escaped?"
Jesc nodded.
Jhudora suddenly burst out laughing. Gasping
for air, she shouted, "She'll be sooo mad when she sees that you're gone!" She
then paused and looked Jesc over. "But why are you here?"
Jesc smiled grimly. "She's already told my sister
that I won't be home, so I can't go there..."
"Oh, no!" Jhudora said, figuring out where this
was going. "No, no, no! You will not be staying with me! I have quests to give
out and there's barely enough room for all of MY things!"
She was right. Jhudora's cloud was completely
covered in stuff.
"But I only need a bed and I don't have much!
Only my suitcase!" Jesc protested, lifting her bag. "And besides, you technically
owe me." Jesc smiled an overly happy smile. "You had to live with me before
and I shared my dorm with you."
"'Had' is the key word. I 'had' to stay with
you because I didn't want to freeze my wings off outside! It was winter!" But
Jhudora realized that Jesc had a point. With a defeated sigh, she murmured,
"How long?"
Jesc happily jumped up in the air, but then
adverted her eyes. "Only two...... months."
"TWO MONTHS!" Jhudora exclaimed, suddenly standing
Jesc smiled serenely. "I'd forgotten about those
dark faerie tempers."
"And I've forgotten how annoying you've could
be," Jhudora muttered, but in her mind, she knew what she had to do. "Fine,"
she grumbled, "you can stay."
Jesc's blue eyes widened. "Thank you, thank
you, thank you, thank you...!" Dropping her bag, she rushed over to Jhudora
and gave her a hug.
"Hey!" Jhudora shouted, "Rule number one, no
hugs! I do NOT want to be touched! Otherwise people are going to start thinking
that I'm actually nice!" Jhudora shoved her off, her head already pounding with
the beginnings of a headache. "And while you're here, no touching ANYTHING!
No potions, no cauldron, no anything! Got it?"
Jesc nodded her head rapidly and babbled quickly,
"Where should I put my things? Or rather my suitcase because I don't have that
many things, at least for right now and I don't want to put it anywhere that
will get in the way or make you trip or..."
"SILENCE!" Jhudora shouted, pulling out her
wand (new and improved since the fire) and waving it. The bag was magically
lifted into the air, dodged her cauldron, throne, and table and deposited itself
in a bedroom. "You'll stay there. Now, go and settle in. And DO NOT come out
for about an hour. I still have quests to give out. Now hurry before I change
my mind and BE QUIET!"
Jesc nodded and threaded her way through the
crowded lair. However, after a few steps, she stopped and turned around, looking
back at Jhudora. "Guess what?" she said smiling.
Jhudora glared at her angrily. "What?"
"We're roomies again!" With that said, Jesc
ran into the bedroom and closed the door.
"Yippee," Jhudora muttered sarcastically as
she sunk back into her throne, preparing to give out another quest. With the
mood she was in, she decided to make it extremely hard...
Mrs. Pierce had just finished sending the letter
to Jesc's sister and was heading back up the fourth tower, the one that housed
air faeries. Normally it would be crowded, but with everyone gone on vacation,
it was empty except for the fire faerie. After a dizzying and tiring workout
on the spiral staircase, she reached Room 458. Composing herself, she adjusted
her dress and cleaned her glasses. She knew that Jesc was a stubborn girl and
that it would take a few tries to get her to reveal that it was Jhudora, but
she was prepared for the challenge. Pulling out her wand, she unlocked the door
and strode in.
The room was empty. Mrs. Pierce had thought
that Jesc would have begun to unpack by now but everything was completely bare.
There were no plushies, no papers, no books...
...and no Jesc.
"WHAT?" Mrs. Pierce screeched. "This is impossible!"
She checked under the bed, around the desk,
and in the cabinets that were in the small kitchen, but she wasn't there. That
was when Mrs. Pierce noticed the open window...
"That horrible faerie!" she yelled, her eyes
mad with anger, but after sitting on the end and taking a few breaths, she calmed
down enough to think properly.
"Two can play at that game," she muttered, "and
don't worry. You're going to tell me the truth whether you want to or not!"
And, after tucking her wand in her pocket for safekeeping, she stood up on the
desk and flew into the sky, her mind set on vengeance.
To be continued...