The Princess Letters by myfallenrevival4
NOTE: This story alternates points of view from Princesses Sankara and Vyssa.
The letters are signed by whichever sister wrote it, but just keep in mind that
the order is supposed to be Sankara - Vyssa - Sankara - etc. Also, this story
takes place in the year 2000 human-time, so it is before Coltzan's Usurper. Coltzan
who? Well, it's okay, you're new, you'll catch on soon enough. =)
The 3rd Day of the Month of Running
My dear sister,
I know that when the royal family awoke this morning, they entered the new
day without me. This is because I have gathered a small party (architects, warriors,
and builders) from the early-morning streets of Sakhmet and have paid them to
come with me, back to the Fourth Khonsu Dynasty. Now that I am 19, I can take
the throne as Queen without any fear. With the help of my group, I will successfully
regain my throne and make my Father proud - wherever he is. If you need to Neomail
me, please address it to the Fourth Khonsu Dynasty, Lost Desert South.
I will never forget the help the Royal family gave me. I shall come back to
visit one day.
Princess Sankara
The 14th Day of the Month of Running
My father, Coltzan, and I knew that someday, such an event was eventually going
to happen. We realized that you would eventually have a desire to go back and
reclaim your own kingdom instead of being imprisoned in ours. Daddy expresses
regret in your departure but wishes you all the best. He and I still remember
the fateful day that you stumbled upon our kingdom, about ten years ago. It
was on the shimmering morning after a long sandstorm that you appeared in the
distance. I remember pulling back the curtains and seeing what looked like a
beggar covered completely in sand approaching the gateway. I immediately ran
downstairs to see what the figure was, but Coltzan had beaten me to it. I watched
from a window him communicating with the figure, nodding his head and looking
grave, before inviting the person in. I am sorry to say this now, but I felt
an immense sense of annoyance towards your arrival. It would mean you getting
treated better than me and having someone below me living with us. I am past
that now, and wish that such thoughts never even came to my mind.
I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors.
The 17th Day of the Month of Running
Dear Vyssa,
Thank you for the last letter; it truly was touching that you, er, cared enough
in the end. I remember that day well; my father had told me to leave and head
north for Sakhmet City and seek the help of Coltzan while we were invaded. It
took me two long weeks of traversing through the sandstorm, but I managed to
arrive in time. I can still remember the expressions of happiness I felt when
Coltzan agreed to invite me in.
I am now at the site of the old palace. It is in utter ruins, but I hope to
scavenge what I can and maybe make our kingdom great again.
The 15th Day of the Month of Eating
That's awesome Flotsam! I really do hope that everything goes right again with
you guys.
I went shopping at the Sakhmet City Markets the other day. You should see the
utter state of chaos it's in; there're Ummagines flying everywhere. Luckily
I managed to find the cutest little silk shop selling only the latest styles
for a Princess: a Uni coif and the cutest Kau mini-dress you ever saw. I went
to the shopkeeper to find some in size 0, but apparently there weren't any.
How is a Princess supposed to shop anymore when all the shops don't carry her
size? Humph. If you see any cute clothing items at the remains of your destroyed
castle, you gotta send them over to me!
Oh, by the way, Coltzan's 61st birthday is coming up on the 2nd Day of the
Month of Relaxing, and it'd be spectacularly delicious if you could make it.
That'd make him really happy and maybe he'll remember you for an extra year.
Love from Princess Vyssa XOXOXO
The 27th Day of the Month of Eating
My dear Vyssa,
Urgh, that really stinks! At least you even have clothing shops; everything
here is just sand, ruin, sand, ruin, cursed object... All I've managed to do
so far is find some food to feed my helpers and make a small underground living
shelter. The palace's design is only at its drawing stage so far.
I will try and spare some time and plan a trip to go back to Sakhmet for Coltzan's
birthday. I've got about 1 month, you say? I'm sure I can arrive in time, now
that there's no sandstorm.
Your loving half-sister,
The 7th Day of the Month of Relaxing
You left so quickly, you didn't even see it happen... I still can't believe
Coltzan had to die... my own father! How could this have happened? He was so
strong, so powerful, it almost seemed like he'd live forever... what am I going
to do with all of his fortune? Buy size-6 denim overalls? I should really go
to Terror Mountain to go shopping, but I can't bring a treasury along with me
now, can I?
Anyways, I just feel so bad that Daddy had to die... I just wish I knew what
the sand-eating Cobrall was thinking when he poisoned him! I want to punish
that perpetrator; punish him HARD.
Hope things are at least somewhat happy at your place.
Princess Vyssa
The 12th Day of the Month of Relaxing
Coltzan died? I can't believe it... I thought he'd live forever too! He showed
me kindness, gave me shelter, and didn't try to stop me when I snuck out of
Sakhmet that night. I had to leave quickly because I received an urgent Pteri-carrier
message about something terrible happening at the underground shelter I live
in, but it turns out it was all a hoax. Speaking of my Dynasty, I've managed
to rebuild a small portion of what was the former palace out of all the pieces
of spare ruin that littered the surrounding area. It may not be as mighty, but
at least it's something.
I hope to visit again for his funeral; here's hoping that it's after I finish
hauling in some Maraquan coral for the palace!
The 20th Day of the Month of Relaxing
Good news Sankara!
We've nabbed the horrible person who killed Daddy. It turns out it was Advisor
Wessle; all of the clues we've found that were mysteriously left in obvious
places and they point to him. He's being locked in the Sakhmet dungeons forever;
there's no escape for a murderer.
I've also just been appointed the Queen over Sakhmet, though everybody is still
calling me Princess Vyssa because nobody knows how long it will take for the
city's council to find a new king.
Coltzan's funeral will take place soon; I'll send you a Pteri telling you to
come when the date is closer.
Lots of love!
The 13th Day of the Month of Swimming
Good news Vyssa!
Using your term... that's awesome Flotsam that you've managed to arrest someone
already. I thought it'd take a long time considering the magnitude of such a
crime. I do hope you're doing well as the new Queen?
Anyways, it's also awesome Flotsam (for me, at least) that the entire palace
of the Fourth Khonsu Dynasty has been rebuilt! Every last room, every last chamber,
every last pantry... they're all whole once more. It really was lucky for us;
the Maraquan ship that brought us all of the coral ended up crashing into some
boulders, and that they ended up accidentally giving us ten times the amount
of coral we had originally ordered. The crew on the ship was also very strong
and helped my soldiers rebuild the entire thing in about a week, using all of
the coral and some of the coral from the ships. Now, I'm sitting in the throne
room, on the royal throne, looking around what is once again my hall, even if
it is made out of coral and sand!
But here's the bad news: a Pteri came and told me that whatever invaded my
kingdom before is planning a second invasion now that the palace has been rebuilt.
They will strike in what I've heard will be 2 weeks, and who knows what they'll
do to all my hard work. I've got all the soldiers I've brought with me and the
crew from the Maraquan ship, but that is hardly enough to fight a swarm of who-knows-what.
You have to help me, Vyssa, you just have to!
The 16th Day of the Month of Swimming
Life as a queen... is PRETTY TERRIBLE. They won't let me go clothes-shopping
anymore, because they think that I might be usurped next. I just have to sit
in daddy's old chair all day and listen to the complaints of about a million
spastic citizens. Am I actually supposed to care about who stole Farmer Minken's
sheep and about a disturbing swarm of gigantic insects headed towards your Kingdom?
No! These people honestly need lives.
As for YOUR problem, my dear half-sister, I will send an army of soldiers that
will arrive in half-a-week's march. I wish you all the best in your battle.
Luck from Princess Vyssa~~ XOXOXO
The 2nd Day of the Month of Hiding
We did it... we won. A gigantic swarm of bugs appeared on the horizon, stirring
up a huge sandstorm, only two days after the troops you sent us arrived. We
ran out to meet them, shooting arrows and brandishing swords. Spears clanged
against horns; arrows and corrosive acid from the bug's bodies met in mid-air;
it was a long and epic battle. Once we eliminated one bug, another one would
take its place. Luckily, all of the creatures were only a foot tall, and after
our supplies ran short we just stepped on them until they all fled or were eradicated.
We're about to have a celebration banquet right now, and I'm just quickly finishing
this Neomail before I rush off.
Ouch, Vyssy, that must really bite. I don't have much of a kingdom yet, only
a large, pink palace to work with. No angry mobs here! At least, not anymore,
now that all the bugs have been squashed... You must visit sometime; maybe you
can come back with me after Coltzan's funeral.
Your Sankara
The 21st Day of the Month of Hiding
Congrats; now THAT is awesome Flotsam! Not even Coltzan would be able to lead
an army to war after only a few weeks of queenship. You really have grown from
the moody, irritable girl you were when you lived at Sakhmet.
I wish you all the best in running your kingdom, as my kingdom is slowly becoming
happier now that everyone's gotten over the shock of me being their Queen. I
think we finally have grown up from the Princesses we were before, Sankara.
We truly are Queens now.
Coltzan's Funeral will take place in only two weeks; I do hope you make it
on time. Be sure to wear black; apparently it makes you look thinner! I've tried
it on as a new fashion, and everybody's following me. We took some silk and
made it super-stretchy, so that one size now fits all.
Princess Vyssa
The End