The P-Word by simsman24000
As the blue Poogle stepped out into the sunshine, he shielded
his eyes from the bright orange sun rays that shiningly shone down shining from
the sunny sun's sunshine. The newborn Neopian looked around.
"So this is Neopia Central," he said aloud to
his owner, a stocky little thing of a species he wasn't too familiar with. "I
heard all about it in the egg."
"Great!" said the newbie, looking down at his
new Poogle. "Then I guess you'll have fun toting around the city while I head
off to the Hidden Tower. I just got 220 NP from the Money Tree - I can buy anything!"
"You're leaving me already!?" cried the Poogle.
"I haven't even had time to adapt to society!"
"You'll fit in well," the newbie assured him,
"I mean, you inherited it from me, after all."
The newbie smiled, patted the Poogle's head,
and ran off looking like Barallus.
"WAIT!" screamed the Poogle, chasing after him.
For having been in existence for a mere four
minutes, he was pretty darn fast. He sprinted along the dirt path, screaming
his owner's nonexistent name, until he finally pounced and toppled the newbie.
"What do you want?" asked his owner, amazed at
whatever the heck just happened.
The Poogle looked at him. "You forgot to tell
me my name."
"Oh," said the newbie, looking around the wooded
path for an idea for a name. "Password."
"Yes, Password! Now go."
And with that, the newbie ran running off, leaving
Password the Poogle behind in the dirt.
The shy Poogle eased his way back into the hub
of Neopia Central, unfamiliar with the bright new world which was so bright
and new. He surveyed his surroundings, wondering what in the world he could
do first. Go shopping, feed a Kadoatie, or mail a letter to his nonexistent
friends. Deciding that the best place to begin meeting fellow Neopians was the
Money Tree, Password ambled down the path to the gift-giving man-plant. As the
Poogle searched around for someone to ask for directions, he came across two
very small Yurbles quarreling in front of a street sign.
"HEY! THAT'S MINE!" shouted Riffter, tugging
at the tiara-clad head of the very expensive, very feminine Faerie Queen Doll
that rested was gradually being pulled apart by the two Yurbles.
"NO, IT'S MINE NOW!" yelled Brown, the
other Yurble who pulled on the doll's painted shoes and was inevitably of a
brown colour.
"NO IT'S NOT!" pulled Riffter.
The Poogle looked on in wonder as he witnessed
his first-ever newbie battle of misspelled words and unusually-placed emoticons.
Password didn't quite know what to think of it, so he decided to do something
incredibly stupid.
"Excuse me," said the Poogle, "Why don't you
two just share it?"
"Why, that's a good idea!" said the two Yurbles
simultaneously, resolving their problem in a very unorthodox, clichéd, and badly-written
way. Riffter grabbed Fyora's head, and Brown tugged at the curvaceous plastic
"Gee, thanks mister!" said Brown, happy that
the mysterious Poogle had found such a stupid smart way to solve their problem.
"Don't mention it," said the Poogle, smirking,
"By the way, do you two know how to get to the Money Tree?"
"Of course!" laughed Riffter. "Just follow the
dirt path towards the Food Shop, merge into Hospital Way, and then bear left
on the 405."
The Poogle blinked.
"Go straight," sighed the Yurble.
"Thanks!" said Password, waving to the two as
he headed down the path.
"By the way!" called Brown. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME!?"
The Poogle looked back. "Password!"
"Password?" said a confused Brown, looking at
his pal.
Suddenly, out of nowhere came an Ice Bori in
a dark blue winter coat. With a scowl on his face, he withdrew a pair of icy
handcuffs from his coat pocket.
"Attention, Neopian..." said the Bori, launching
into a standard speech he always gave. He clasped both of Brown's paws in the
handcuffs and sealed the Yurble's lips shut with his icy breath. "You just got
And as the Poogle walked happily along the dirt
path towards the Money Tree, the Ice Bori disappeared down a separate path with
the brown Yurble, leaving Riffter standing in amazement, shock, and pure gossipy
The rumors erupted like a ticklish volcano in
a feather shop - before long, all of Neopia Central knew the tale of the blue
Poogle whose owner had given him such a horrible, cursed name. From the Defenders
of Neopia to the hard-working, juice-drinking Meepits to Yurble Scout Troop
#118, stories spread about the fearsome Poogle.
"Guys, guys! Did you hear about that Aisha on Lenny Lane? She went into the
Food Shop, and came out frozen! I bet it was the P-Man that did it!"
"You know Brainstorm, that Techo who owns the
school supplies store? You-Know-What walked into the store and pretty soon the
shop was cleared from Market Street!"
"I heard that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named eats newbies
for dinner!"
Password walked around the city streets with
uneasiness. Apparently gossip went around faster than Poogle legs. With every
step he took, he heard another whisper from the now crowded Neopia Central.
Neopians abounded the cobblestone and dirt roads,
and in the many plazas and squares that made up Neopia Central, Password was
stared at and avoided. Meanwhile, the little Poogle tried his hardest to avoid
the confused looks he was given as he looked for his runaway owner. As he entered
the Top Shop in search of his newbie, a small blue Kacheek scuttled up to him.
"Excuse me," said a little Kacheek, "Are you
the one they're all talking about? The blue Poogle who besmirched the gods?"
The Poogle gave an exasperated sigh, looked at
the serious face of playful innocence and naive seniority that the Kacheek had,
and then crumpled into a sobbing heap on the floor.
"I DON'T GET ITTTTT!" he wailed, causing the
others in the Toy Shop to turn quicker than a Meepit towards a juice pipe. "WHY......
Password was filled with such confusion and anger
that he couldn't even let out his emotions, which is why I, the author, am posing
an intervention of his thoughts. Password thought the following:
Why did I have to get such a horrid name?
Who invented the word horrid?
Why is 'Password' such a bad and feared title?
I didn't do anything! Leave me alone!
Why's everybody out to get me!?
How in the heck can you, the author, read my
thoughts? GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
For almost a full five minutes, Password screamed
and shrieked and cried and yelled and let out his feelings in the most sensitive
of ways. Other patrons in the shop filed out of the shop both uneasily and quickly.
Even the fun-loving Lupe owner escaped from the shop, though not as fun-loving
anymore due to the Poogle who sat on his newly-waxes floor, screaming and shrieking
and crying and yelling and letting out his feelings in the most sensitive of
As Password finished his ranting and crying,
he looked up and noticed that the now-empty shop was empty except for the one
being that made it not-empty anymore. The little Kacheek looked at the blue
lump that sat on the shiny wooden floor.
"So why don't you just change your name?"
The revelation came like a revelation to Password.
"You mean, YOU CAN DO THAT!?" he cried, hopping up onto his feet. "Where, where
can I go!?"
"Actually, I'm not quite sure," said the Kacheek,
scratching his chin. "But maybe if you head on over to Number Six's house with
a Poptart Plushie, he might appeal to you..."
"Great thinking!" shouted the Poogle, and with
a skip and a jump he left the Toy Shop in a very unprofessionally written way
that I apologize for.
"Hey, it's you!" shouted the Yurble, looking
up from his toys in the grass as the Poogle ran past. Password skidded to a
halt and looked around for who had called.
"Remember me?" said Riffter, brushing off the
dirt from his fur and walking over to where Password stood on the path. "You
got my friend frozen!"
"Ermm," said Password, smiling a toothy grin
and scratching his head, "sorry about that."
"All because of your dang name," said a disgruntled
Riffter, crossing his arms and turning his shoulder to Password.
"Oh," said the Poogle, "that's not my name anymore."
"It's not?"
"Err... what is it, then?" asked Riffter, his
eyes wider with curiosity.
The Poogle leaned in towards the Yurble's ear,
whispered a single word, and trotted off, happy with his new title.
Riffter stood dumbfounded in the middle of the
road, watching the Poogle skip away, and wondering how in the heck a Poogle
could be so stupid as to change his name to-
And as the Yurble completed the last syllable
of the Poogle's new name, he felt an icy chill on his back. He whirled around,
but was relieved when he saw nothing but the trees and grass in which he had
been playing.
All was silent, until he heard a voice.
"Attention, Neopian."
The End