Resolutions by charmedhorses
The new year was barely underway, but already things
felt different. A baby Uni by the name of Indipsi sniffed the air timidly, a
wave of coolness rushing up her pale pink nostrils. This year she was determined
to stick to her New Year's resolution. Whatever that was, for as of yet she
hadn't decided. Her owner, Charmedhorses, on the other hand, had already made
one and broken it. So much for a year without chocolate. Indipsi didn't understand
why Charmed had even attempted such a horrific thing.
At the moment the Uni stood outside the pair's
Neohome, atop a small hill. On all sides the little Neohouse was surrounded
by vacant land, all of which was owned by Charmedhorses. Why they didn't do
something with it, the Faerie Queen only knew, but Charmed was adamant that
it should remain a part of the country and she would have it no other way.
"Don't you ever get lonely out here?" Indi asked
her owner when she stepped back inside.
"Lonely? Are you kidding me? You've lived here
your whole life. Have you ever seen me lonely?"
"Well, I just thought living way out in the
countryside might depress you."
"Nope," Charmed shook her head. "I love it out
here. It's just too bad we couldn't make some sort of profit off of it. I'm
not real into Neopoints, as you know, but a girl's gotta eat."
"And a Uni!" Indipsi chimed in. "But we're doing
fine, aren't we Charmed?"
"Of course."
"Say, have you made another New Year's resolution
Charmed's brow wrinkled in thought. "No, but
I'm considering my options. What about you?"
"Nothing so far."
"Eh, nothing to worry about," Charmed said easily.
"We'll come up with something. Even if it's not until next year."
"Right," Indi agreed. "We have plenty of time."
The day passed quickly, with plenty of chores
to be done and a house to be cleaned. It was as Charmed was outside mowing the
lawn, or rather cutting it with a pair of scissors so that it was all even,
that she decided that this could be handled much more efficiently if she had
some extra help around the place. Sure, Indipsi helped around the place, but
there was a lot of land for just two to take care of. Soon an idea came to Charmed.
Actually, it was a New Year's resolution. She would just have to look into some
things, make plans, and for the time being keep it a secret. Charmed didn't
want to tell her Uni before she knew if her resolution would in fact be one
to stick with.
Meanwhile, Indipsi was keeping herself busy
as well, with a room full of scattered toys and books.
"This place looks like a Snorkle pen," Indi
said with disgust. "Maybe my New Year's resolution ought to be keeping my room
clean," Indipsi contemplated. Then she shook her head. "On second thought, that's
even more unrealistic than not eating chocolate."
As Indi continued cleaning, she wondered what
her owner was going to decide on for a resolution.
"Maybe we could do some kind of joint resolution,"
Indipsi thought aloud. "That way we'd both be able to work toward the same thing.
It mustn't include food, though. I like food too much to give it up."
"Indi? I'm going out for a bit!" Charmed called
to her Uni. "I'll be back in an hour or so!"
"Where are you going?" Indipsi asked, stepping
out of her room to speak to her owner.
"I've just got some business to attend to,"
Charmed replied with a win. "I have a meeting with my real estate agent."
"Oh, okay," Indi tried to act normally, despite
her peaked curiosity. "See you later, then."
Charmedhorses nodded and left the Neohome.
With her owner gone and the Neohome all to herself,
Indipsi was left to wonder why Charmed was off to meet the real estate agent.
"It must have something to do with her New Year's resolution," Indipsi decided.
"What do real estate agents do, though?" She thought this over. "They buy and
sell property. Oh, no! Charmed must be moving. Moving?" Indi couldn't imagine
living anywhere else. Why in Neopia would Charmed want to leave the countryside?
"Well, I guess that's that," Indi said sullenly.
"I shouldn't be cleaning, I should be packing."
During the time that Charmed was gone, Indipsi
managed to lug a dozen cardboard boxes to her room in preparation of their move.
Indi figured that she might as well accept the move as best she could, so she
wouldn't feel remorseful later. But honestly, how could Charmed do this without
consulting her first?
As Indipsi continued fighting with her feelings,
Charmed finished her little errand and returned home.
"Hey, Indi! I'm back!" Charmed called as she
walked through the front door.
"Hi, Charmed. How was the real estate agent?"
"Fine. He had lots of good things to tell me."
"Like?" Indipsi prodded.
"You'll see," Charmedhorses winked again.
What's with the winking? Indi thought to herself.
Stop winking!
"Well, I've got some things to see to," Charmed
said. "Can you keep yourself busy until dinner?"
"Yeah, I have some packing to do anyway."
"Packing? Why are you packing?"
"Just in case."
"In case what?" Then Charmed seemed to lose
interested, distracted by other thoughts and left Indi alone in her room.
"In case you decide to go crazy and sell the
only Neohome I've ever known," Indipsi said bitterly.
Charmed, in the meantime, had already gone to
her own room, where she kept a small vault filled with valuables and Neopoints.
Charmedhorses proceeded to open this safe and take out a large stash of said
objects. Indi knew, for she was peeking in on her owner's action.
"The new Neohome must be mighty expensive,"
Indipsi determined, eying the now nearly empty safe being returned to Charmed's
hiding spot.
As Charmed pocketed the Neopoints, Indipsi quickly
turned back to the hallway so she wouldn't be caught spying.
"I have a feeling I'll be making a huge New
Year's resolution this year," Charmed said, joining Indipsi.
"And I have a feeling that my resolution will
be dealing with your resolution," Indipsi muttered under her breath.
Things looked no better in the light of the
next morning and when Charmed said over a breakfast of scrambled eggs, "I'm
off again to see my agent," Indipsi had to keep herself from whinnying in protest.
"Again?" She tried to keep her cool.
"Yes, we didn't quite finish yesterday," Charmed
explained. "I'm afraid I may be gone a bit longer today, but by the time I come
back I'll tell you what my resolution is."
"Oh joy," Indipsi said through barred teeth.
"I can hardly wait."
Charmed failed to notice her Uni's sullen mood
and continued on her merry way, packing a small backpack and once again leaving
Indipsi on her own.
"Looks like I've got plenty of time to pack,"
Indipsi said to herself. "I don't see why Charmed's trying to keep it a secret.
Her real estate agent, all those Neopoints, New Year's resolutions, it's so
obvious that we're moving."
"As Indipsi packed up her toys she thought sadly
back to all the happy memories she had had there. "Why would Charmed want to
leave? She's always said, since I was a foal, that the country is where she
The baby Uni had gone for a snack in the kitchen
when she discovered a pamphlet that Charmed had carelessly left out. "Well,
that doesn't make any sense," Indipsi said aloud. Holding the pamphlet in her
hoof, she flipped through it. The brochure was filled with images of grazing
Kau and Ixi and a detailed description of a big red barn. Also on display was
a table of prices and fees. What it would cost for a white picket fence and
how expensive padded stalls would be.
"Charmed's not trying to put me away somewhere,
is she?" Indi wondered. "No, that can't be." Indipsi wavered again. "Or would
she? No, she wouldn't. I know Charmed. Or do I?"
By the time Charmed got home, Indipsi was practically
pacing throughout the rooms, driven wild by that which was unknown to her.
"My faeries! What's wrong with you?" Charmed
exclaimed upon her arrival. "Indi, are you alright?"
"I don't know. Am I?" Indipsi asked.
"Come, come. Sit down, Indi," Charmed said hurriedly,
running to help her Uni off her hooves. "What's gotten into you?"
"How was your meeting?" Indipsi inquired shakily,
without answering her owner.
"Oh, just fine, thank you. I've got some great
"Don't bother telling me. I already know we're
moving," Indi whispered.
"Moving? Why whatever gave you that idea?" A
look of concern crossed Charmed's face. "Of course we're not moving. I love
it where we are."
"Then why did you have those meetings with your
real estate agent? And what about all those Neopoints you took out?"
"There's a simple explanation for all that.
My New Year's resolution."
"What is it?"
"Seeing as we have all this land," Charmed began,
"I'm going to have a farm built on it!"
Indipsi's eyes grew very large. "A farm?"
"Yes, so we'll have fresh milk and eggs every
morning. Isn't that wonderful? Think of all the friends you'll make! Kau, Ixi,
Peadackles, Snorkles. It'll cost a pretty Neopoint, but we'll make a nice living
off of it eventually."
"A farm," Indipsi's mind was swimming with relief
and excitement. This had to be the best New Year's resolution ever!