Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 175,204,523 Issue: 365 | 24th day of Collecting, Y10
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High Flyer

by 1bird

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Great stories!


The Meepits of Chia Close
Everyone knows that when you put together a lonely Yurble, a circus, and a bunch of meepits, you get an NT submission.

by stranged


Heart of Ice: Part Two
Here's something you may not know about exploration in icy conditions: if you've got a reliable source of heat or fire, don't bring along water.

by mousey509


Tricked Treating
Dude, what ARE you?!

Also by clouding

by devamped


Little Quadrapus Lost
"It's a pirate petpet and these things are not welcome here."

by azurelightning

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