Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Trophy Troubles

by precious_katuch14

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The Pet Patrol Revolution
Paint brushes aren't what they used to be...

by neo_tomi


99 Ways to Tell if You're a Sloth Minion
35. You steal all Sloth PiƱatas and hide them in your Neohome where they can never get hurt.

by darci44


"I'm not talking about a regular game of Sprouts," Misha informed her friend. "I'm talking about a game of Sprouts with the Brain Tree."

by extreme_fj0rd


Cake Catastrophe
"Can we just hide it now?" said Snip irritably. He snatched the detrimental boxed cake from his boss and tossed it into the open window of the Bakery.

by precious_katuch14

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