Neoscope 2005 by gloss_frozen
A LONELY HILL AT NIGHT - Have you been wondering what the new year will holds
for you? An empty Bank account, trouble with your pets, stocks dropping to the
cellar? Or maybe lots of new trophies, rare items and more Neopoints than you
can spend? Fear not, for I have used the last nights to observe the stars of Neopia
(the ones in the sky, not Hannah, Sloth or Jeran). Yes, those blinking lights
up there (excluding the Space Station and the ones coming from Kreludor) determine
our fate for the coming year. You may not believe me, but if you do, keep on reading
and find out what your Neoscope is and what the new year will bring.
The numbers behind the Neosign mean the year of birth, which helps you determine
what your Neosign is.
Ixi (1967, 1979, 1991)
Ixi are usually quite stubborn and that can lead to problems this year. Just
because other people are going their way and not yours, it doesn’t mean that
they’re wrong. Try to accept that not everything goes according to your wishes,
for other people have their own. On the positive side your perseverance will
help you finish a big task, for example saving up for an expensive Paint Brush.
To live out aggressions, the Battledome is probably a better place than the
Mynci (1968, 1980, 1992)
Myncies are fun and outgoing. Keep this attitude up even if there are some
rough times coming up. Looking on the bright side can really help solving problems
and that’s what you do best. Even if Money Tree Ghosts steal some Neopoints
from you, that’s just one more reason to play some fun games! Live like there
is no tomorrow, because in Neopia there always is. But be warned, the new day
won’t undo any “miscalculations” you did while “investing” your precious Neopoints.
Lenny (1969, 1981, 1993)
Since year 7 is a Lenny year, people born in this Neosign will hardly have
any problems the next 12 months. It’s the perfect time for a new addition to
your family, Neohome, Gallery or anything else you have been working on. The
intelligence and charm of the Lennies will also help them achieve their goals
within the community. Try to get active within your guild or on the Neoboards
and you will find new friends soon. The only flaw: If you see a Feepit crossing
your way, RUN!
Gelert (1970, 1982, 1994)
Gelert personalities are often very homebound and protective about their family
members and friends. Keep in mind that everyone wants to have their own experiences
and that includes making mistakes. If your friend wants to buy that overpriced
Battledome weapon admonish them once, if they don’t listen, they’ll have to
learn it the hard way. Instead try to finish stuff that hasn’t been worked on
for a long time, because other things were more important. Give that shop or
the User Lookup the much-needed revamp! And keep in mind that over 40% of all
accidents in Neopia involve clockwork toys.
Skeith (1971, 1983, 1995)
Skeiths are some of the biggest and strongest citizens of Neopia, but often
also the greediest. Try sharing with other people! Send a nice plushie to a
friend or donate some of those leftover omelettes to the Money Tree and as a
reward you will at least get a smile. Wouldn’t you be happy if you just suddenly
found a nice toy or some yummy food in your inventory? Then give this feeling
to others! Besides that, Skeiths should do a little more for their health. A
nice salad instead of a Warf could make the difference!
Bori (1972, 1984, 1996)
Bori tend to be shy and hide in places no one can follow them. This year they
should try to be more outgoing. Visit the many places Neopia has to offer. A
vacation in Faerieland, a training day on Mystery Island or an excursion to
the Space Station will show you what this world has to offer and how to use
it. You like digging in Terror Mountain snow? You’ll love to dig in Lost Desert
sand or Haunted Wood graveyards! Wait, scratch that last one. Anyway, get out
there and show yourself to the world! The stars also say that it might be wise
to invest a little into YIPP stocks. But that could also be a glowing Shoyru
flying by.
Kau (1973, 1985, 1997)
Kaus tend to go with the flow. Try to be more individual and imaginative! Do
what others don’t dare to do. When the others claim you to be crazy just tell
them that they can’t rate something they haven’t tried themselves. As a result
you could even become famous as the first Neopian to have climbed Terror Mountain
with wearing no more than shorts or the first Neopian to walk to the Space Station!
While being up there, please hurt the glowing Shoyru for me. Badly.
Kougra (1974, 1986, 1998)
Kougras should start the year with more physical than mental training. Instead
of writing Haikus enter the Battledome and have a little work out. Jogging on
the beach or swimming from one island to another can be good training too. The
second half of the year should be spend on things like refining your drawing
skills or maybe sewing. Whatever kind of art comes to your mind. Ripping apart
Dr. Sloth or Count von Roo plushies does NOT fall into that category.
Cybunny (1975, 1987, 1999)
A good book is the Cybunny’s best friend this year. Staying home and reading
instead of being involved in wars or plots is what will keep any harm from Cybunny
born. Basically Cybunnies shouldn’t even leave their Neohomes or bad luck will
follow them wherever they go. While you stay at home make sure to keep yourself
busy or sleep a lot. Otherwise someone will force you to wear Step Out Shoes
Draik (1976, 1988, 2000)
Draiks prefer hoarding their Neopoints, but this year is the right time to
raid that bank account and go buying yourself a nice little gift. In Year 7
you should also be there for your friends and help them with their problems,
even if it involves a fight or other events you usually try to avoid. It could
also be the right time to find a new friend, especially one like a Petpet. A
steady friend throughout the year can help at many problems. That’s if that
friend is not an Abominable Snowball that starts melting as soon as you brought
him home.
Meerca (1977, 1989, 2001)
Meercas will make a great comeback this year. Full of new features and a fresh
design… Oh wait, that was Meerca Chase. But still Meercas are full of new energy
for the coming year. Try not to focus too much on just one project, because
with too much effort put in it, it could go horribly wrong. Concentrating on
several small projects may be the better way. The stars also say that you shouldn’t
spend your vacation in the Haunted Woods, especially not near Edna’s Tower.
She got a new apron for pie baking.
Uni (1978, 1990, 2002)
Most Unis have a lot of pride. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, for you
can be proud of what you’ve accomplished last year. But that doesn’t mean you
should hog the spotlight! Other people have done great as well. Try honouring
them and what they did for you, your guild or the whole Neopia. Another hot
topic for year 7 is fashion. A change might be the right thing for you! I heard
there were some great new Transmogrification Potions coming up, like Skeith
or Quiggle!
Any harm, bankrupts or similar events that result from following this advice
is not to be blamed on me, but on the glowing Shoyru that kept flying back and
forth over the night sky.