Escape from Kreludor: Part One by cyborg8000
Data Quadrant 272
3:47 AM NST
Kreludor Mining Corp.
"Transmitting data. Are you able to receive?"
"Yes, and hurry. I can hear them..."
Trinity looked both ways before pressing her ear once more to the grating.
Inside the room were Dr. Frank Sloth...and Commander Gormos. Being a Cybunny
had always had its advantages. As she pressed her ear closer to the metal bars,
she could hear words seeping through. A faint bar of dull light passed unto
her face as she squinted her eyes in concentration.
"Commander...you know that I trust in you to keep my plans safe...don't you?"
"Of course, sir."
"Then I need to discuss with you my latest plan."
"Latest? Using the Mining Corp. as your secret base was amazing enough sir,
what else could there be?"
"What else?! What ELSE?!" Trinity looked through the grating just in time to
see Sloth burst from his chair and slam a worn copy of the Neopian Times on
the table. It was an old copy, yellowed and frayed at the edges.
"It was all over the papers! Being humiliated by a bunch of stupid Neopets!
And that Space Faerie! Once was enough, but TWICE! And then they made an Expansion
Pack for all those silly little collectors! Oh, and then they go and cancel
my plot! And then those stupid, insolent little Neo...thingies ruin my Happiness
Faerie disguise! Gormos, I want my revenge. I have a new plan this time. And
I believe that it's going to work." He smiled, a cruel smile with his face twisted
in madness. The Kougra stood there with an emotionless expression on his face.
Dr. Frank Sloth began to speak, when something fell from Trinity's pocket. The
data transmitter. A metallic echo seemed to destroy the silence. The scientist's
head twisted towards the pipe in which Trinity the red Cybunny was hiding.
"We have company." And that was all that needed to be said. The red lights
of security started flashing and footsteps could be heard. Trinity began to
run, as fast as she could. They never said being part of the Resistance was
going to be easy.
* * *
Rainbow Pool
11:32 AM NST
Neopia Central
Zinc stood by the multi-colored pool, twirling the Paint Brush in his hands,
not really paying attention. He watched the Baby Lupes playing with their newly
painted Buzzers. Excited Unis finally painted Faerie. And here he was. A pirate
Shoyru with a Fire Paint Brush in his hand. He had got it for his birthday.
He like being Pirate, but would it be disrespect not to use it? He could always
sell it...and say he lost it. But he didn't like lying. He turned around to
lean against the edge of the pool. And then he saw him. A small green Eyrie
sighing as he brushed his hands through the water, as if hoping for a miracle.
He turned to the Paint Brush in his hands, to the Eyrie, to the Paint Brush,
to the Eyrie. He strode to the Eyrie and held the Brush behind his back.
"Hi," he said.
"Hi," the Eyrie replied sadly, staring at the red water.
"You want to be painted?" Zinc asked the Eyrie.
"Well why not go get painted?"
"Well...I don't have a brush," the Eyrie answered, blushing a little.
"It just doesn't seem right...to be at the Rainbow Pool without a Paint Brush,"
noted the Pirate Shoyru.
"I know..."
"Well then, here." The Pirate Shoyru handed the expensive Fire Fire Pants On
Fire Paint Brush to the small green Eyrie. The Eyrie's eyes widened as he stared
in wordless thanks up at the Shoyru.
"Go ahead," the Shoyru said. The Eyrie skipped away, running to show a surprised
owner his newly found Paint Brush. Zinc smiled a little. It felt good. It really
* * *
SS Quadrant 835
3:59 AM NST
Virtupets Space Station
her fist down on the sleek white table. Another one. This always happened. Sending
in Newbies into the Mining Corp. They never came back. Except one. Gorix was
an amazing trooper, but he was out of it all now. It was only recently that
they were having problems again. Quadrant 835. A death sentence. Literally.
The Electric Ixi quickly made her way through the metal hallways, sometimes
running into other workers on their way to the same quadrant. When she got there,
she typed in the Authorization code and stepped through the sliding doors. A
large, oval table was surrounded by chairs. Most of the other Members were already
there. Sadie took her place near the head of the table. A large yellow Bori
stood pacing before them in front of a large screen.
"We lost another one."
Central Square
9:05 PM NST
Neopia Central
"Thanks for being here tonight! We have something special for you today! We
got a little bored of Tyrannia, so...let's rock girls!" The Twisted Roses band
members nodded at each other before turning to their large audience and raising
their hands in the air. A loud cheer answered their gesture. For a moment, the
lights went out. When the spotlight lit up the area on stage, all that was there
were a few lonely instruments.
* * *
SS Quadrant 835
4:37 AM NST
Virtupets Space Station
"So, let's go over this again: the last information we received from Agent
Trinity was that Sloth was making a new plan. He was angry and he was sure his
new plan would work. Commander Gormos is still working for Sloth. We need to
get in there. Any ideas?" the Bori asked, pausing. The members of the Resistance
were many, but there were only a few here. About 12 members were sitting around
the table. These were the experts.
"I'm ready," Sadie said, lifting a hand into the air. The rest of the members
turned their heads in her direction. A Shadow Aisha also was raising her hand.
Sadie prayed for Rexi to put her hand down, Sadie had been waiting for this
moment for a long, long time. The Bori looked to Rexi, then to Sadie. The members
were already getting ready to vote. Rexi won, by 7 votes. As the members who
had a lot of work to do left, about 4 remained. The Bori, Lucifer, turned to
"I'm sorry Sadie, but Shadow Neopets are just suited better for the job. Sadie...never
mind. Just go back to work. I'm putting you on recruiting duty, we need new
scouts. Let's get moving people," Lucifer said. He grabbed a stack of papers
that were on the table and departed, the sliding doors closing behind him. The
other Neopet still there was a Cloud Yurble, Lucifer's secretary. She scuttled
after him. Sadie looked to the ground as Rexi came towards her.
"Sadie...I know how you feel. But this is my final chance to prove to myself
that Sloth hasn't won yet. Please forgive me. I have to got, but send my regards
to Jenny when you're on Recruiting Duty!" and with a sad, but joyful smile,
the Aisha walked away. Sadie was alone in the conference room. As she started
to leave, there was a ring and a few beeps. The computer had a message.
* * *
“New message for Resistance Members. New message for Resistance Members. Transmitting…now.
Message now ready to be received. Please press green button to okay transmission
of message.” The computer voice waited before repeating itself. Sadie turned
and stared at the screen. Blank. It was just a machine, it would always be.
But someone real was trying to contact them through that machine. Sadie strode
up to a keypad and pressed the green button. “Authorization code please,” the
voice said. Sadie punched it in before stepping back to watch the screen. A
fuzzy image appeared but it looked like a Lupe…and a…Ruki? Yes, she was sure
of it. A pale blue Lupe and a green Ruki, but they were…saying something. A
fuzzy voice could be heard as she continued to watch the image. The Neopets
seemed to be struggling with bushes. Bushes? Sadie took a closer look. No, Mutant
Grundos. The work of Sloth.
“Resistance? Resistance? We need your h-help! Dr. S-oth has got a new p-plan.
H-he’s got –ies everywhere. He’s going to –and then-he’s got this-gun-aiming
at us – he’s shooti - -veryone. Help –istance! Need your –elp! We’re at –ountain.
Something about –ockets to –ining Corp. Help!”
The image vanished and the crackly voice stopped. Obviously the transmission
signal was bad, probably the Neopet sending the image was being attacked and
probably couldn’t send it very well. Words were missing, getting lost in the
transmission. Sadie could understand a few of the words, like “S-oth” was “Sloth”.
And she knew that “veryone” was probably “everyone”. Resistance was in there,
and she was pretty sure “ining Corp” was “Mining Corp.” But Sloth had eyes everywhere?
Hmmm, maybe it meant something like spies, like he could tell everything they
were doing. This was code red situation. She was about to press a red button
when she remembered her duty. Recruiting. She personally at the moment was authorized
to press that button due to her current job…but she had to do something…didn’t
To be continued...