Shayret's Adventure: A Mystery in Meridell - Part Four by rc81590
Shayret flew as fast as he could, and didn't stop until
he reached his house. As Shayret floated down to his front yard, he noticed that
his front door was wide open. It wasn't a surprise. Dublin had probably ransacked
it for some reason or another. Shayret didn't really care about that, though.
He walked through the ruined house and examined
the damage. Almost everything was destroyed. But Shayret knew that Dublin hadn't
found what Shayret needed. He walked into the middle of his room and pulled
up a board from his floor. Shayret, being the cautious Shoyru that he was, had
installed a safe under the floorboard in order to hide his precious belongings.
This way, he thought, even if someone stumbled upon his hiding place, they would
have no way of getting to his stuff.
Shayret stooped down and began to turn the safe's
knob. He carefully turned it to the correct combination: 3 right turns to 5,
1 left turn to 15, and right to 29. *Click* He heard the small lock open, and
inserted his key into the safe's keyhole. (I told you he was cautious.) He opened
the safe, reached into it, and retrieved the velvet bag that lay within. He
stood up and reached inside the bag. (In it, he kept all of the items that he
didn't keep in his Safety Deposit Box.) He withdrew a Healing Potion V, and
slowly drank the cool liquid.
Shayret instantly felt better, but upon checking
his stats, he found that he was still not fully healed. He knew that for his
fight with Dublin he would need to be at full power. Unfortunately, he didn't
have any more Healing Items, and he wasn't exactly rich! However, there was
another way...
Shayret put his velvet bag in his pocket, and
looked out the window. He noticed that it was beginning to rain. He stood there
for a few moments watching the small droplets fall to the earth. He got an umbrella
from the hallway closet before he walked out of his house and headed towards
his next destination.
As Shayret flew over the Wheel of Excitement,
he closed his umbrella. The weather in Faerieland was completely different from
Meridell: it was sunny and warm. Shayret had come to Faerieland for one reason.
He wasn't even at half health, and he needed to visit the healing springs. He
was just hoping that the Water Faerie wouldn't raise him 3 hp and apologize
for not doing better. He touched down on the fluffy clouds and made his way
over to the springs. The Water Faerie saw him and said, "Hi, Shayret. What can
I do for you?"
"Well," he said, "I was hoping you could heal
"Of course," said the Water Faerie as she waved
her hands.
Thankfully, Shayret wasn't disappointed. Not
only was he fully healed, but he was also not hungry anymore. Shayret thanked
the Water Faerie many times before he left the Healing Springs and flew off
again. As he landed on the drawbridge of King Skarl's castle, he took a deep
breath and prepared himself for what would probably be the hardest battle of
his life.
Shayret crawled through his homemade porthole
and made his way to the King's throne room. He told himself that, after this
was all over, he would never EVER come to this room again. Shayret thought that
Dublin would have barricaded himself in the room or something to stall for time,
but he was mistaken. When he drew near the doorway to the throne room, he saw
that the doors were not only open, but had been torn off their hinges. He wandered
into the room and immediately noticed that Nigel Dublin was sitting in the king's
throne at the far side of the room. He had his feet propped up, as if he had
been waiting for a while.
As Shayret made his way down the red carpet,
Nigel yelled at him. "Welcome back!" he screamed. "Are you ready for your downfall?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing."
"Well then, let's get started."
Dublin wasted no time. He leaped into the air
and, from within his jacket, produced two Purple Blob Potions. He threw them
at the Shoyru and the Shoyru swiftly dodged the explosions. Shayret used the
space of time to make his move he drew in a very deep breath and fired a powerful
fireball. It was a direct hit, and sent Dublin onto his back. But he was soon
back on his feet. He quickly withdrew 2 more Purple Blob Potions and hurled
them, once again, at Shayret. Shayret avoided one, but the other clipped his
wings. The blast damaged Shayret's wing, restricting his ability to fly. Shayret
made a desperate move and fiercely attacked. But, as we all know, that almost
never works.
Dublin dodged Shayret's attack easily and decided
to end the battle with a bang by using his most powerful weapons: 3 Red Clockwork
Grundos. He wound all three of them and sent them towards Shayret. Shayret tried
to avoid them, but failed. The blow sent him soaring into a suit of armor. It
didn't knock him unconscious, but he couldn't get up.
Dublin walked over to him and reached inside
his jacket. He was no doubt getting a weapon to finish Shayret off. He was smiling
smugly and said, "Don't worry, Shayret, it will all be over in a few seconds."
But before he could say or do anything else, he was hit over the head with a
large, metal tray and fell over in a daze.
Shayret looked up to see the maid (a Grey Kyrii)
holding the tray. She was looking down at him with menacing eyes, which quickly
turned teary. She opened her mouth, said, "He told me that my cooking tasted
bad!", and ran out of the room bawling. Shayret looked over where Dublin lay,
unconscious, and tried to think of why anyone would go to so much trouble. He
decided that he didn't care, as long as he didn't have to deal with it again.
Shayret's attention was suddenly drawn to an object on the other side of the
room. It was Zeke regaining consciousness.
This time, it was Zeke's turn run to his friend's
aid. He rushed over to Shayret and asked him if he was alright. "That depends,"
Shayret replied. "Is it all over?" Zeke assured him that it was most definitely
over, except for the fact that King Hagan and King Skarl were still missing.
A few moments later, though, that problem was also solved. Shayret and Zeke
started hearing distant voices echoing through the castle. After a thorough
search of the castle, the origin of the voices was still a mystery. They searched
all of the rooms, and even the dungeons, but nothing turned up.
Shayret, who, although limping, had helped Zeke
search the castle, hobbled over to the king's throne and sat down. "That has
to be the kings," he said.
"Yeah," said Zeke, "But where are they?"
Shayret propped his feet up (as Dublin had previously)
and leaned back. He was startled when the throne flipped over onto its back,
revealing a small chamber underneath the spot where it had once sat. Shayret
peered into the darkness of the chamber, and jumped 10 feet into the air when
King Skarl's head poked out.
All he said (or roared, rather) was, "It's about
time!" before he stormed off.
The next day, Shayret woke up to find his room
was filled with tons of gifts from the citizens of Meridell and Brightvale.
Apparently, it hadn't taken long for Shayret's heroic tale to be told throughout
the land.
He walked outside and smelled the fresh air.
It was a blessing to him. It seemed like he hadn't been able to just enjoy it
in weeks. (Which was actually true.) Shayret didn't spend much time enjoying
the outdoors. He had an appointment later that day with the kings of Meridell
and Brightvale, who had been so grateful that they (King Hagan had made King
Skarl do it) also rewarded Shayret with 200 million NP.
Following Nigel Dublin's demise, he had been
put in prison for life and Shayret had been awarded the Meridell Medal of Honor.
Zeke, who had regained consciousness just in time to see Shayret beat Dublin,
had also been awarded a medal for his brave efforts. The old grey Kyrii, who
had brought the whole ordeal to an end, had been rewarded with a handsome sum
of neopoints and a Faerie Paint Brush. Needless to say, she used it at once
and began dancing around the room shouting happily, "YAY! NO MORE GRAYNESS FOR
It turned out that Dublin had been planning
his evil scheme for quite some time, but he kept his plans so secretive, that
no one ever suspected him of anything. Fortunately, he foiled his own plans
when he tried to dispose of Shayret and Zeke.
Shayret the Shoyru returned home after the awards
ceremony and sat down on his bed. He lay down, closed his eyes, and began to
dream of his next big case.
The End