 The Uni and the Miamouse: Part Three by 3dcourtney12044
"I -- I -- I --" stuttered Cuni, eyes blazing with anger
but also with fear. She knew Jhudora could see that, she knew the faerie could
sense her dismay.
Suddenly, miraculously, and also to Cuni's horror,
her Miamouse squirmed more than ever. Shyle wriggled herself out of Cuni's grip,
leapt out of her grasp, and stood there, facing Cuni, looking determined.
"Sh-Shy!" cried Cuni, tears streaking down her
face. She looked back up at Winny; every second she wasted, her friend was suffering.
Cuni fell to her knees in defeat as Shyle gave what looked almost like a nod,
and turned to face the evil Jhudora. After the look of surprise that had flashed
across her face, Jhudora looked delighted -- in a diabolic sort of way. She
snatched up the defenceless Miamouse, waved her hand, gave a mirth of laughter,
and disappeared in a flash -- literally. There was a streak of light, the faerie
vanished, and Winny fell to her feet with a thud. Suddenly, the scenery changed,
and in a matter of seconds, Cuni and Winny were in their same positions -- but
they had been transported to Faerieland. It was a cool evening, and stars dotted
the sky, with a sliver of a moon glowing down on them.
Cuni was sobbing. "I'm s-s-s-sowwy, Winny," weeped
Cuni, her tears splattering the cloud below her. "I kn-kn-knew you w-wewe getting
huwrt, b-b-but I'm afwaid of what J-J-Jhudowa's gonna do to Shy n-now!"
Winny bent down and panted, beads of sweat forming
on her forehead. She winced as she walked, but as she watched her friend crying
on the floor, she didn't care. "You shouldn't have let Jhudora take her," Winny
said, still breathing a bit heavily. "Who cares what happens to me?"
"I-I-I do!" cried Cuni. "And dat's jus' it --
Sh-Sh-Shy did it by hewself! She j-jus' jumped out of my awrms and w-w-weft
wiff Jhudowa!"
"She was brave," Winny said quietly, crouching
down next to Cuni. "We'll get her back, Cuni." Cuni looked up at her friend
through her tears. "I promise."
Though she was absolutely sobbing with dread,
though she was worried-sick about her poor Petpet, though she couldn't imagine
what in Neopia Jhudora planned to do with Shyle -- Cuni smiled back at her true
"Wight," she said softly, straightening up. "Wh-what
should we do?"
"I think..." Winny said, scrunching up her face
in concentration. She bit her lip, bowing her head, and then looked back up
at Cuni. "I think we should pay a little visit to Fyora." The chattering that
was normally heard buzzing around in Faerieland had abated, and their surroundings
seemed vacant, less friendly. Cuni gulped, and nodded quickly. The whole of
Neopia seemed a lot less welcoming to her when she knew she may never see Shyle
"Well," said Winny, glancing around. "I guess
we might find her at the Hidden Tower. You said it herself, she probably lives
Cuni heaved a sigh and gave another nod.
"Right, then let's head off," exclaimed Winny
briskly. "We... we can fly, if you want to." Her voice trailed off and she gazed
longingly at her friend. Cuni shook her head; she was sure Shyle had much enjoyed
Cuni's love of flying, and doing so without her dear Petpet seemed like something
a traitor would do. "I thought so," Winny said, interrupting Cuni's thoughts.
"Just... just wasn't sure."
After one last sigh, Cuni took off galloping
after Winny, keeping her friend's clattering hooves against the soft cloud in
view. They sprinted into Faerie City, and Cuni soon found herself desisting
in front of the largest tower she'd ever seen in her life; a familiar-looking
cobblestone path exerted to a tall stone building. Winny and Cuni burst into
the Hidden Tower, panting from the run, and bending over to catch their breath.
Though the sky outside had darkened a great deal,
the Hidden Tower was just as brightly-lit as ever. Gleaming items in glass cases
lined the walls, with sky-high prices. Glancing around, Cuni found no sign of
Fyora, now shadows or shimmering faeries. Just a long, red rug in the center
of the room, and a few portraits hanging on the stone walls. "She's not here,"
Cuni said softly in a disappointed voice.
"Well, I didn't really expect her to be here
on the first floor," explained Winny, nodding at a set of stairs that was hidden
in the shadows.
"Wait, how come I've never saw dose staiwrs befowe?"
asked Cuni, striding past Winny to make sure the steps were really there; she
placed a hoof on the first one, and found it was just as solid as anything else.
"I read somewhere," said Winny, following Cuni
to the stairs, "that they only appear there when the observer truly needs to
speak with Fyora about 'a matter of great importance'."
"Well, c'mon!" exclaimed Cuni, nodding at the
stairs once more. "We'd best start climbing now, judging by the size of the
tower, it could be a long ways up."
Nodding in agreement, Cuni began climbing at
a lightning pace. As they rose higher and higher, the two came across circular
windows, but Cuni dared not look down; not from this height, anyway. the stairs
twisted and turned, spiraling and lifting them higher and higher. Cuni and Winny
did not speak, but preserved all of their energy for climbing.
After ten or so minutes, Cuni began to think
that they would be forever climbing until the ground leveled out and they came
to a door. It was a tall, thin wooden door, but it was also dome-shaped and
had a shining, brass knob. Reaching to turn it, her hoof trembled, why, she
did not know. Fyora was the Faerie Queen, right? There was no reason to fear
her, like Jhudora...
She flung the door open and peered inside; of
all places, she had never seen a room quite as extraordinary as this one. It
was, yet again, a stone room, with shelves upon shelves of interesting things.
There was a jar brimming with a bubbling goo that looked like neither a liquid
nor a solid; there was a pink-spotted cauldron, nearly overflowing with a stringy
substance; there was a glass case holding a gleaming, blue-and-silver sword
on a velvet cushion; there was another cushioned object, with an assortment
of jiggly pens that shot a pink ink out into the air every few seconds, but
the ink slowly disappeared all on its own; and many things besides. If Cuni
hadn't been here on urgent circumstances, she would have been quite interested
in gazing upon all of Fyora's tools.
"Wh-wh-where do you fink she ish?" whispered
Cuni quietly, closing the door behind her, but keeping her hoof on the knob.
Winny shook her head to signal that she did not
know. There was no sign of Fyora. There was, however, a stained glass sort of
window, a gigantic one, overlooking all of Faerieland, and in front of the window
was a sort of coffee table with a steaming cup of liquid with a spoon inside
of it. Right beside of cup was a sort of crystal ball, but it was in a zig zag
form and kept glimmering brightly every few minutes, a foggy mist settled at
the bottom of the abnormal shape.
"Ah, yes," said a gentle voice, "I was expecting
Cuni let out a yelp, and Winny sprang backward
in shock; though they were now familiar with the unusual ways faeries appeared,
they were not at all prepared to see a crown appear in midair. Now, it wasn't
just a crown; the face Cuni had seen in so many books, on so many posters, appeared
just beneath the crown. Her long, purple dress was slowly taking shape, and
by the time it was complete, Fyora the Faerie Queen stood in front of the coffee
"H-H-Hello," Winny said quickly in a high-pitched
voice, "I'm-I'm-I'm Winny."
"Yes," said the faerie in a patient voice that
told Cuni she'd known their names all along. She smiled all the same. "Yes."
"And I'm Cuni," the baby Uni piped up anyway.
Her face tearstained, Cuni tried to clear her throat. "I-I-I was jus' wondewrin...
if you could help me."
"Go on," Fyora said gently, gazing at the two
stuttering baby Unis.
Cuni wondered why Fyora was making her retell
the horrible tragedy; she was sure the faerie knew it already. "I came to visit
Winny," began Cuni, taking a deep breath before she started. "'Cause she jus'
moved to Faewiewand. We decided to go and do one of Jhudowa's quests, and we
did, but den I wealized I'd weft... I'd weft my Miamouse, Shy, behind." She
gulped at this point, feeling tears coming on but fighting hard to hold them
back. "We went to go and get her, but Jhudowa said no, and then she sent Winny
and I to a dungeon, and gave Shy back to me. But den she made illusions, I fink,
of my past, I don't know why. She showed an image of Winny being huwrt, and
den it disappeared -- and she weally was getting huwrt!" Cuni stopped
to take a breath. "Den, she gave me a choice, she said I could either give up
Shy -- or watch Winny suffewr."
When she'd finished, Cuni looked hopefully at
Fyora, to see if her expression changed, maybe to one of sympathy or even pity.
But her face hadn't changed at all, though her smile had decreased only a bit.
"I see," the faerie said softly, turning to face
the window. "Well, Cuni, Jhudora is that kind of faerie. She gave your Petpet,
Shyle, back to you because she knew she'd be able to see you make a choice you'd
much rather not make. And do you know why Jhudora decided to pick on you two?"
Exchanging glances with Winny, Cuni shook her head. "Because both of your hearts
are in the right place. She knew you were weak when it came to making choices
like that, and she enjoys making generous Neopets suffer as a result of her
dirty work."
There was a pause in which Cuni let these words
sink in. Winny pawed the ground anxiously, and said quietly, "Is there any way
we can save Shyle?"
Fyora turned around and considered them for a
moment, making Cuni feel as though she were being x-rayed. "Yes," said Fyora
finally, looking a tad bit grim. "Here you are--" (with a wave of her hand,
a scroll appeared with a small pop! and she motioned for Cuni to take
it) "--it has everything you need to know. Good luck, Cuni and Winny." And before
Cuni could say anything, the Faerie Queen vanished soundlessly.
"She -- she jus' hands us a scwoll and weaves?"
exclaimed Cuni, looking cross. "She's da Faewie Queen! Can't she jus' go find
Jhudowa and make her give Shy back or something?"
"Perhaps," said Winny, surveying the scroll.
"Let's take a look at the scroll..."
They untied it from the soft red string, and
unrolled it. Cuni held it at arm's length, and found a sort of riddle:
Atop her cloud, you must go.
In order to save your friend,
Sit upon the throne you must
To assure your journey soon will end.
"Atop her cwoud?" said Cuni. "Does she mean Jhudowa's?"
"Probably." Winny scratched her head. "And she
needs you to sit on the throne!"
"Jhudowa's thwone!" breathed Cuni. "It can't
be dat hard, can it?"
Consulting the scroll again, Winny replied, "All
it says is to sit on her throne, to 'assure your journey soon will end', meaning
you'll get Shyle back and defeat Jhudora."
"Defeat Jhudowa?" repeated Cuni in an offhand
voice; once she said the words, they seemed complex and she felt small. "Dis
might be hawrder dan I fought..." At that moment, she pictured her Miamouse,
alone in a cell or suffering at the hands of Jhudora. She shuddered, and felt
a surge of determination. "Wet's go!"
The trip back down the stairs seemed to take
no time at all, as Cuni's mind was bubbling with drifting thoughts of Jhudora
and Shyle, and Fyora's riddle. She didn't notcied the spirals, twists and turns,
nor did she even spare a glacen at the portraits and windows hanging in the
halls. Cuni and Winny quickly rushed down the narrow staircase, and found themselves
bursting into the original Hidden Tower room. As Winny made her way for the
door, Cuni halted in the center of the dark red rug.
"You coming?" asked Winny, suddenly noticing
Cuni's absence as she opened the door ajar. Fresh moonlight filtered in until
Winny let the door slam shut and she strolled to Cuni's side. "What's up?"
Cuni gazed at her friend. "Winny," she said seriously,
"tanks for... for stickin' wiff me. For twying to get Shy back wiff me. It means
a wot to me."
Winny smiled and slung her hoof around Cuni's
shoulder. "What're friends for?" she said. "Now, c'mon -- we've got a Miamouse
to save!"
With a last grin and a nod, the two baby Unis
bolted out of the Hidden Tower, the scroll tucked safely under Cuni's arm, and
galloped flat-out towards Jhudora's Cloud. They ran across not a soul.
But, just as they were approaching the staircase,
however, they heard a worried yell, "Winny! Cuni! Where are you? Please, please
Winny looked horrified, and quickly pulled Cuni
away, ducking behind the staircase a bit so they could not be seen. Peeking
slowly out acorss the dark, empty cloud, a faded light of a flashlight appeared,
held by a girl. Though it was dark, Cuni could make out Jade's saddened expression,
as she called their names over and over again.
"It's Jade," muttered Winny frantically. "We
can't let her see us..."
"But she's wowwied!" argued Cuni as Jade jogged
past. "You should at least tell her what we're doing..."
Winny shook her head. "I can't," she said softly.
"I know Jade. We can't just say, 'Oh, we're going to go and battle Jhudora.
Be back in an hour or so.' and leave it at that! She won't let us -- or even
worse, she'll try and help!"
"How's dat worse?" mumbled Cuni.
Winny shook her head. "I can't let Jade get in
that kind of danger. We're already risking our lives, I can't let her get caught
up in it.... We can't tell her. Or at least not until we're back."
Cuni watched with a sinking heart as Hade worriedly
hurried past, heading towards the Wheel of Excitement. "Now's our chance," said
Winny, revealing herself and dragging Cuni along. "She's over at the Wheel of
Excitement... that's a good ways away from here... it'll give us a bit of time...
she might come back..."
Winny hurriedly ushered Cuni up the steps, and
Cuni, before Winny could speak, said quietly, "One second. We should at weast...
I dunno, weave her a sign or something that we're safe." Cuni pulled out the
scroll, placed it on the ground, and sat on her knees.
"We don't have a pen!" exclaimed Winny, puzzled.
"Maybe not," said Cuni, and looked around hastily.
"Winny!" she said suddenly. "Da Gnome Shwoom..."
"We need it!" Cuni hissed back. "Da one you dwopped
"Err... okay..." Winny, taking great care not
to make too much noise, galloped down the steps and off into the distance; Cuni
could make out her figure snatching up a forgotten item and hurrying back, climbing
the steps.
"Got it," she said breathlessly, dropping the
shroom beside Cuni. "But Cuni, what good will it do?"
"Well, it's a kind of shwoom, wight?"
"Maybe..." Cuni breathed, and she squeezed the
Gnome Shroom around the gooey, purple-ish part above the stem. A powdery liquid
oozed out, splattering the scroll, and Cuni moved the shroom up and down, squeezing
it as she went. Finally, she was able to spell out, "JADE -- DON'T WORRY! SIGNED,
"Brilliant," muttered Winny as Cuni rolled up
the scroll, took aim, and chucked it far from the cloud. It wavered in the air
for a moment before slowly lowering to the ground.
"Well," Cuni said briskly, standing up and gazing
intently at the throne. "I guess... it's time."
Winny nodded solemnly, and Cuni gulped; she was
taking a great leap, and a great risk at that. But no matter what happened,
Cuni vowed to herself that she would return to this spot with her brown Miamouse
in hand. No matter what it took.
To e continued...