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Ranking 25 Best Puns Across Neopia

by dancerchickemily


We think everybody can appreciate a good pun, no matter how Pterrible it may be.



     That’s why we’ve scoured all of Neopia for the 25 punniest items out there. Here’s our countdown:




     25. Turmac Rolls

     This tasty-looking food has the same colour pattern as the Turmac Petpet — in Swiss roll form. One of our favourite games to play to check off our daily quest log requirement is Turmac Roll. This item is a play on the food and the name of the game! It was released during Daily Dare 2007 as a prize for beating Abigail’s score in Turmac Roll.




     24. Uni Corn

     This item is punny because it’s corn. It’s a skewered piece of corn that resembles a Uni’s horn. It’s also a play on the fabled creature the Unicorn.




     23. Ree mote

     This mote makes a pun of the word “remote,” which in this instance means distant or far away. The caption of this item makes the joke even more satisfying: “Some opponents don't even notice you have this mote it stays so far away.”




     22. Chocolate Ship Cookie

     Okay, we are just going to say it. This sounds like what a toddler would call a chocolate chip cookie. We would crumble if we didn’t include this item which is a chocolate chip cookie in the shape of a ship.




     21. Screamed Corn

     This item is a play on the food creamed corn. A screaming piece of corn in itself is hilarious, but the play on words is too punny to not acknowledge. The cornier the joke, the better!




     20. No Need To Be Rood

     The obvious pun here is the homophone of “rood” and “rude.” It is particularly funny because it includes a Blumaroo on the front page of the book. Imagine living on Roo Island and getting this book on the Day of Giving.




     19. Tombscones

     This item is a scone in the shape of a tombstone. Is this supposed to be delicious? Is this supposed to be scary? We aren’t sure, but something about it feels Eyrie!




     18. Moltaran Bak Lava

     Moltara is a land located near the planet’s core that features the Moltara Caves, which have rivers of lava flowing throughout. Baklava is a tasty, layered pastry dessert.




     17. Krawk of Dawn

     This book is another simple pun. “Crack of dawn” is an idiom referring to the time of day when the sun first starts appearing. Replace “crack” with “Krawk,” and you have your pun.




     16. Haaaarrd Boiled Egg

     It’s haaaarrd not to love an egg with an eyepatch — that alone means this item deserves to be on this list. Playing further into this theme, the item utilizes the pirate lingo “arrr!” which is traditionally said by pirates when expressing excitement or in place of “yes.”




     15. All is Well

     “All is well” is a common phrase people use in response to being asked how they are doing. The pun here is the book is a well. We think this is the best dad joke of items!




     14. Eye Candy

     “Eye candy” is a popular phrase referring to something that is superficially attractive to look at. This item is extra punny because not only does it make fun of the popular phrase, but the item itself is not very attractive. It’s eye-ronic because even though it is literally Eye Candy, it is most certainly not “eye candy.”




     13. ee mote

     This mote makes reference to the emo subculture, in which people tend to be seen as more emotionally sensitive, introverted, reserved and quiet. The mote even has a hairstyle that is typically associated with this subculture. 10/10 for the item’s clever description: “This mote can be kind of hard to control emotionally.”




     12. Pterducken

     This food is a reference to the classic Month of Storing dish known as turducken, which is a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken. The “p” is silent in the word “Pteri,” so this Pteri stuffed with duck sounds almost like the same thing!




     11. The Krawk Pots

     The Cheesy Krawk Pot, Fruit Krawk Pot, Leafy Krawk Pot, Meat and Potatoes Krawk Pot and Krawk Pot Recipes all play on the same pun: the crock. Crocks are dishes used to cook food in, and Krawks are the Neopets these items are modelled after.




     10. Marrow Bone

     This item is a marrow that is in the shape of a bone. It is a play on bone marrow, which is a soft, spongy tissue in the centre of bones. We had to include this one on the list because we didn’t want to be marrow-minded.




     9. Kau Pies

     We love the simplicity of this pun. If you’ve ever been around a cow, you’ll know they frequently leave piles of what is lovingly called “cow pies” all around the pasture.




     8. Ice Sickle Pop

     This one is a fun play on words with the use of homophones. Visually, it’s ice on a stick in the shape of a sickle. When you say it out loud, it sounds like icicle pop!




     7. Rest in Peace of Chicken

     “Rest in Peace” is a commonly used phrase to wish somebody peace after they have passed away. We will typically see this abbreviated as R.I.P. and listed on images of tombstones. This item is a literal piece of chicken in the shape of a tombstone reading R.I.P. The item description adds to the silliness of it all: “This is one meal that is going to come back to haunt you.”




     6. Polar Chucks

     This weapon resembles nunchucks but with a cute little Petpet on top. That Petpet is a Polarchuck!




     5. The Pi Pies

     Mathematicians will appreciate this pun. The Baked Apple, Coconut Creme, Keylime and Strawberry Pi Pie each have 3.14 litres of filling, according to their descriptions. 3.14 is the value of the mathematical constant known as “pi,” and these pies are shaped just like the symbol of pi! Our only complaint here is they weren’t released on March 14, also known as Pi Day.




     4. Wocky-Talkie

     The pun here is so simplistic and yet so clever. This item is a play on the real-life item “walkie-talkies,” which are portable devices that allow people to talk over radio frequencies. With a Wocky Neopet theme, this item is a must. Over and out.




     3. 1001 Yokes

     What an eggcellent pun! Is it egg yoke? Is it egg yolk? I don’t know! But I do know the yoke will be on you if you are trying to make the Neopian Book Award high score list and don’t read this to your pet.




     2. Lost City of Phorofor Stamp

     This item is featured on the NeoQuest II page of your stamp album. Whether or not you’ve played NeoQuest II, it’s easy to miss this sneaky pun. Ever tried to go to a Neopets page but typed in the wrong URL? The page you’ll see in place of your intended location is the “Error 404” page, which means it doesn’t exist. If you say “Phorofor” out loud, it sounds a lot like the number 404!



     And this brings us to our No. 1 pun. When discussing our favourites, we Symoltaneously agreed the item with the best pun is none other than…




     1. Foal in Box

     We’ve all been there. You go to Neomail someone, and their inbox is full. But how do you tell them it’s full when your only way of communicating with them is blocked? By sending them a Foal in Box! This is another one that makes sense once you say it out loud. Not only is Foal in Box fun to say (full inbox!), but it also is a handy way to let your friends know you’d like to send them a message without being able to send them a message.



     And there you have it, folks. These are our Delfinitive rankings of the top 25 puns across Neopia. We hope your day is Pterrific!

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