Can’t You See Me? by l0000000l
”Butterscotch Latte and Sour Melon Pie for Novaic,” the Coffee Cave owner called out above the mild chatter and mellow music ringing throughout the café. Novaic’s ears perked up at the sound of his name and bounced on over. “That would be me! Thanks, Boss,” Novaic grinned. “And thanks for the discount, too! I’ll be sure to promote your shop to all of my friends.” The Yellow Shoyru scoffed and provided an exaggerated eye roll. “As if you and your group of friends don’t stop by every other day trying to haggle prices with me. Speaking of, is it just you, I have to deal with today? Are your friends a no-show again?” Novaic sputtered over his caffeinated beverage before defensively exclaiming, “Boss! You know I’m your favourite customer. Besides, I’m the only one who actually made the trip over here instead of wasting all my Neopoints on Dice-A-Roo just to catch a glimpse of King Roo.” The Boss smiled fondly at Noavic’s little pout. “Alright, alright. Drown your sorrows by taking a bite of that pie I know you love.” Almost instantly, Novaic’s eyes seemed to glisten as he quickly picked up his fork and went on to devour the delectable treat. For a brief moment, it seemed as though Novaic’s spirits were lifted. But just as Novaic settled his fork down, his smile seemed to mirror his motion. Worrying that there was a bigger issue going unspoken, the Shoyru asked. “Hey buddy, is everything going alright with you? You know I’m always here to listen.”
After his internal mental battle of whether or not he should accept the offer, Novaic reluctantly questioned, “Boss, do you ever get tired of being painted yellow for the entirety of your life?” “Not at all. I’m just glad I haven’t turned Elderly yet,” the Yellow Shoyru chuckled. “Is that what’s been bothering you? It’s a different feeling for everyone. You just need to follow your heart.” Sighing, Novaic passed a Neomail he received over the counter. “Congratulations! Your poem has been chosen as a winner and is currently on display in the poetry gallery.” The Shoyru’s eyes widened and then exclaimed, “Oh goodness! Well done, Novaic! You should be celebrating, so what’s with the long face?” “Well, you know how I’m always up here in the northeastern corner of Roo Island? Truth is, I love being surrounded by all the amazing storytellers, poetry writers, and painters because they really inspire me and make me feel truly at home...Unfortunately, I don’t think my friends really understand me anymore.” “And what makes you say that?” the Shoyru inquired. Novaic hummed before saying, “The thing is, I nearly cried not just from getting my poem published, but also I got an Invisible Paint Brush as a bonus prize and that was my ultimate dream goal. It was like Queen Fyora, King Altador, and even King Roo were looking out for me this time around.” “Anyways,” Novaic continued, “I told Elias, Jonah, and Grace about it and while they were super happy for me in getting published, they were all totally set on me trading it for a Royal Paint Brush or Halloween Paint Brush just so I could look like their idols! Ugh, it’s as if I just built the sand castle of my dreams and then my supposed best friends came over and crumbled it down,” he grumbled. After taking everything in, the Coffee Cave owner finally spoke and asked, “Jonah’s the one who idolizes Count Von Roo, isn’t he?” “BOSS! Now is not the time for guessing games,” Novaic managed to force out through his twitching, upturned lips. Pleased with the well-received mood lightener, the Shoyru then replied, “If it makes you feel any better, I think only you would know the right thing to do in this situation. I can’t say I completely get your fascination over this particular paint job, but think about why that was your dream goal and go from there.” Thinking about the Shoyru’s advice, a natural smile gradually took over Novaic’s face. “Will do,” Novaic remarked with gratitude. “But onto more important matters...you know the Coffee Cave is the only shop I’m loyal to right, Boss? What do you say about another slice of that Sour Melon Pie for a hundred Neopoints cheaper?” The Shoyru’s eyes immediately narrowed before saying, “On second thought, Jonah’s right. You would make a fantastic Count Von Roo.” “BOSS! You don’t mean that!” Novaic whined. - As Novaic strolled around the creative hub of Roo Island, he couldn’t help but marvel at all of the talented work created by true artists displayed all around him. “Man, this art gallery is really something isn’t it?” Novaic wondered out loud. Pastel hues and vibrant colours seemed to inundate this week’s showing of natural scenery and Neopia’s finest landscapes. Novaic’s saunter suddenly came to a halt, however, when one particular illustration instilled a surge of nostalgia right through him. “Oh my, this is absolutely gorgeous…” Novaic couldn’t help the faint smile etching onto his face as he recalled the first time he met Elias, Jonah, and Grace just off the docks of Altador. All four of them happened to be native to Roo Island, but when word got around of a Stunning Moon View Background just tucked out of the way in the land of heroes, they knew they had to witness it themselves. “That trip truly connected us together, didn’t it?” Novaic was startled out of his trance-like daze by the voice coming up behind him. “Elias! Warn a Blumaroo, next time!” Novaic pouted. “I can’t believe it’s been just over eleven years since we all made that trip to Altador,” Elias chuckled fondly. “Yeah, trust me I know… I can’t believe I got stuck with you guys ever since then,” Grace chimed in as she joined the group sipping her Uni Frappe. “Oh please, you know everyone would literally jump at the chance to get within two Count Von Roo hops of me,” Jonah sputtered with a mouthful of his Chocolate Coffee Waffle Cone. Novaic couldn’t help but giggle at quite possibly the largest eye roll he has ever witnessed from both Grace and Elias. He turned his attention back to the painting showcased in front of them before mustering up the courage to get his thoughts off his mind. “Hey guys, look…I know you all don’t really understand why I want to paint myself invisible, but—” Novaic started. “It’s the Stunning Moon View Background isn’t it?” Elias cut him off. “More specifically, oh great poet, you want to revel in that moment eleven years ago when we all met for the first time. It’s actually quite touching,” Grace added on. “Honestly, I can think of about 1,025 reasons why you should totally go for Halloween like my dear Count, but…you’re still our best friend and just because I can’t see you doesn’t mean you won’t exist to me anymore,” Jonah mumbled. “I, uh, you guys knew?” “That you’re the biggest sap ever? We’ve known each other for over a decade, of course, we knew. And while we all personally wouldn’t choose Invisible, we also know you’re the only one creative enough to pull it off,” Elias said knowingly. “So, if you’re done being all moody and lost in thought or whatever else you artists do, I say we’re due for a trip to the Rainbow Pool, yeah?” Grace smiled. “You guys are the best, you know that right?” Novaic whispered with tears welling in his eyes. “Yeah, I know.” Jonah chimed in matter-of-factly. “JONAH!” The End.