Double Agent: Part Two by cruzerchic123
All went according to Kass' plans. "Welcome, Agent," King
Skarl's Draik Guards welcomed as she stepped in, her eyes focused on King Skarl
and Chantel, who stood before him, clutching her tambourine tightly.
King Skarl read the note that one of the Eyrie
guards had passed to him. "A gift for King Skarl from the Lord and Master of
the Kass Citadel, in hopes the peace between our peoples can be maintained...yeah
right..." he muttered. He folded the note and gave it to one of the Draiks,
and turned his attention to the dancing Spellcaster mage. All eyes were fixed
on the Aisha.
Chantel cleared her throat and gave a sly smile.
"I am at your service, your Majesty," she said softly and sweetly, her voice
slightly cracking.
Keep it simple, amateur, Double Agent
thought, since she knew how to speak of truth and lies. Make it too fancy
and King Skarl will notice who you really are.
But the Blue Skeith rubbed his chin in approval.
"A dancer, eh?" he said. "State your name, young Aisha."
"Alright then, Chantel, let's see what you can
do." King Skarl snapped his fingers. "Music!"
Chantel stepped back and steadily tapped her
foot. Spreading her arms, she began shaking and tapping her tambourine. She
began twirling and swaying to the rhythm of the music, laughing and freely leaping
in the air.
The audience clapped, winked and whistled. She
dances nice, Double Agent thought to herself, although no feeling was directed
in the comment. The Zafara though cocked her head in confusion. But wasn't
Chantel ordered to hypnotize them?
Neither Double Agent nor Chantel suddenly noticed
the golden circlet around the Aisha's head glowing steadily. Strange dark patterns
of the sun and the moon became a bright yellow light. Chantel faltered a step,
stumbling and hopping on one foot. The crowd slowly muttered, but another sly
smile crossed her face. She swayed her arms in the air repeatedly, twirling
more often. An Acara suddenly dawned its attention on Chantel, extending an
arm, as though she was a precious cut diamond. Chantel smirked and a green glow
that seemed to represent a Wadjet coiled around his arm, swirling up until it
seeped into the Acara's mind. His eyes suddenly turned into swirls of green
and orange, and a goofy grin spread across his face.
Chantel's eyes shifted to a Blue Shoyru. He
too, seemed entranced by her sweet looks and soft voice. She laughed, and the
Shoyru's eyes went into swirls. She continued doing this to many like a yellow
Zafara, an electric Gelert and Skarl's suspicious guards until she spotted King
Skarl. She stumbled again, finally reaching for the Skeith. The energy once
again flowed into the King of Meridell's brain, and he grinned like a jester.
"Incredible!" he breathed. Like the whole court
he was under the spell of hypnosis. "You MUST dance for me EVERY DAY!"
And Chantel accepted, turning to wink at a few
bystanders. Double Agent turned and followed the Court Dancer out of the court,
unnoticed by anyone because of the hypnotized watchers.
* * * * * * * *
Next day Chantel had danced once again. This
time wore another silk blouse with a red vest. The sleeves were puffed up with
some green elastic. A green cloth with orange-gold trimming was wrapped around
the waist of a maroon skirt with more golden trimming. Afterwards, Double Agent
saw her muttering, disappearing into her assigned room. Double Agent shook her
head and carried on.
"How goes the news, dear Agent?" a green Draik
Guard named Aron greeted her in the Main Hall, who polished his spear.
"Let's see," Double Agent murmured, laying a
finger to her lips. "So far Kass has assembled an army of soldiers, but I don't
think they'll launch an attack on us yet."
The blue Draik next to Aron snorted. "As if!"
he spat, waving his spear viciously. "With Kass, every move he does is unpredictable.
Even with the truce he promised, you can NEVER tell. His minions should be careful;
he is probably just using them and using words of false pride and truth. I think
we should be prepared. We need to report this to Sir Borodere and Sir Hencall!"
With the Draik Guards gone off to tell the blue
Lupe knight and the yellow Lupe strategist about Kass, Double Agent turned around
to see Chantel walk out her door. The Zafara began to ponder about Chantel.
Usually she was always kind and friendly, the normal Neopet that Morguss and
Kass loathed. These days she seemed more vain, flirtatious and greedy.
Today she wore a Meridellian dress that was
full of ruffles, lace and puffy sleeves, not to mention plenty of red and blue,
two of the symbolic colors of Meridell. Some of Meridell's emblems were around
her outfit. She still wore the circlet, which was very well hidden underneath
a style of hair that slowly curved at the tip. Her resemblance from yesterday
to today was a bit harder to recognize that she was the Court Dancer.
"I hate these Meridell dresses," she muttered,
then spotted Double Agent. "How do I look?" she smiled.
The Zafara Agent simply stated, "Quite pretty."
As Chantel began wandering the halls and peeked into a room, Double Agent decided
to wander around the castle, though she knew well of where every room was, from
the dungeons and cells to the spacious banquet hall where King Skarl and his
guests, friends, servants and maids would dine.
She stopped at Great Hall. It was full of paintings
and tapestries of great Meridell heroes. As expected there was Sir Jeran Borodere,
along with a picture of a young yellow Aisha child, brother of Jeran, Mistress
Borodere, Lisha the Lioness. There were some pictures of red Zafara wizard Kayla,
the Spellcaster-in-training and Potion Maker, Boris the blue Blumaroo and Morris
the green Quiggle, who called themselves knights while they weren't even fit
to be pages, and many other heroes like a blue and green Skeith, possibly both
of them a young King Skarl and Hagan, and a White Gypsy Lupess, bangles and
bracelets about her. Great Hall was also known as the around famous Hall of
There was also a familiar female blue Zafara.
She seemed to resemble that of a skilled wizardess, garbed in a sky blue and
carmine detailed cloak of an advanced mage, holding a staff of beautiful polished
golden wood with a blue velvet ribbon tied around it, and a sapphire orb floating
at the tiptop. In the other hand was a blue fireball. Straight and silky locks
of silky indigo blue hair with natural highlights flowed beyond her waist, which
was amazingly long. Curious, Double Agent pulled off her hood.
Her light blue hair flowed down in straight
locks all the way beyond her waist.
It surprised her, causing the minion of Kass
to raise her eyebrows in slight shock. She shook her head. "Don't be ridiculous,"
she murmured to herself. "Now think about what Chantel said, what was it? Zephyrne.
That name...is this Zafara Zephyrne?"
She stared at the painting again. It wasn't
Zephyrne, she could feel it. But the name, and, and this Zafara, they fit
together perfectly. Why couldn't, no matter what, that Zafara Mage be Zephyrne
if the two stuck together like King Skarl and his enormous supper?
* * * * * * * *
Sometime around midnight Double Agent and Chantel
sneaked out of the castle. "Ow! My dress, and my hair!" Chantel whined, pulling
her paw back sharply as it collected a splinter from a dilapidated house. Double
Agent gave her a stone cold glare to shut up. Chantel obeyed.
"Now watch," Double Agent said. "We need to
see if my Lord launched the attack yet."
There was an earsplitting scream, followed by
a thump. Chantel gawked at the previous Kass minion as arrows whizzed past,
followed by battle cries, zombified moans and the sounds of footsteps pounding
on the dirt.
The mysterious circlet around Chantel's head
glowed dimly. Chantel peeked around the house, and saw Jeran and his fellow
troops running from a few peasants. This amused her greatly. She gave a soft
cackle. "Run far and run fast, Jeran. No matter where you go, my Lord Kass will
find you."
Double Agent stiffened suddenly. Something,
no, someone was following them. Double Agent turned quickly at the sound
of a soft laugh. She definitely had heard it; a playful giggle. It echoed through
her mind, and the voice and the presence itself...
"We'd best get out of here," Chantel interrupted
abruptly, tugging at Double Agent's arm. The Zafara gave a nod, and the duo
of maids headed back into the castle, to the Hall of Paintings.
They were surprised to find Lord Kass there,
staring at pictures of the many heroes, his arms folded and a scowl decorated
on his face. He turned and gave an evil grin at Double Agent and Chantel, who
seemed to give a sly grin. "Chantel, come."
The Aisha obeyed. "Yes, my Lord?" she drawled
in a singsong voice. Double Agent continued to puzzle at the Zafara wizardess.
The new Citadel lord was surprised that the
brat who had always devoted her loyalty to Darigan as the "true" lord had called
him "my Lord". He smiled in satisfaction. Morguss' plan was working with
that circlet. "Tell me, Chantel," he asked, waving a hand at the framed
paintings. "So far, my fellow messengers, thanks to Double Agent and yourself,
have brought back with me very much information about King Skarl and the castle's
"Yes, my Lord," Chantel replied, and grinned,
clasping her paws behind her back. "Thanks to me, they are taking much information
we need to know about that gluttonous oaf of a king and his pathetic army. Thanks
to mother Morguss, the knights are afraid of those hypnotized peasants. Soon
Meridell will be under your control."
Kass turned back to the pictures, quite pleased
with the news and how it was addressed. "And they have no idea they are being
watched?" he added.
Chantel sauntered back to her room, opening
the door lightly. "None whatsoever, my Lord," she responded smoothly, and slipped
Lord Kass began to daydream, and gave a snigger
as he saw the child of Morguss leading the zombified peasants of Meridell against
their own country. Reinforcements would not be low, he thought with glee.
The Eyrie turned his attention on Double Agent,
and glanced the painting of the wizardess. He gave a nervous chuckle. "A Meridell
mage, Double Agent?" he coughed, sweat beginning to drip from his face. "How
does that interest you at all?"
Dead silence. "My Lord...I don't know how..."
Double Agent sighed, then disappeared down the hall, her mind mixed in a world
of confusion.
Kass chuckled, and before leaving the castle,
gave a triumphant grin to the painting. "So, Zora, she still doesn't recognize
you after all those forgotten years, eh?" he jeered, and flew out the window.
The aura Double Agent had sensed earlier wandered
near the Zafara's painting, staring at Kass with hatred and sorrow burning in
her blue eyes, until the warlord was no more than a speck, then wept silently
in front of the picture.
* * * * * * * *
Instead of jokes, dances were held in Skarl's
court for days. Chantel wore the simple dress she had worn for the first dance.
Once again she repeated her dance steps, smiling innocently at everyone as they
fell for her spell.
Double Agent was also in the Court crowd, watching
Chantel dance. It wasn't very surprising that Double Agent wasn't hypnotized;
the Zafara's eyes were empty as a moonless black midnight. The blue Zafara Double
Agent just stared at the Court Dancer as she twirled in circles. Some sixth
sense told her as if...the familiar presence was waiting in the room, just waiting
to surprise her.
And then that "familiar presence" made her eyes
flutter wide open and widen to the size of Weewoo eggs. Not only in the room
was beautiful Brightvale stained glass in the court, but some gem-rimmed mirrors.
And in the reflection of a nearby mirror she glimpsed...herself, but much more
different. She became oblivious of the world around her as she stared into her
reflection, but, that was not her. That wasn't at all and couldn't be
This Zafara was very different. Her cheerful
eyes held an innocent and forgotten childhood, and a smile that would cheer
up a group of Tenna spread through her face. Double Agent gasped and slowly
took a step back, hesitating. Instead of repeating the maneuver, the Zafara
in the mirror giggled playfully and waved back.
Double Agent felt faint and weak. Her legs felt
like jelly, and for once full panic filled her body, causing her to shake with
confused fear. She was so busy staring at the "other" agent she didn't notice
Mistress Lisha Borodere finishing a very powerful spell. Screams erupted from
the dancing Aisha, and finally the gypsy look faded away, the locks uncurled
and messed up once again. Kayla held a bottle of her new potion, and Lisha and
the Zafara dressed as a wizard slapped their palms high.
Chantel's Darigan eyes of blazing red and cold
green pupils showed hatred as she lifted her head to glare at Lisha, then gasped
and turned to the King, who rubbed his eyes in confusion. No longer the breathtaking
face of a gypsy Aisha, but the ashamed look of a Darigan Dancer. The dress seemed
to tear, the red vest, torn crimson skirt, and wide-sleeved blouse, ribbons
untied. The court echoed gasps and boos. "Guards, seize her!" King Skarl furiously
roared, pointing a finger at the cursed Neopet. The mirror Zafara gasped and
turned to Chantel's direction, slowly fading away as she ran to help her. This
time the real Double Agent was staring at her real reflection.
Draik Guards and an angry crowd began scattering
all over the place. Realizing what just happened, Double Agent pushed and shoved
the crowd away. She ran up to Chantel and yanked her arm. "Let's go," she told
her "friend", and kicked open the doors.
"Get the Zafara!" she heard King Skarl splutter.
"She works for Kass as well!"
The Double Agent turned around, dragging Chantel,
who was shedding tears. Like a battering ram she knocked Meridellians and guests
out of the way, running out of the court. The doors to Meridell were wide open.
She ran out and slammed the doors right into two flying guard's faces. "Oww,
my nose!" she heard one complain before she took off.
* * * * * * * *
Lord Kass stared in disbelief as he spotted Double
Agent and that blasted child of Morguss' running. "Those cowardly idiots!" he
ranted and raved angrily.
Morguss scoffed as though it meant nothing to
her. "My daughter is of no further use in this war," she said. "We still need
that Double Agent, though."
"Their fathers were great warriors in the Battle
with Darigan," Lord Kass mused to himself.
"Don't remind me-" Morguss snarled viciously
at Lord Kass, her eyes flecked with vengeance as she lifted her hoof. The Eyrie,
trying not to show his own cowardliness, pressed his beak against the Moehog's
snout, caught her hoof and bared his teeth, growling.
"I referred to Double Agent's, " he exclaimed
with a growl. He continued to watch as the two maidens ran. "She was a half
Meridellian, a half Darigan citizen. Her mother one of the many Meridell Magi,
Zora, her father an excellent front Darigan Warrior, Darrell. And yet," -he
chuckled evilly as he watched Double Agent run- "after all these years of endless
pondering she still doesn't realize anything..."