Jhudora's Cloud by s3ssur34
Fyora gazed out from her balcony at the tall buildings of
Faerie City. She shivered as a chill wind picked up.
"Lady Fyora!"
The wise queen turned and watched as a blue-robed
Air Faerie hurried towards her, a thick cloak in her hands.
"Lady Fyora, you'll catch your death of cold out here!
Here, put this on."
Fyora smiled at her lady-in-waiting.
"Oh Mhera, you're so efficient. What would I do without
Mhera curtsied.
"You'd catch a cold, that's what. Honestly, what on
Neopia can keep you on your balcony for an entire hour?"
"An hour?" Fyora looked puzzled. "Surely I wasn't
out here for an hour?"
"Of course, dear! Now, tell me, what is it that's
troubling you?"
Fyora looked out at her kingdom once more. She sighed.
"All is not well, Mhera," she said, a great sadness
in her voice. "I can sense it. Look around you. It is midsummer, and the skies
are grey, and the winds are cold as ice. This is not right."
"You don't think it has something to do with--"
"I mustn't jump to conclusions, although, with her
record.... it is a possibility."
"Shall I call on Illusen?"
Fyora turned to look at her close friend.
"Not yet," she said. "Not yet."
* * *
The following morning dawned cold and grey. By midday,
the usually bright sun was shrouded with dark purple cloud. All was not well
in Faerieland. It was not only the queen that had noticed the climate changes.
All over the main city, hubbub had broke out. Rumors spread like wildfire.
"They say it's her--"
"But she was banished seasons ago, surely not!"
"I hear they've already called on Illusen of Meridell!"
Fyora was at her usual place, her balcony. Mhera came
through to join her.
"Have you told Illusen?" the Queen asked.
"She did not need telling, my lady," Mhera replied.
"The cloud has already spread to her land. In fact, it has covered Roo Island,
Brightvale, Neopia Central, and even parts of Terror Mountain. It must be stopped!"
"She must arrive urgently," Fyora said. "When can
she be here?"
"Actually, I'm already here!"
Both Fyora and Mhera looked up.
"Ahhh, Illusen, my friend," the queen said. "Always
on time. Now, how are things--Illusen, what on Neopia is that?
Illusen looked and smiled at the large green orb in
her hands.
"It's my Seeing Orb," she said, looking at the object
proudly. "It can tell the current location of the cloud, anywhere, anytime."
"Very good, Illusen," Fyora said. "Now come, Mhera
will show you to your chambers. We can speak again in the morning."
Illusen nodded.
"Sleep well, your highness."
* * *
Illusen woke with a start. Rubbing her eyes, she turned
and glanced at the small clock on her bedside table. 4:03 am. What had woken
her? Illusen sighed. She hadn't slept well at all since the cloud had reached
Meridell. Carefully, she picked up her Seeing Orb. Illusen gazed into it, almost
falling into a trance. After a few minutes, she stopped. All was not well. The
cloud had covered the Haunted Woods and the opposite side of it was speedily
growing out towards Tyrannia. Kiko Lake was under, too. She got out of bed and
stood looking out of the window. Illusen knew who was responsible for all this.
She could, very easily, fly out that window and find her. In fact, Illusen had
half a mind to. But the little nagging voice at the back of your brain that
you never wanted to hear in situations like these was having its say.
How could you possibly go up against her? Against
a faerie so powerful she is able to cover entire lands in darkness? You, a little
earth faerie from her little glade in Meridell, battle a powerful being like
That's not me talking! Illusen thought. It's her, and she's in my brain....
You're not as ignorant as you seem, are you little
Still smarter than you, Jhudora.
Illusen smiled. Her many pointless debates with her
evil counterpart had paid off.
Nothing changes, does it, sister? Ahhhh, all the
good little faeries thought I was all gone, but I wasn't.... I was preparing,
preparing, preparing.....
Preparing for what?
Why, this, of course! The greatest attempt to take
over the world that Neopia has ever seen! Dr Sloth thought he had it right, until,
of course, he was defeated by none other than a faerie. Ha! What a pitiful creature
he is!
What are you planning, Jhudora? How can a purple cloud
take over the whole of Neopia?
You shall see, sister.... you shall see.
* * *
"Jhudora was in your mind?"
"Yes, your majesty," Illusen said, still rather befuddled
from the last night's events. "She was.... talking to me.... said something
about world domination, I think, and.... that I'd soon see what she was doing.
It was.... so strange."
"Strange, yes," Fyora replied, deep in thought. "I
knew she had power, but telepathy.... telepathy is very rare in a faerie. We
should--" Fyora never finished her sentence. At that moment, a young Light Faerie
Fyora had seen in in the city once before ran in.
"Queen Fyora, come quick! The Healing Springs have
stopped working! The Water Faerie is in tears, and all the hurt pets can't get
healed! Please come quick!"
Fyora glanced at Illusen. They were both thinking the same thing.
"I'll come too," Illusen said. "I think you're going
to need all the help you can get."
The pair reached the Healing Springs in minutes. The
Water Faerie knelt beside it, weeping. The life-giving water no longer flowed,
and many hurt pets were forced to simply wait.
"Jhudora's magic is properly taking effect now," Fyora
said sadly. "Her cloud is slowly poisoning the land and it's people. It was
clever plan. Weaken the citizens, and Neopia would be fit for the taking. This
is cruel!"
"I have to stop her, Fyora," Illusen said, her voice
heavy. "I have to find Jhudora, and stop her."
"I shall come with you, then," Fyora replied. "You
cannot fight alone!"
"You must stay and tend to the sick and needy. No,
this is something I must do alone. I can feel it."
Fyora sighed. "Very well. May your journey be a safe
* * *
The next day, Illusen was gone. She had set off in
search of her rival, Jhudora. She fought hard to keep the cruel, mocking voice
out of her head.
You are weak, and I am powerful. You cannot possibly win against me, little
faerie. Turn back, and save the queen going to all that trouble of paying for
your funeral....
Illusen reached her destination without much trouble.
She should on the edge of Jhudora's Cloud, looking 'round for any sign of the
evil faerie. Suddenly, Illusen heard a high-pitched cackle in the distance.
"You just couldn't let it be, could you, sister?"
Jhudora's voice said, aloud this time. "You and your little queenie friend could
have just let me take over, but no. You always have to fight back! Well, prepare
for a very thorough beating...."
In a split second, Illusen was on the ground, pinned
down by a pair of vicious purple Kougras. Illusen had heard of these creatures;
they were Jhudora's bodyguards. But in a flash she was up, her earth powers
knocking the crazed, drooling beasts aside. She turned to face Jhudora.
"You have given Neopia and it's people enough grief,
Jhudora," Illusen said. "Leave now, and you will come to no harm."
"Ah, Illusen," Jhudora cackled. "You are no different
than when I last saw you. Always willing to spare people's lives. Honestly,
why don't you just do as I do.... and kill them off immediately!"
And so the two of them began their battle. They fought
ruthlessly, their powerful magic clashing time and time again. But soon, they
pair began to tire.
The two faeries knelt on the ground, breathing heavily.
Jhudora was first to rise.
She shot a stream of purple magic from her wand. Using her own staff, Illusen
reflected the attack, aiming it straight back at Jhudora. Her screams filled
the air. "You may have one the battle, Illusen," the Dark Faerie cried. "But
I shall win the war!" And with that, she was gone.
Illusen fell to her knees, breathless. But she had
* * *
"Illusen, how can we possibly repay you?"
Illusen smiled at the queen.
"All I ask for is some polish for my orb, and to return
to my glade in Meridell," she replied.
"Surely there's something else you'd like? A medal?
A statue? Illusen Day?"
Illusen laughed.
"Really, I'm fine," she said. "Although....
that Illusen Day wouldn't go amiss."
Fyora smiled at the earth faerie.
"Of course. And thank you again, for ridding the land
of Jhudora's evil."
The End