The Ruins of Maraqua: Uncovered! by notorious131313
MARAQUA - Deep down in the bottom of Neopia lurks certain creatures living in
land filled with water... How did it get there? What happened? To uncover this
you have to not only look at Maraqua, but you have to go back in time to when
it all began. When this once happy land turned into an inundated territory belonging
to the creepiest, slimiest, and most revolting creatures known to all of Neopia!
The Story: The curse on Maraqua
Yes, Maraqua was once a cheerful little place where all creatures knew no
wrong, but then tragedy struck! Pirates infiltrated and bombarded this place
because the king refused to pay the neopoints for 'protection'. The pirates
were not only bullies, but they stole neopoints and raided houses! The innocent
were not safe, so the king did only what was left: he finally stood up to those
horrible pirates which remain confidential today. The last we heard of these
pirates was that they left but then, we found Maraqua left in shambles!
Back then, Maraqua wasn't doing too well. There was a problem with the Kelp
Harvest, the main export for Maraqua, and the Coral taxes, newly established
taxes that the citizens of Maraqua dreaded but it was necessary for Maraqua,
and the payment for the pirates. Maraqua was not popular among Neopians and
the tourism was especially low that year. The result was debt and the pirates
would not listen. The questionable recording of this destruction was August
18, 2001 but its too late, anyhow. Poor Maraqua and it's king, now look at this
bleak land...
Maraqua is now filled with a couple of interesting things. It has a mysterious
statue, the Maraquan paint brush, and a couple pieces of once a proud city.
Few have been there, but the creatures there are surely unique. It is not easy
to get there for you have to enter the perilous whirlpool, but before the curse
was laid upon it, was worth it!
Before the Destruction
Before the dreaded event took place, Maraqua was home to several interesting
pets and petpets. A bountiful land, Maraqua was 1,850 sq. miles in area! So
many things occurred there and Maraqua was just the ordinary land like Meridell
and Terror Mountain. It was created when Transparishield Pods embedded within
a rock formation on the ocean floor appeared. Now it was ruined by a whirlpool.
Maraqua's population was 120,000 creatures and it consisted of 70% Koi, 12%
Kiko, 9% Peophin, 5% Flotsam, and 4% other. Now evolution has morphed those
creatures to be something else...
Okay, back to the story, Maraqua was obviously wet but back then earthquakes
occurred once in a while. The government they had was a Monarchy, meaning they
were ruled by a king. Several treasures were held by the city which no one could
even begin to describe! Although, now they are forever lost in the ocean's bottomless
When Maraqua was still popular, the attractions there were 'Koi food shop',
'Utility Fish', 'Maraquan Marketplace', 'Aquatic Petpets', 'Neonautical Gold
Rush', 'Chiazilla', 'The Royal Palace', and the 'Kitchen Quest'. The Koi food
shop was a nice restaurant that served delicacies such as Coral Salad, Scoop
Chops, Kelp Samosa, and Kelpcakes with a reasonable cost! It was run by Chef
KoKo the Koi who conjured up all of these marvelous foods! Keikonna the Handy-Koi's
Utility Fish Shop was for Neopians who wished to purchase utilities (of course).
Those utilities would be vital for homes as well as presents to those who enjoy
nice practical things! The next thing that was quite the perfect little present
for our neopet(s) is a petpet! Aquatic petpets used to be popular among Neopia
and critters like Flapjacks and Coneheads! But now it is known as the Rock pool.
The Neonautical Gold Rush was all about adventure and surely there is no adventure
like an aquatic adventure! Ah, the Chiazilla...a true marvel! When you visit
this outlandish creature in it's habitat you would get a first-class look at
the defeat of the Mechachiazilla! The Kitchen quest was moved to Mystery Island,
but it will be missed by those creatures down below. Lastly, The Royal Palace
was where the King was. There you could have a nice tour in the Kingdom for
a measly 500 neopoints! How much fun it was in the wettest place in Neopia...too
bad its all come to an end...
Weird Sightings in Maraqua
On May 31, 2002, Maraqua's destruction could finally be visible, but, not
so clearly. On June 6, 2003, curious creatures were spotted by some brave adventurers.
On June 10, 2003, a peculiar pit was found and it remains a mystery.
The creatures spotted were the most questionable things in Neopia! The Sea
Slug thing is said to kick unwanted guests out...and the other creatures which
swim are still unknown. Why do they stay? What are they? Are the a new pet species?
No one really knows, except maybe the neopets team! So I decided it would be
best to get an inside look on Maraqua by the thing that knows best about it...The
Giant Sea Slug!
As I steadily plunged down into Maraqua I was met by a Sea Slug...
"Umm... Hello, I am here to find out what is going on down here..."
The Sea Slug answered, "...Go Away!"
"But I am here to help you"
"Nothing can help us creatures down here...can't you see what you have done!"
"We didn't do anything...and who is we?"
"Those disgusting things that where patches over their eyes and have wood for
"Pirates...not all of us are those things..."
"If you want any answers from me, tell me why are we the ones who suffered?
What did we do wrong?"
"Mr. Slug, sir, what is done is done, but I assure you, things will be better...Now
please, if you want that to happen I need your help"
"Why do people run away when they see me? I will help you but don't let pirates
"You will not have to worry...I am sure Neopia will not let you down...What
was the last thing you remember?"
"Ah, I have lived here in Maraqua, my home, for decades...the last thing I
remember about my home was visiting KoKo the chef and getting my daily Kelpcakes...Oh
the memories of harvesting kelp are still fresh. The kelp wasn't doing well
but we really did not worry much. I was a Kelp Farmer and a proud one! Well,
I remember hearing tales of the pirates taking our neopoints and how the King
mercifully gave in. I thought we should stand up to them. I finally realized
the horrors of our fate when my neighbor got her house ruined by the pirates.
Oh the horrors! There was screaming and I could literally feel my world collapsing.
Unfortunately, it was true. My world collapsed...I could feel the murky ground
before me shake. Next thing I saw was pirates yelling and taking hostages. I
tried to run away but the whirlpool swept me and a handful of other down below.
The king, was spotted being taken to a ship with the command of this skull creature
with an eye patch, I think. It has been years but my memories are nothing but
the world I used to live in. It is true what they say, you don't really know
what you have until you've lost it..."
"I am so sorry to hear that. We will try out best to catch the culprit. I am
sure that you have heard of us rebuilding Maraqua...I think...It won't be long,
I am sure. One more thing, we are all concerned on why your tongue is blue..."
"Yes, there has been rumors, but us creatures that still swim around these
waters are already broken. Well, my tongue is blue because, well, too many Sour
Blue Slushies. A word of advice, when you feel bloated, stop! Anyway, Maraqua
is nothing but a memory now...I wish you the best of luck but I must keep away
others who have come here..."
"Thank you for your words...I am sure we will see the days when Maraqua will
be happily living again!"
The giant slug swam away until I could not see him anymore...
Possibilities on the Answers
What happened down there and why? Why doesn't this place come back to life
and be the wonderful underwater land we once knew? The only thing we can do
is hypothesize...
-Maybe those creatures were sailors and got stuck and evolved into those slimy
-Maybe Maraqua is just a mirage!
-Perhaps the statue is a faerie that is trapped and cursed to turn into stone!
-Maybe the pets are just trying to reach to us and we don't accept them just
because they are gruesome looking?
-Maybe there is a sea monster out to get us!
-Maybe Maraquan creatures are hiding from us because we love sushi!
-Perhaps they are hiding because they smell fishy!
-Maybe everyone drowned...
Well, what ever happened, we will all miss this wonderful place. Lets hope
that Maraqua will return to us all! I am sure we will once again see the day
when this beautiful, aquatic, submerged land will rise from it's ashes!