 My Warf Ate My Homework: Problem Petpets by pluie
NEOPIA CENTRAL - Has your Krawkadon eaten everything in your Neohome, including
your sofa? Does your Pinklet have a bit of a gambling problem? Are the neighbors
complaining about your Puppyblew’s incessant howling? What, has your Kadoatie
got your tongue - literally? If so, never fear; Doctor D., renowned Petpet psychologist,
is here!
Unruly Petpets are a problem in many a Neopian household, from paranoid Grackle
Bugs to pouty Peos. Here, I will be addressing a few common concerns of the
Petpet owner, in the form of letters written to me by concerned Neopians such
as yourself.
Well then, let the learning begin!
Dear Dr. D.,
My pet’s Selket seems to have a bit of a digging problem. Our family has had
a few Selkets before, and they’ve all done their fair share of digging, but
none so much as this particular Selket. I wouldn’t mind so much if not for the
fact that, unfortunately, his little digging problem has led to a big hole in
my front lawn. Could you tell me why this Selket seems to dig so much, and how
to prevent it?
-A Lady Who Loves Her Lawn
Dear Lawn- Loving Lady,
Digging is a natural instinct for many Lost Desert Petpets, such as the Selket,
making it a hard behavior to prevent, and impossible to eliminate entirely.
In the wild, many Petpets bury themselves underground to hide from predators.
Could there possibly be something in your yard frightening your Selket? Remember-
to a skittish Selket, nearly anything could be seen as a potential predator,
from a garden gnome to a pink lawn Lenny. I suggest taking a careful look around
the yard, and removing any possibly scary objects. If your Selket, though, continues
to dig excessively with no apparent cause, I suggest buying a sand box to put
the Selket in while out in the yard, where he can burrow to his heart’s content.
That way, he can feel safe, and you can relax. Also, it might be helpful to
teach your Selket to dig on command. A little gardening help never hurt anyone,
you know, and it would be a good channel for some of that excessive nervous
energy your Selket seems to have.
Dear Dr. D.,
I just got an Ownow, whom I have christened Piggy. I love Piggy very much,
but she eats everything in sight! Yesterday, while I was at Neoschool, she devoured
my entire Usuki collection! My owner says that if Piggy continues munching her
way through our belongings, I’ll have to get rid of her. What should I do?
-A Worried Wocky
Dear Worried Wocky,
Ownows are widely known for their voracious appetites and tendency to raid
refrigerators for tasty leftovers. Normally, though, they won’t go as far as
to eat inedible items. Does most of Piggy’s unwanted snacking occur when no
one is home? It is possible that she is simply lonely and bored, and is using
eating as a way to entertain herself while you’re gone. Buying your Ownow something
to entertain herself with, such as a Squeaky Larnikin Toy, will probably solve
the problem. If Piggy continues to eat you out of house and home, you may be
forced to confine her in a crate whenever you aren’t around to monitor her.
It may seem harsh, but if your Ownow happens to eat something poisonous, the
consequences could be disastrous.
Dear Dr. D.,
Help! I received a Meepit as a birthday gift from my owner, but, even though
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it, I’m scared of it. In fact, I practically
haven’t slept a wink since I got it last week. It follows me everywhere. I’ve
heard some pretty creepy stories about those things. I know they’re not true,
but I can’t get them out of my head. I don’t want to hurt my owner’s feelings,
though, by telling her I don’t like my new Petpet. Do you have any suggestions
as to how I can overcome my fear?
-A Terrified Techo
Dear Terrified Techo,
Being scared of your Petpet is perfectly normal, especially if your Petpet
happens to be a Meepit. Those big, staring eyes of theirs tend to creep people
out. Meepits, though, are generally friendly little creatures who love the company
of their owners. Spend some time bonding with your new Petpet. Most likely,
you’ll learn to love it, even if it does take a while. However, if you find
yourself unable to overcome your fear, you will have to confront your owner.
If you can’t give your Meepit the love and care it needs, it is important to
find someone who can.
Dear Dr. D.,
I recently bought a Doglefox, who we call Henry, for my youngest pet. Henry
is a lovable, adorable Doglefox, until you try and leave him alone, even if
just for a few minutes. Then, he begins to howl. And howl. And howl. The neighbors
are beginning to gripe about the constant noise, but my pet has become extremely
attached to her new Doglefox, so I don’t want to get rid of it. Is there any
way to stop the howling?
-A Concerned Caretaker
Dear Concerned Caretaker,
If your Doglefox Henry only begins to howl when he is alone, he is most likely
suffering from either boredom, as the Ownow I mentioned earlier, or separation
anxiety. Since your Doglefox begins howling after only a few minutes of solitude,
however, he is most likely suffering from the latter. Separation anxiety, or
in more simple terms, a fear of being away from their owners, is an all too
common problem in Petpets. Petpets generally see their family as a pack, which
in the wild, would depend on one another for survival. When the alpha-pack members
(a.k.a. you and your pets) leave, your Doglefox is left alone and defenseless.
Nothing is likely to hurt your Doglefox with him safe inside of your Neohome
or yard, but it may take some time for him to realize that.
Patience is key when dealing with separation anxiety. Begin to leave your Doglefox
alone for only a few minutes at a time, and only a room or two away from you.
After a few minutes, go back to your Doglefox, and reassure him that you’re
still there. After a few tries with this technique, your Doglefox will no longer
howl, at least when you’re not gone for very long. Gradually increase the amount
of time that you leave your Doglefox alone, until he can stand to be on his
own. Be sure to praise your Doglefox when he’s quiet, but remember not to scold
him if he’s not - he’s just scared. Good luck with the training!
Dear Dr. D.,
Ever since I got a Khonsu, I’ve been losing at everything! I’ve heard that
they’re bad luck- can a Petpet really be unlucky?
-A Superstitious Shoyru
Dear Superstitious Shoyru,
There has never been any evidence to deny the claim that Khonsu are unlucky-
however, there has been quite a lot of evidence to support it. Ever since ancient
times, the owners of Khonsu have had unusually bad luck, whether it be falling
into underground tombs with no escape, or having every stock they buy go completely
bankrupt. I am not verifying that Khonsu are, in fact, unlucky. Even I cannot
honestly answer that question. I do suggest, however, that you go and buy yourself
as many good luck charms as you can afford. With a Khonsu around, you’ll most
likely need them!
Well, that’s all the time I have for today. I have just received an urgent
call from an owner claiming her Blibble has become inexplicably evil, and is
formulating a plan to overthrow the Neopian economy by use of Radioactive Muffins.
Till next time, I’m Dr. D., taming Neopia’s unruly Petpets one at a time.
Need some Petpet advice from Dr. D.? Feel free to Neomail me with any questions
or comment you might have for her, and I’ll be sure she receives them.
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