How to Become a Raiders of Maraqua Master! by vulpy37
GAMES ROOM - How to become a Raiders of Maraqua Master!
Of course, the Raiders of Maraqua avatar has been out for quite a while now,
but with the new Maraqua plot (go Maraqua!!), what better way to show your support
for the watery world? Of course you could go out and buy a Maraquan Paint Brush
and paint your pet, but then, that is rather costly. So hopefully with this
guide you’ll be scoring well over the 800 required points to earn your Raiders
of Maraqua avatar (and then you’ll be able to save those neopoints to buy ME
a Maraquan Paint Brush *cough cough* I mean buy food for your pet).
Starting first with the basics: the aim of Raiders of Maraqua is to collect
all the treasures without getting attacked by the various swimming foes. You
control Karpoh the Koi by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Pressing the
space bar will either pop the bubble in front of you or send it swimming through
water till it hits the wall or other bubbles. You can also push your treasure
in the same fashion.
The Bubbles:
The light blue bubbles can be pushed or popped, the dark blue bubbles can be
pushed, not popped, and the brown, not a bubble at all but a rock, can not be
popped, but pushed, and it will destroy all other bubbles in its path. And lastly
there are the non-movable objects: those purple things that don’t move.
The Enemies:
There are four kinds of enemies: the sea slorg, the red stingray, the red shark,
and the brown bubble maker. The sea slorgs are, in my opinions, the most annoying.
They like to follow you around everywhere! The red stingray seems to like to
pop bubbles, and the red shark seems to like to push bubbles. The only possibly
good enemy is the bubble maker. He (or she, you never know) will make bubbles
appear. These light blue bubbles can be extraordinarily helpful, especial when
they help you deliver the treasure to the treasure chests. All the enemies appear
from the bubbles, and which sea creature appears is random. If you can hit them
with any bubble or rock, you get 5 points. If you can hit two enemies in a row
with the same bubble, you get 5 points for the first one, and 10 points for
the second one, and so forth and so on. But don’t think you can camp out on
level one and just shoot bubbles at anything that moves. After a while, normally
after you kill three or five, for 15/25 points, I can’t figure out which it
is, they stop giving points. (Just keeping pushing bubbles at the enemies till
you stop gaining points). If one enemy kills another, (I told you they weren’t
all that smart) you earn 1 point.
The Treasure:
The treasure! Without it, this would be a very boring game indeed. There are
two types, one that’s gray and looks like a diamond, and another that is gold,
and looks like a plate with a fancy, “M” on it. However, they are both worth
the same 5 points when you push them into the treasure chest. There are also
gold nuggets that appear randomly on levels, which are worth 5 points each.
To collect them, all you need to do is to touch them. (Apparently little Karpoh
carries them in his mouth for the rest of the game, yummy). There are also random
point bubbles that start at the bottom of the screen and float upwards that
you can catch for an extra 10 points. The last “treasure”, which is the best
item, is a red cross, which gives you an extra life. If you already have 4 lives,
it does nothing. Unfortunately, the extra lives are extraordinarily rare. I
seem to find one every four games.
The Levels:
There are actually two types of levels, the “Watch out for flying bubbles,
scary sea slorgs and way too fast moving red things” or simply battle levels/normal
levels. On the battle levels, make sure you kill all the creatures you can!
You will need these points in order to get the avatar or a trophy.
The second type of level is the “Slow and steady, make sure you know what
you are doing so you don’t get stuck with no way to get your treasure to the
chests since no brown bubble makers will be helping you out this time,” or simply
puzzle levels. You have to think about how each treasure will make it to chest.
Since the game is not timed, and no bad guys will show up, don’t feel bad about
staring at the screen for half an hour (unless of course your little brother
needs to do their homework or something).
And now a basic run-down of the levels, I won’t tell you exactly what to do
on each stage, since that is half the fun! But I will give you some pointers:
Levels 1, 2 and 3 are easy. The only bad thing here is that often you must
wait for an enemy to show up. But be patient! These points are critical.
Level 4 is your first puzzle. No enemies will appear, so you can take your
time and think about it. Remember; never push your treasures against the wall,
since you can’t push them back to the center. I also find that gold nuggets
appear on this round, which I would suggest getting before you push your treasure
around too much, since they stop the flow of moving objects and may prevent
you from completing the round.
More of the same on levels 5 and 6. You have to work fast on level 7, though.
Push both treasures over the left quick, before some pestering stingray pops
your bubbles or some shark hits them against the wall. It’s hard to complete
the level if they do. Store one of the diamonds (or gold plates) in the chest,
and position the other so it can only be pushed in the trunk. Only then venture
out to try sending some slugs to a better place.
Luck plays a role in level 8. Just hope that a slorg doesn’t pop into one of
the 4 bubbles closest to the treasure, or if he does, he doesn’t knock them
around too much. You might have to restart this round if that happens. But if
you discover that you can’t complete the level since you don’t have enough bubbles,
see if you can kill the sea slorgs first. They will be worth 5 points each,
The first thing you do on level 9 is to go the far left side of the screen
and clear out all the light blue bubbles under the dark blue bubble, so that
the dark one has a clear path. This stops you from getting trapped when you
go after the northernmost bubble.
Levels 10-14 are some more bubble-filled, non-puzzle levels. Watch out for
all the dark blue bubbles on 12; you can get trapped easily. And watch where
you're shooting the rocks on 14, you might need some of those bubbles.
Level 15 starts a set of puzzle levels. Most of these are easy to figure out
if you take the time. No enemies will appear till level 19, so just relax. (This
is also a good time to go the bathroom, or let the dog in since you can leave
the game to sit for a while). On 15, push the left rock first so it doesn’t
get in your way. Level 16 contains 5 treasures, and often holds a few gold nuggets.
To get some fast points, push 4 of them into your chest and restart the round.
You get 20 points each time. On level 17 remember that the rocks will smash
through the blue bubbles. Think about the path your bubbles and treasures will
follow on level 18. If you need to, think backward starting at the chest. The
worst thing that can happen on these rounds would be a gold nugget appearing
close to a treasure or bubble, preventing you from moving it. Thus causing you
to restart the level, and you don’t even get the points for the gold nugget
since you couldn’t reach it!
Level 19 is very hard, there are always at least 4 monsters roaming the seafloor,
popping and pushing bubbles and rocks all over the place. And as if that is
not enough, the treasure and treasure chest’s positions don’t make for easy
gathering. You’ll need a lot of bubbles just to take two of your prized possessions
home to the chest. Hope that you’ll get one of those bubble-makers, and if you
do, DON’T KILL IT. Good luck! Good news is that you don’t need to complete this
level to get the avatar. If you were lucky in earlier rounds, and picked up
many gold nuggets and floating 10-point bubbles you should have 800 points about
now. If not, remember to kill all the sea creatures you can!
Level 20. I can’t say that I’ve gotten to this level, that’s how hard level
19 is. But what I hear is that level 20 is the last level, with no treasure
on it. Your only object is to hit anything that moves with bubbles for extra
Quick tips:
1. Never push your treasure up against the sides of the puzzle. There is no
way to pull them back, and they will be stuck there.
2. If you realized that you messed up by pushing your treasure against the
wall (or if some sea slorg did it for you), then you're going to have to reset
the level. But before you do collect as many points as possible. By this I mean
collect any other treasure, and kill as many sea creatures as you can get points
3. Be patient! There is no time limit, so just go slow. If you are still having
trouble with the puzzle levels, trace the path you want your treasure to go,
then figure out what needs to be moved in order to get it there.
Well I hope this article helps you to get a higher score at Raiders of Maraqua!
I myself am already prepared for the plot (thanks TNT, I LOVE Maraqua) and looking
forward to it, and I hope you are too!