The "Mischievous" Mists of Avalon by keiri_sato
Avalon, a Mutant Ixi, awoke on the day of mischief: April
1st , or April fool's day as some like to call it. He had it all planned; he was
going to play a trick on each of his siblings this day. First there was Myncibabins,
his Chocato sister. He knew that she would be the easiest to scare, so he decided
that he would scare her first.
Avalon knew Myncibabins was fast asleep in her
bed when he came down the hall. He carefully opened her door, as not to wake
her, and crept into her room. Avalon was well aware that Myncibabins was tremendously
terrified of bugs, so this would be a walk in the park. Avalon had purchased
a spider on a string the previous week just for this occasion. He would place
it on the pillow close to her head, so when she woke up she would see the spider
and would be terrified. Avalon took the string in one hand, placed the spider
on her pillow, and threaded the string through the crack in her door. He was
going to tug the string to give it animation, and make it seem alive. Avalon
called to Myncibabins from the hall, "Mynci! Wake up for breakfast!" Myncibabins
picked her head off the pillow, stretched her arms out wide and rubbed her eyes.
She saw the spider on her pillow and---- Nothing! She didn't give it any thought,
just pushed it off her pillow and made her bed.
The shocked Avalon tugged the string of the
spider and when it came into reach, grabbed it and replaced it in his pocket.
This was a failure, but he had two other brothers that he had tricks for! So,
he walked away to do his 2nd evil deed.
Stitch wasn't very easy to trick, but he was
definitely easier than his oldest brother, Katamaisie, so he was to be next.
Avalon found Stitch at the end of the hall,
getting ready to go to outside and play. Stitch said, "Hey Avalon, wanna come
outside and play kickball with me?"
Stitch was the more athletic of the siblings,
mainly because he was a Christmas Kougra, and Avalon's evil little mind had
already factored that into his plan. "Sure do! I will go get the ball you go
outside and set up the bases."
Stitch smiled and turned to head outside. Avalon
then headed to his room to get the ball. He had planned on playing kickball
with Stitch, but with his brother asking him first, it made it all the more
perfect. Then he wouldn't look conspicuous. Avalon grabbed a bright red, round
object from his room and started down the stairs. He pushed the door open and
walked across the lawn towards Stitch. "Got it!" yelled Avalon across the yard
to Stitch.
Stitch called back, "Okay, who wants to go first?"
Avalon replied, "Well since it's the two of
us, let's see who can kick it the farthest. I will let you go first this time."
"Fine by me," said Stitch.
Stitch took position on the mound of dirt that
was home base. He readied himself to kick the ball as far as it would go. He
backed up and waited for Avalon to roll the ball. Avalon pulled the ball back
as far as it would go, then rolled it rapidly towards home base and Stitch.
Stitch kicked the ball, but the ball flew backwards into the bushes that lied
under the window of the house. "I will get it!" shouted Avalon as he ran towards
the house.
Avalon disappeared behind the bushes and reappeared
a few moments later. "Got it!" he said to Stitch.
"I will let you go again," said Avalon. "The
last kick doesn't count 'cause it didn't go forward."
"Suits me," Stitch said as he shrugged his shoulders,
then walked to the base again and waited for the pitch.
Avalon looked at the ball, nice and round, but
it looked a bit different from the one that he rolled to Stitch just moments
ago. Avalon chuckled to himself and got ready to pitch once more. Stitch was
ready at the plate as Avalon launched the round object towards him. Stitch pulled
his foot back and kicked the object.
"SPLAT!" went the ball, but it wasn't a ball
at all, it was a melon. Avalon fell to the ground riddled with laughter and
looked towards Stitch, waiting for him to get angry. The melon has splattered
all over Stitch's face and the sticky juices caked his hair. What was amazing
was Stitch didn't get mad as was assumed. He actually laughed and said, "Good
one Avalon! I guess I should be more careful next time!"
Stitch was getting perturbed because his 2nd
big scheme was ruined as well. He was supposed to get mad but in fact was the
opposite. Avalon only had one more person to scam, "so this one better not be
a dud," he said to himself.
Katamaisie, his mutant Lenny brother, was found
in the family store in town stocking some shelves for the customers. They only
had a few more items to sell before the entire store became a gallery. The last
few sales were to fund the last few items needed in the gallery, so their sale
was very important. Katamaisie pulled all the items to the front so they would
be easily seen by the customers. Avalon walked in and the chimes on the door
rang. Katamaisie turned to see his younger brother at the bottom of the stepladder.
"Hello," said Katamaisie.
"Hello, 'Maisie!" replied Avalon. "Need some
"Why, yes I do. I need someone to take care
of business for a minute while I go to the bank and get some more things from
the deposit box. Would you mind?"
"No, absolutely not. Go right ahead," said Avalon.
"Thanks, Avalon!" said Katamaisie, "I will be
right back."
Avalon smiled as Katamaisie walked out the front
door, down the street, towards the bank. Avalon was planning to take all the
nice items and hide them, then tell Katamaisie that someone came in and stole
them. Not long after Katamaisie had left, Avalon checked the store for customers
then walked over to the shelves and began to take the items down. All of a sudden,
the chimes on the front door rang. Avalon got down from the stepladder, and
what did he see but the Pant Devil. The Pant Devil saw Avalon and said, "Oh,
look! Nice items you have there! Hand 'em over and I will be on my way!"
"No, you can't have these!" said Avalon. "They
belong to my family!"
"Not any longer," replied the Pant Devil as
he snatched the items away from Avalon's grasp with amazing force. "These items
are mine!"
Avalon tried to rebuke, but the Pant Devil pushed
him in the floor, laughed and evil laugh, and then left the store with all the
precious items in his hands.
Not long after this had happened, Katamaisie
returned with items in his arms. He saw Avalon on the floor just staring at
the door with a look of astonishment plastered across his face. He was like
"What happened?" asked Katamaisie.
It took Avalon a moment to respond, as he was
still in shock. Then he began slowly, "The-the Pant Devil came in here, and
stole all of our items for sale."
"WHAA-" said Katamaisie, shocked to hear such
news. "That's a lie! The Pant Devil doesn't steal from stores! This is just
one of your stupid pranks! WHERE ARE THE ITEMS?!" he yelled.
"I swear Katamaisie, it's true! I couldn't believe
it! I was just going to hide the items as a trick, but as I was taking them
down, he came in and took them from me! When I said no, he just pushed me down
and walked out with the items! PLEASE, believe me!"
Katamaisie came close to Avalon, and Avalon
cowered in fear. Katamaisie glared at him and then---began to laugh?! What was
this about?
"Why are you laughing at me?" questioned Avalon.
"This is what you get for trying to trick us!
We got you back!" said Katamaisie between chuckles.
"What do you mean?" asked Avalon, puzzled.
Katamaisie walked out of the front door, around
the corner of the store and came back with the Pant Devil that had just robbed
them. He still had all of the items in his hands.
"Ahhh! There he is! He came back for more!"
screamed Avalon.
Before Katamaisie could say a word, Avalon had
pushed him out of the way and with a large "CLONK!" had knocked the creature
over the head with a Jhuidah cooking pot.
"OUCH!" yelled the Pant Devil while rubbing
his head. He dropped the items and reached around his head and pulled. A mask
fell off of his face and Avalon saw that it wasn't the real Pant Devil it was---
"Stitch?! What are you doing dressed up as the
Pant Devil?" said Avalon.
"Teaching you a lesson! We knew that you would
try to trick us today, but you need to know when it's okay to do something like
that. When you do it all the time, it's not funny!"
"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry you guys. Well at least
Mynci is the good one, she wasn't in on this."
"Well, actually-," said a voice from the back
room. Myncibabins appeared from the doorway. "Don't count me out just yet!"
"Oh, well I understand. I will try to tone it
down a bit more from now on." Said Avalon. "You guys got me good this time,
though. I had no idea! I was wondering why none of you fell for the tricks that
I had pulled today."
"Yeah, we were all aware that you would try
something today, so we were ready for you!" said Myncibabins.
"Well I guess I learned my lesson alright! Let's
all go home for the day, and play kickball with a REAL ball. What do ya say,
guys?" said Avalon.
"Sounds good!" the three all said in unison.
Avalon put his hands in his pockets and felt
a large hairy object. He chuckled to himself and threw the items in the floor.
"Hey Mynci!" he said.
"What is it, Avalon?"
"What's that on the floor?"
The End