"Autobiography of a Balloon" by scarletrhapsody We are objects of amusement for little baby pets, with the pure and simple purpose that is to provide hours of fun...
End of the World When Silara went to sleep that night her life
was made perfect. She didn't know this immediately but the fact was there, buried
deep within her subconscious for when she woke up in this new world...
What REALLY Goes On Inside the NT Submission Form "Hello Miss," said the Zafara, waving at Rachel.
"I'm Nigel Randonon. Would you like to buy some of my Juppie Juice Ink? It's
not real juice, it just smells like it! All your friends will love receiving
letters from you!"
Mika and Carassa: The Igloo Garage Sale Proprietors Mika and Carassa, the cute little igloo Chias. Perhaps the most famous Chias
in the whole of Neopia. They even have a game modeled after their business.
But are they deserving of this honor?
Hannah Meets Hannah: Part Four "Did you really think I was helping you?" growled
the Snow Beast. "It was merely a trap to get you all here. I've been after you
for a long time, Hannah. Now, you're mine!"