The following word will cause one (or more!) of three reactions: a) Screams b) Hurl c) Death. What utterly horrible, squishy, slimy, terrifying thing could cause such reactions? None other but fungus, of course! When most people see or hear of fungus, a disgusting, moldy granny's bathtub comes to mind. And hey, we can't blame you for recalling these sickening images. But really... in the nick of its uber filthiness, Neopia couldn't be what it is today without this stuff. Why? Allow us to explain...
Cold as Snow He regarded the short pink Xweetok in front of him. For a minute it seemed like he wasn't going to answer her at all, but then he spoke in an icy tone.
The Wise Whoot: Blaze's Lesson Blaze looked down. The Wise Whoot had been trying to teach his new apprentice how to summon motes on command, but Blaze was struggling.
Gathows: Neopia's Forgotten Treasure We all have a characteristic star shaped marking on our foreheads, which makes us easily identifiable. This marking isn't just for looks; it serves a purpose.
Heart of Ice: Part One One of the most interesting places I have ever explored was the Ice Caves beneath Terror Mountain. These are passageways left in an enormous glacier, some thousands of cubic miles...