Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 175,204,523 Issue: 365 | 24th day of Collecting, Y10
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The Hero Society - #7

...In which we have something that looks suspiciously like filler.

by bearcatt
Life of Kai #4

Kai is in SUCH trouble...

by katopia12
Tricked Treating

Dude, what ARE you?!

Also by clouding

by devamped

I Like My Petpets

I like them. I really do. :3

by sue_sa

Some immortals are so misunderstood. :(

Also by tirilia

by lolzana

Someone Can Be Listening To You...


Also by geestelijk

by gaby_marques

Unfamiliar Faces

I suppose even meepits would recognize the Great Dr. Sloth.

by illumiinate
Healthy Jelly Food

Eat what I said, not what I eat.

by dashiell_hamet
Sometimes You Have To Wonder #4

Because the boards are where nightmares begin D:

by folkloric
Happy Neggs - At The Beach

Water and cloth don't mix...

by glowroki
Zomg, Really?!

How well do you really know your pet?

by toffeedatepudding
The Money Tree

I so would like some more neopoints! =(

by tatadsb
Did anybody see...

...what happened to my cake?

by loubie_04
.light house life.


by louishooper

No siblings for this pet!

by samie31300777
NeoQuest II Evolution: Advanced Sneaking Mode

A new movement mode allows Rohane and the others to roam unnoticed across the acts.

by dyd_666_81

Great costume.

by plaquenil
Brain Storm

Starring Woocky32 and Dreihe. : D

by dirty_doggy_inuyasha

Don't hurt him, he's my friend! D:

by yampuff
Good Ol' Sloth

Hehe =D

by bubbleeee
Evil Has Many Faces

The Wheel of Evil

by brightnightfight
Tu Quoque: Cheater!!!

Brucey B is such an enthusiastic player...

by daughterofmw3
Clashing Colours

Why aren't there any libraries?

by ringb
Twinsanity - Losing Teeth

It doesn't have to be natural, you know...

by uzumakitakun

Now you know.

by muffiato
{ Inflation ]

Oh my. Things have gone up. Literally.

Also by 777lehuanani

by pretty_kitty_119

High Flyer


by 1bird
UA: Halloween Quest, Part 2

Tulips are not scary.

Also by invalid_character

by water_park1993

Literally Speaking

Faerie Paintbrush, Rarity: 240, Price: ...?

by bannai
A Spooky Halloween, part 3

...Invite the guests...

by ghostkomorichu
He Did It

So that's why that plug is there....

by butterflygirl113
Land of Pacman

Suspicious_joey was just minding his own business, when--

by pacmanite
Feepit Frenzy #13

The balloon is probably the most fun.

by fariy287
Half-Eaten Love Berries

It seemed like a cool idea at the time...

by mystery881
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"Wings of Wonder" by turtles_are_coolpets
Pippin the Baby Shoyru stared unhappily at the sky filled with flying pets. Shoyrus, Buzzes, and pets that were lucky enough to be painted a color that included wings. He sighed. It hadn’t been too long ago when he was a contented green Shoyru. But then one night as he was heading back home after a day of flying, a Baby Bruce had...

Other Stories


The Yurble Diaries
Some kid went poking around the Hall of Heroes today. I was there, dancing with my mop like usual, when some snotty-faced kid stuck her nose in. RAARGH!

by lemonarra


Little Quadrapus Lost
"It's a pirate petpet and these things are not welcome here."

by azurelightning


The Art of Guild Making
It took me some three years to finally find a guild that had the sort of stability that many "guild hoppers" long for.

by steph22_1


The Real Dark Faeries
Do not make the same mistakes I did.

by a_greenparrot


Fools and Children: Part One
"GitchiManitou," began the Faerie Queen in his vision earlier that night, "You have been chosen..."

by mamasimios


Telzleh's Quest: Part One
What would a Mutant do to return to her old form? A mysterious amulet seemed to know how.

by outsyder

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