For an easier life Circulation: 112,409,164 Issue: 224 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y8
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New Series

The Five Kaus: Part One

"But I've heard rumors that his lab ray can change me into a different Neopet!" Metonot complained. "I don't WANT to change into another Neopet!"

by jacob133
As the Clouds Clear: Part One

No one could understand why she always seemed so upset now. They'd approach her and ask, "Why so sad?" without noticing her grey coloring...

by puppy200010
Green Genies and H.A.M.S.: Part One

"Well? What's the meaning of this? How did this happen?" the Draik asked pointedly, his face icy and without any trace of play...

by buddy33774
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"Today and Every Day" by neo_star_queen
In the morning, pale sunlight filled the room. It wasn't too hard for the beams to enter; the curtains were made of white cloth, after all. The light fell onto a lump in a bed, a pet burrowed under his blankets. 'Get up,' giggled the light...

Other Stories


Earning Back Friendship
"A Lupe's got a right to hum," I said indignantly. "You're lucky I'm not singing."

by animalnutz1993


The Kadoatie Katastrophe
Neoschool had broken up the day before for seven long weeks, and I had a tigersquash for breakfast. Everything was perfect. Until, that is, the door opened and in came my little sister...

by bookworm_kate347


A Trip to the Pound
You don’t know how many times I have seen pets with almost the same exact names in the pound. People are creating pets to be abandoned. How sad is that?

by czenko28


The Blus
Most of us have heard of Roo Island, the happy little spot where everyone is bouncing and smiling all day long. Sounds like a great place, doesn't it? But what shadows and secrets lurk behind every smile?

by literalluau


Top Five: Darigan's
... Oh dear.

by citadell


Tallure & LabRat, Kitomai
What were they arguing about anyway?

by akkuran

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