Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 155,374,126 Issue: 208 | 16th day of Gathering, Y7
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Short Stories

Braddah's Secret

Densee, noticing her gaze, also looked up. "Let's get this over with," she said exasperatedly...

by kemppotatoe
The Pool Party

"Urgh, it's so hot," moaned Janie suddenly as she took a sip of her lukewarm lemonade, then placed it back on her stomach...

by chocolateisamust
Bumping Back

They say if you leave your window open at night that you might not be there in the morning...

by einstein20
Mightier than the Sword

A single Krawk stumbled along the beach. He was clearly a pirate, like most of the residents of Krawk Island. Keen eyes searched the unwieldy beach for a hiding place, finding none...

by hmlanden

Reports had filtered back of disturbances near the edge of Terror Wood and so Almister had taken it upon himself to seek out the source of the unrest...

by numbertwelve
When Life Gives you Lemons Make Lemonade

How can one lemonade stand bring two enemies together?

by hottamale0774
Taking The Limelight

No, wait! What if the answer to a great mystery lies within these walls? It would be too good to pass up... you can't leave now, anyway!

by yatomiyuka
Dr. Yotaria's Sanity is Going, Going... Gone!

So here it was. My second day of psychoanalyzing celebrities for extra pocket money, and I didn't have anything...

by extreme_fj0rd
Gimmie Gimmie Never Gets

One day, a long time ago, Adrian and Natalie went to see the paint brush gallery, and all the painted pets they had there...

by 101monica101
Tell Tessa

Do you remember that time we went out to buy some new dresses and we came across a poor, homeless, little Ixi?

by star_29791
Molly Daente and the MarshMonster

The only sound that was heard was a mysterious rustling sound, ever-so-faintly coming from behind them. Still, they suspected nothing while toasting white Marshmallows over the fire...

by peterpuffin1
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Uses for Your Petpets

Not many people have noticed, but Petpets also make the most fabulous temporary HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES when your toaster is broken or you’ve lost the scissors! This article is a guide dedicated to the top ten Petpet household appliances to use in your Neohome. Enjoy!

Other Stories


Top Ten Petpet Household Appliances
Not many people have noticed, but Petpets also make the most fabulous temporary HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES when your toaster is broken or you’ve lost the scissors!

by candykitty


Lupe vs. Chia: Reason Behind the Madness?
As a proud Lupe owner, I began to wonder what caused my pet’s mouth to water with desire every time a Chia walked by...

by twirlsncurls5


BOOM!: Part Four
"Listen to me, Devyn," Ms. Fringle said strictly. "Theft is something taken very seriously at this school and unless you have complete proof that Vicky supposedly stole your essay..."

by blubblub317


Keith and Dash: Part One
"I should go try my luck at the Wheel of Monotony!"

Also by springsteen0991

by christinetran


Smelly Nelly
"Goes to a restaurant."

by i_hate_backstabbers


Scene of the Crime
Walkie-talkies manufactured by Virtupets, Inc!

by ickessler

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