teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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Short Stories

How to Have Fun With the Lab Map

 "Ohhh, Lay! Come see what I've got for you! " My owner's singsong voice came from the door...

by for_making_layouts
Always at Home

He had been living in the Space Station for upwards of 5 months now. He went to sleep at the midnight buzzer and woke up on the breakfast buzzer. He spent 6 hours each day serving up food to the tourists...

by genius5000x
The Tournament

"Ready? For what?" Suddenly Taiheeky remembered. "Oh no, that can't be today!"

by piggy_pen
Gallery Blues

"Isn't there something we could do?" Kyra exchanged her gaze to look at the speaker, her brother. "I mean, can't we sell some stuff, or something?"

by falcon970
Achieving Flight

She was the youngest of her owner's pets, created just three months ago. Created as green Pteri, created with the desire to fly in her heart...

by lost_desert_girl
Roses in the Snow

She glided down the gentle slope to a vantage point from which she could see most of the racecourse; the current group of skiers was halfway down already, and her race was up next...

by extreme_fj0rd
The Daring Dish Dash

Tippy the Snowbunny did the only thing a Snowbunny of his height, weight, personal emotions, social standings, income, fur color and ear length would do. He screeched at the top of his lungs.

by katiea14
The New Family Member

Ah, this is the life. Rolling around in the front yard with your Neopet, letting her fuss over you, feed you, paint you a fancy color, love you…what more could a Faerie Doglefox ask for?

by animalnutz1993
The Grey Faerie: Before the Darkness

As you walk through Faerieland, you see a figure lurking in a dark alley and masked by shadows, sobbing. Her shoulders shudder with every breath. You step closer, only to find her running...

by gpigluv

Sweet covered his ears with his paws. "Okay, okay, do we really have to know all of that?" He glared at the faerie Acara who was yakking her mouth off with endless tales of style and who-knew-what...

by precious_katuch14
Selina and the Rainbow

However, for one particular light faerie, today would not be just any regular day...

by moelucyme77
Mira's Big Day

"Today's the day!" Mira whispered to herself as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Today is the day I finally get my chance to make King Skarl laugh!"

by rainpaint
Walk or Swim

Faeries, unlike Neopets, do not need to be created; they just appear. Sierra was watching out for the faintest sound or sign and pricked up her pointed ears, waiting expectantly...

by digital_microwave
Search the Neopian Times


"Selina and the Rainbow" by moelucyme77
Still sleepy, she stretched, yawned, and with a jolt, realized what today was. Today was the day she turned fifteen, but that was not any regular birthday for a faerie. The day a young faerie aged fifteen years was the day she was accepted into adult faerie society...

Other Stories


111 Symptoms From the Lost Desert
I have put together a list of 111 of the most common symptoms of OLDPD, Obsessive Lost Desert Plot Disorder.

by kristine2467


Getting Back to Basics
I wondered how these pets survived with just enough to eat when my pets could barely go on for a day without their Red Long Hair Brushes. I thought it over and came to a conclusion: Why couldn’t we survive like wild pets do? It couldn’t be that hard...

by horserider12302


The Jackals of Sakhmet - Kasha's Plot: Part Three
"Quick, hide!" Lee whispered fiercely, tugging on Omar's robes and pulling him behind the closest shelf. The two of them hastily disguised themselves in the shadows of the towering shelves...

by arrielle5


Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part One
The normally pirate colored Lupess stretched her arms over her head to warm up stiff muscles. It's three weeks until the Day of Giving, she thought. Jeran and Khalyen have better get me something nice to make up for this...

by nimras23


How do you like my new Halloween costume?

by kikiscamps_mom


Sand Hassle Castle
What kind of Neopet are you?

by goldchocobo21

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