For an easier life Circulation: 113,598,787 Issue: 227 | 10th day of Awakening, Y8
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Short Stories

Fyora's Gift

Queen Fyora stood on a three-legged stool with her arms out to the sides. Her dressmaker, Tori, was sewing an outfit for the Valentine's Day ball in early February...

by blueberryz_n_cream99

Clocks all around tick softly, loudly, some with the brays of Kaus, some with the gentle song of a faerie, some with the dull, mechanical noise that we all know from our own homes...

by _sunset_phoenix
Fun at the Neolodge

"MI," my Christmas Bori, Apoc began. "I am going to explain this in terms an idiot could understand. WE are going on a vacation to get away from you..."

by mystery_island111223
The One that Got Away

As Dr. Yelp led her down the sterile halls, Xweetiepea noticed that there weren’t very many patients; most of the rooms were empty...

by arthursmom
LD Attacks!

"Ahhhh, the Doglefox is going to get me!"

by yellowsugardog
Pink Snow

The blossoms shudder before letting go of their hold on the tree, slowly drifting to the ground below. They let the wind carry them...

by jelleyfrosting
Roberta's Bet

Slowly, ever so slowly, Tor reached for his sword over his right shoulder, the fur on his neck standing on end...

by theneogoddess

Inside the shell, an unborn Neopet stirred, feeling the cold from outside penetrate through the warmth of the egg...

by rainbow_daydreamer
The Joy of Fishing

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to now take my pets to a fishing hole where they too could experience the thrill of catching the 'Big One', or elaborating on stories of 'The One That Got Away'...

by buddy__blankies

I, Opelia, your ordinary Buzz, was about to be painted ELECTRIC! I was so ecstatic!

by grapesourhorse
Cold Hands, Warm Heart

The long summer days passed quickly and turned into the crisper days of fall. In the cool autumn afternoons Hippie could be seen plowing through the many piles of leaves that she raked...

by garden_bug9
Jhudora's Valentine

The morning passed, and no helpers arrived. No pathetic minions. No loyal servants. Jhudora pouted in her chair...

by doughnut215
No Gift Too Small

Above the great hall, in a small balcony, Jeran clutched a square pink box nervously. From his vantage point, he watched silently...

by kushbi
Noelk's Valentines Day

She was in bed, struck with the worst case of Neoflu in a century. She sneezed, hacked, choked, and spat phlegm out with every word...

by hmlanden
Why Do We Need Valentines Gifts, Anyway?

"Yeah, I'd eat the chocolate long before I had a chance to give it to anyone," Hentor said...

by nut862
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Guide to Gooey Goodies

Nothing makes me happier than imagining myself eating some of these ooey gooey sticky, messy foods. For the love of food, I don't want any 'boring' treats, because I think there is something very satisfying about drippy messy foods! How about rolling up your sleeves for some ooey, gooey fun? MMM imagine OOEY, STICKY melted CHOCOLATE...

Other Stories


10 Traditional Gifts For Valentine’s Day
For those of you who do not like shopping, or more importantly, who haven’t got any idea what you’ll get all your acquaintances (but would like something more traditional), then you’ve stumbled upon the right article!

by shadowcristal


Chapter Four - Slime Recipes
"Chapter Four," she muttered to herself, "Slime Recipes…" She grinned as she opened to the chapter, reading thoroughly five recipes which would fill her slime craving…

by mistoffelees_cat


Faerie Forest: Part Two
The Cybunny kept running, but it was no use. She didn't seem to be going anywhere...

by lavendergoddess79


The Ruby Heart: Part Three
"Yes, your past," my mother started in a sweet melodic voice. "It began fifteen and a half years ago..."

by kindheartedfairy


Too Big?
Hate when that happens.

by klipsan


Sweet Valentine
Do not pull.

by richnangela005

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