The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 145,521,815 Issue: 253 | 18th day of Hiding, Y8
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Short Stories

Soup's Up!

Kela sighed. "I'll come with you to this wheel then. Just don't expect me to be enthusiastic, because I'm not in the mood, alright?"

by bellababy265
The Wish for Warmth

"I wish I was someplace warm," I said quietly to myself...

by allisonlevon
Nestled in the Rotting Footwear

Looking upward, through the water, she could clearly see several Neopians casting lines into the water, each line with an odd wiggling creature at the end...

by keytopond
A True Friend

Halfway there, I was intercepted by Lily, my Ixi friend. Her fur was a plain, ragged blue. Her family was... less fortunate than mine...

by timber_wolf_789
Lessons for Sparkie

Just then, I spotted Sparkie. The Shoyru was outside, listlessly bouncing a basketball along the garden path. I sighed...

by shroomsrock101
Dawn of Darkness: The Beginning

With a bow of the head, Val rushed out of her mistress' quarters and onto the bustling streets of Meridell...

by arrielle5
Tea Friends - From a Different Side

They had been friends since they were little! They had called themselves the 'Tea Friends', because they both had the word 'tea' in their name...

by greenjunglekitty
Greed and Gold

"Arr, so ye're lookin' fer a tale, are ye? A tale to whisk ye away from this miserable old hole? Well sit back, buckoes, and keep yer measly ears open if ye think ye're man enough to stand tha horrors I'm about to be a-tellin' ye..."

by orangeorge62
You're Too Little!!!

"'re painted Baby and you'll never be old enough. What good are little brothers anyway?"

by _ninjamasta_

"So, little one, you are awake at last. You must be hungry. I'll get you some food..."

by katiesheffield

Armin stood up slowly and looked around the cave, squinting. "It's getting dark," he proclaimed...

by biscuitmunster
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Don't Freak Out

Do you tremble at the sight of a factory worker? Do you cringe when you see enormous vats that need to be filled? Do the words 'Freaky Factory' strike terror into your heart?! Well, my fellow Neopians, you'll be glad to know that there is no need to be freaked anymore, with the snazzy new Freaky Factory Guide! Let's break it down into three categories...

Other Stories


On the Impossibility of a Jelly World
Yet, even a mind most muddled by a strong blow from a Faerie Slingshot should be able to recognize the impossibility of such a locale. It simply does not hold up to scrutiny.

by mats77


Thankless Work: The Kadoatery Keeper
Hello, Neopia! Tirthaseva and Kiikoro the MSP Poogle here, reporting to you from the Kadoatery with an exclusive interview with Esther the Eyrie, the Kadoatery Keeper...

Also by cloud96688

by tirthaseva


True Sisters: Part Six
Cinpate decided it was time for us to be trained. He began, not surprisingly, with a lecture. Sitting on the grass in a glade not far from Illusen's, we listened as he explained...

by im_smarter_then_you


The Adventures of a New Big Sister: Part One
I should have realized what she was doing when she left the house in the middle of the night. But I didn't. So when she came back with a surprise curled up in her arms with a finger in his mouth...

by jeanaet


Are you SURE you know where we're going?

by buchler2


Insanity (When Battling Meuka)
What's underneath all that tough snot + the secret to defeating Meuka...

by vietbabi07

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