Savak: The Medallion - Part Seven by zephandolf
"Savak?" Lukas said as he padded over to the cage. "Why
did you sneak off? Who is this?"
Savak turned from the cage Murgoh was in to find
both Lukas and Heysha had followed him down the catwalk to the cages. Self-conscious
of the fact that he had wandered off without telling anyone, his ears drooped
low and he backed into the cage.
"Savak?" Murgoh said. "Is this a friend of yours?"
Savak looked from the caged Murgoh to Lukas.
Then he took a deep breath and began the introductions. "Lukas, Heysha," he
said. "This is Murgoh, the leader of my pack. Murgoh, this is Lukas and Heysha.
They helped me find you."
"He's the leader of your pack, huh?" Lukas asked,
padding over. He took a moment to take in his scent. "You seem awfully familiar.
Have we met at some point?"
"Murgoh? What's going on over there?"
Savak looked up in surprise as his mother padded
over from the other side of the cage. When she came to stand next to Murgoh,
she looked up, and went stiff with shock.
"Lukas?" she said, surprised.
"Jessie!" Lukas exclaimed. "What are you…how…?"
"What's going on?" asked Gerthen as he padded
over from another part of the cage. Kosek soon followed, along with a few other
"Who are they?" Kosek asked. He didn't recognize
"Who cares about that," one of the other Lupes
said. "Can they get us out of here?"
There was a chorus of questions from the rest
of the Lupes. Though Savak paid little attention to them. He was too involved
in watching Lukas and Jessie.
"I haven't seen you in so long!" Jessie told
Lukas. "What are you doing here?"
"I was helping Savak, here, find his pack,"
Lukas said. "But why are you…" He paused as he looked from Savak to Jessie.
"Oh, I see now. It's no wonder you smelled familiar before, Savak." He turned
to Savak. "Jessie is your mother, isn't she?"
"Yes, she is," Savak said. "But, how do you know
Lukas looked to Jessie again. "She used to live
with Jason and me before he adopted Heysha."
"Savak, is that you?" Jessie asked. "What happened
to your fur?"
"Ahem," Murgoh said, sitting up straight. Heysha
looked at him for a second, then over at Savak.
"Oh, I see," she said.
Lukas gave Savak and Jessie odd looks before
he changed the subject. "Alright, we need to get out of here. Where's the cage's
Silently, most of the Lupes looked back to the
far end of the cage. The side that was completely in the open. Savak smirked
at the irony. "Of course, it couldn't have been a simple job," he said. "Lukas,
where are you going?"
"I'm going to the front of the cage," Lukas whispered
back as he skirted the wall of bars. "Heysha, keep an eye out for guards."
"Be careful, Lukas," Jessie said.
Savak wanted to tell Lukas not to go, but he
was too far away for him to get his attention without attracting the wrong attention.
So, instead, he watched as the Kougra rounded the cage, keeping as low to the
floor as he possibly could. When he reached the cage door on the other side,
he checked for guards quickly, and then rose up to try and pick the lock with
his clawed glove.
"Do you think that'll work?" Savak asked Murgoh.
Murgoh shrugged.
"I can't say for sure," he said. "I haven't been
in Neopia Central since…" he hesitated nervously. "…Since I asked your mother
to join our pack. And even then, devices like this could confuse me."
"Why did Jessie leave?" Heysha asked, padding
closer to the cage.
"I, uh, wanted to know what it was like in the
wild," Jessie cut in before Murgoh could explain. "And since Murgoh was offering…"
Savak could not help feeling that they were holding
something back. But before he could voice his suspicions, the lock on the cage
clicked open, and he saw Lukas opening the door.
"Come on," he whispered. "We need to go before
we're spotted!"
Silently, all the Lupes in the cage filed toward
the door, passing through in ones and twos until they were all out. No one uttered
a word, even as they gathered themselves among the scattered crates in a secluded
part of the factory floor. While everyone was gathering, Savak found Murgoh
again and pulled him aside.
"How are we going to get all these Lupes out
without alerting the guards?" Savak asked.
"I imagine that the best way to get out of here
undetected is to go back the way you came." Murgoh replied. "How did you get
down here?"
Savak pointed his nose to the catwalk. "We came
that way. The catwalk crosses the entire factory. And there's an open vent on
the other side. But the drop from the vent is very high. Lukas and I had to
climb a pipe to get to it. I imagine Heysha came the same way."
"She didn't travel with you?" Murgoh asked. Savak
shook his head.
"No, she followed us here," the white Lupe replied.
"We didn't even realize it until…I found her in the factory."
Murgoh nodded. "Well, trivial matters aside,
I have spoken with a number of Lupes in that cage. Most are spry, and were rather
active out on the plains. If you show them how, I'm sure they could climb down
that pipe. But we must hurry. The guards check the cage regularly. Gather the
"Me?" Savak asked. "You want me to lead these
Lupes? You must be joking! They're not even a real pack! And I haven't led anyone
in my life!"
"Well, you have to start sometime," Murgoh said
bluntly. "You're the leader of our pack now. I hardly know which way to go in
this place, and I doubt that they'll follow your friend over there, no offence
to him."
Savak opened his mouth to protest once again
when Lukas padded over. "Savak, the Lupes are ready to go. What's going on?"
"He was just pulling himself together," Murgoh
explained. "Savak is going to lead the pack."
"He is?" Lukas asked. He received no response
as Murgoh walked back to the scattered crates. Shaking his head, Lukas turned
to Savak. "Are you up to this?"
"Of course not," Savak said. "But what choice
do I have? Do you think a bunch of Lupes are going to listen to a Kougra they
hardly know?" he added, seeing the truth in Murgoh's words.
"You have a point," Lukas said as Savak went
to join the pack.
Savak padded silently over to the gathered Lupes.
As he approached, many of the Lupes turned his direction. Savak's body tensed
as all eyes fell upon him. The last time he'd been the center of attention,
it was to give his input on whether or not to stay in the plains. Now he was
going to lead some twenty-odd Lupes out of a potentially dangerous situation,
and hopefully get out undetected. Sitting down, Savak began to explain how they
were going to leave the factory. There was no need to call their attention to
him; he already had it.
"N-now that you're all out of the cage," he
began, a little nervously. "We have to get you out of the factory." As quickly
as he could, Savak described the course they would take, along the long catwalk
high above them, to the open vent, and then to the pipe outside the building.
"Once we're there, Lukas and Heysha will descend first to show the rest of you
how to get down. Everyone, pay attention to the Lupe ahead of you so you don't
mess up and fall. I will go last. Does everyone understand?" There was a little
murmuring, and Lupes turning to each other. Eventually, Savak got a nod from
every single one of them. "Good. Let's go." With that, Savak led the way to
the ladder for the first leg of the journey.
No one uttered a word as they crossed the factory.
They only stopped a few times to duck as guards passed below them, unaware that
what they were was guarding was escaping, lying hidden yards over their heads.
When they approached the other side of the factory, Savak was starting to think
that they were actually going to get away with it. They were going to get out
of the factory, and no one would know until it was too late.
Then a shrill sound echoed across the factory.
"It's an alarm!" Lukas exclaimed. "They must
have checked the cage!"
At this moment, Savak's mind was running in a-hundred
different directions. Many fears and misgivings about this escape suddenly surfaced.
He was on the verge of panic!
Then he spotted the open vent. It was several
yards down the catwalk. Only a dash away. This reassured him quickly, and only
on thing remained on his mind: Get the Lupes out of the factory.
"Come on!" Savak yelled as he dashed to the vent.
The Lupes followed close on his heels. Savak stopped when he reached the vent
and turned around. "Lukas! Heysha!" he called. He watched as they emerged from
the gathered crowd and jumped into the vent. Then Savak turned to the closest
Lupe. "Alright," he said. "Everyone, into the vent, single file! Remember; watch
the Lupe ahead of you so you can get down the pipe safely!"
One by one, each of the Lupes jumped into the
vent. Savak could head them as their paws rumbled along the inside of the metal
tube. Once they were all in, Savak jumped into the vent himself. He glanced
back briefly as he closed the vent. The various guards were running around the
factory, doing a "systematic" and rather hasty search. It would take them a
few minutes to realize that they were searching in all the wrong places. Savak
allowed himself a smirk as he secured the vent and went to join the pack.
When he reached them, only a few Lupes were left
in the building. Apparently, they were learning quickly. Each took his turn
smoothly, and with little hesitation, even though the pipe outside was barely
within reach. The things you discover you can do in a desperate situation.
When it was Savak's turn, he managed the mount
the pipe quickly and descend to the factory yard without incident. Once his
paws were on solid ground again, he found Lukas waiting at the bottom for him.
"Everyone's down," he said. "No one had any trouble."
"Good," Savak replied. "Come on, let's get out
of…" He was cut short suddenly when his side was rammed into. Taken by surprise,
it took him a moment to throw off his attacker. Once he regained his footing,
Savak saw who attacked him. It was one of the Lupes he'd just rescued!
"What…Why are you attacking?" he asked. He received
no response as the Lupe jumped at him again. There was no barking, no snarl,
no yelling. Only a low growl. His eyes were expressionless and unseeing. Quickly,
Savak deflected the Lupes attack, and remembered the shadow Lupe, Kaylee. This
Lupe was being controlled!
"Savak!" Murgoh cried. Savak turned quickly and
saw his former leader facing off with several Lupes. "Use the medallion!" he
"How?" Savak asked.
"Just think about it!" Murgoh replied as he knocked
a Lupe to the ground.
Savak dodged another blow as he tried to figure
out what Murgoh meant. Think about what? He ducked and weaved several times
as he tried to think of what he was supposed to think about. He glanced around
briefly as he did this. Half the pack was being controlled. Their minds were
not their own. They had been subdued by the power of that Dark Faerie's medallion.
He had to free their minds. That was it!
Distracted by his sudden revelation, Savak took
a swipe across his muzzle, and he fell to the ground.
To be continued...